Fallen Muppet. Lest we never forget
I guess they decided to end it with a shit episode. Hope this doesn't count as a spoilee.
That was actually worse than S8 ending. Turned it off as soon as Harrison shot Dexter.
I guess they decided to end it with a shit episode. Hope this doesn't count as a spoilee.
I reckon he’ll fake his death, and end up working as a lumberjack somewhereThe one thing I love about this is I have absolutely no idea how it will actually end. Of course, we can all speculate but they could go in a number of directions..
That was actually worse than S8 ending. Turned it off as soon as Harrison shot Dexter.
Is anyone else worried that they're setting this up so that Dexter dies and Harrison carries the torch?
That ending was sadly inevitable. The problem is
fans of Dexter love seeing MCH as Dexter. Killing him off like that achieved what they said in 'blowing the internet up' but has in reality just pissed off the whole fanbase.
It's not just about killing him off, I was ok with it like lots of people I read, problem is how they rushed everything through tons of plot holes and inconsistencies.
Yeah, sorry, to be specific him being killed off by Harrison in that way and the stuff with Coach Logan. I know they did that to set up the final bit with Harrison being disgusted and killing Dexter because of it but it doesn't ring right. Would have preferred a 12 episode season and for Batista and Dexter to meet face to face.
I think some of the negativity at this ending comes from the longstanding problem of them having turned Dexter into a kind of superhero serial killer.
There are other shows I can think of where the main character dying felt right because the audience was at that point on board with the idea that they deserved punishment/consequences for their actions. Whereas with Dexter there seems to be a significant chunk of the audience who essentially see Dexter as a good guy and want him to get away with everything he's done.
There were good seasons after it but you can trace a lot of the show's problems back as far as season 2, when they saved Dexter from having to make an uncomfortable decision by having Lila intervene and kill Doakes for him. That moment was typical of the series' reluctance to ever really have Dexter do something that would side the audience against him, which is an issue when the character is nominally an anti-hero serial killer.
Though tbf this finale also suffered from the plot holes, bad pacing and erratic character choices that are all too familiar for people who watched enough seasons of the show.
I think some of the negativity at this ending comes from the longstanding problem of them having turned Dexter into a kind of superhero serial killer.
There are other shows I can think of where the main character dying felt right because the audience was at that point on board with the idea that they deserved punishment/consequences for their actions. Whereas with Dexter there seems to be a significant chunk of the audience who essentially see Dexter as a good guy and want him to get away with everything he's done.
There were good seasons after it but you can trace a lot of the show's problems back as far as season 2, when they saved Dexter from having to make an uncomfortable decision by having Lila intervene and kill Doakes for him. That moment was typical of the series' reluctance to ever really have Dexter do something that would side the audience against him, which is an issue when the character is nominally an anti-hero serial killer.
Though tbf this finale also suffered from the plot holes, bad pacing and erratic character choices that are all too familiar for people who watched enough seasons of the show.
I disagree with that personally. The problem in my opinion is that there is basically no payoff to the time we've all invested in the series. He was always going to die, but the way they did it was just stupid.
I think I might be the only person who liked the ending.
Yes, there are a few plot lines that weren't wrapped up on screen . But it's pretty obvious how those will end up.
Much better to have this season and that finale instead of the Deb storyline. Powerful and sad episode but also true that it pretty much needed to end that way for Hairrson to have a different life than his dad
What will you say when Harrison gets his own spinoff and starts murdering people like is rumoured?
If I dont like it I wont watch it? And in terms of that spoiling this ending, it probably would yes. Maybe if it was 1 person and then he is able to get away with it and live a normal life vowing never to do it again it could be okayish. But I'll wait to see what happens rather than rumours.
I would 100% leave it right here. I didnt feel that way after the last series of the original Dexter, I felt there was more that could be done. But this is the perfect stopping point and now im ready for a new show, rather than trying to make a new Dexter in the same world and characters.
It's just not though. Does anyone really care about Harrison or his character?
I absolutely hate that we didn't get to see any of the repercussions for either Kurt or Dexter being outed as serial killers. That was just really bad.
I just wanted it revealed to the whole world that Dexter was the Bay Harbour Butcher. That in itself would have been satisfactory. Him being prosecuted or maybe just giving his stance to the world would have been an icing on the cake. Not letting Batista and Dexter meet is just disappointing too. Dexter not telling Angela he killed Kurt and he kills the likes of Kurt only because of what she would find in that underground trophy room is also lame. I mean sure she finally finds out what happened to those girls, but they don't show any newly found sympathy for Dexter from Angela due to what she saw.
I don't think anyone minds Dexter getting killed be it by Harrison or the chair, but his wider crimes being exposed to the world would have been an orgasmic ending, one that I have been waiting for many years. Sad stuff.
Did anyone else find Julia Jones (Angela) to be a poor actress? Or that they wasted Clancy Brown by not developing his character?
New Blood has left me with so many questions:
- Excluding the real world answer that Clyde Phillips apparently hated Hannah, why do we learn nothing about Harrison's life in Argentina?
- Why did Dexter not immediately consider the local incinerator for the disposing of Matt?
- Why does the incinerator spew ashes out onto the town?
- How did only Kurt notice the ashes?
- Why is there an endless stream of young, single girls passing through an apparently dead end town?
- After matching DNA and arresting Kurt for murder, why is the matter dropped without any effort to build a case?
- What are the odds that Angela would encounter Batista? Was that the best they could do to shoehorn in a cameo?
- Why change the drug Dexter used in Miami to ketamine?
6. In the first season dexter explains the drug he uses is heavily controlled and he has some sort of fake identity to acquire it. Stands to reason that a local vet may not give it out but would give ketamine out as it is far less controlled.
Could be. If they wanted to end it they could have Dexter realise she’s figured him out and Dexter gets Harrison to kill him. Harrison gets seen as the person who finally stopped him and then takes over the mantle
They’ll start it with Dexter being in the middle of his new life probably with a fake name like Jacob. And he’s all bearded and lives in a cabin.
Also what was the point of this man?
I think the annoying thing for some is they brought a lot of people (who gave up on the show) back in and then it's over again in a pretty unsatisfying way. I loved this show up to the end of S4 and then thought it was the stupidest shit after that. They really redeemed themselves with this new season and now there's nowhere left to go with it. People won't take to it as well if they do a Harrison version.