Television Dexter

I don't think that I have been less excited for a TV show finale ever. And it's the same TV show that has two of the best seasons I have ever seen.

Probably it won't be entirely shit. The last episode was the best one on three years, although it still wasn't good enough.
The show might have gone to shit in recent seasons but...

Deb dying still pulled at the heartstrings a bit :(.

I really wanted Dexter to die in that episode, it was his fault that she was in that condition and it looked like the writers did the decent thing by killing him off but oh no, they had to add on the minute at the end, didn't they? Useless shower of fecks.
Haven't been following the show since the season where Colin Hanks was the bad guy, watched this episode though.

The ending was kind of stupid. Also, Quinn and Batista letting Dexter go was a bit weird. I know your man shot Debra, but they're still cops and there'd have to be some kind of investigation into how the guy got killed in custody.

The blonde girl Dexter gave his son to (?) was hot though.
I'm not going near the Breaking Bad thread, but the fact I've no problem coming in here and having a quick glance says it all for me and my feelings regarding this show.
I'm not going near the Breaking Bad thread, but the fact I've no problem coming in here and having a quick glance says it all for me and my feelings regarding this show.
basically sums it up for me as well. After the last episode someone posted a link to spoilers and I just thought, bugger it I'll just read it now.
Was the lumberjack thing a reference to something Dexter said or did before? Or was it totally random?
I haven't seen it since the Julia Stiles season, which was a pile of wank from the word go. Any incentives/top class boobage to watch the following seasons?

I'm mostly taking the piss out of all you Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime who have been coming on here for a year + saying how absolute shit this show is yet still continue to watch it so you can come and moan some more.

But in seriousness, it was actually one of my favorite shows. Really liked the finale too. The show at it's best was outstanding television no matter what any of you say. Then again, this is the Cafe, you hate on most things.
I'm mostly taking the piss out of all you Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime who have been coming on here for a year + saying how absolute shit this show is yet still continue to watch it so you can come and moan some more.

But in seriousness, it was actually one of my favorite shows. Really liked the finale too. The show at it's best was outstanding television no matter what any of you say. Then again, this is the Cafe, you hate on most things.

I'd say around 99% of Dexter fans thought the last few seasons were crap.
I'm mostly taking the piss out of all you Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime who have been coming on here for a year + saying how absolute shit this show is yet still continue to watch it so you can come and moan some more.

But in seriousness, it was actually one of my favorite shows. Really liked the finale too. The show at it's best was outstanding television no matter what any of you say. Then again, this is the Cafe, you hate on most things.
There are plenty of shows people over here love. Just look at other threads. Anyways I think most people in this thread loved it at some point. If you loved the finale then fair play. Most didn't for obvious reasons.
No one's denying that at its best it was very good. People just wanted to see how it ends.
I'm mostly taking the piss out of all you Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime who have been coming on here for a year + saying how absolute shit this show is yet still continue to watch it so you can come and moan some more.

But in seriousness, it was actually one of my favorite shows. Really liked the finale too. The show at it's best was outstanding television no matter what any of you say. Then again, this is the Cafe, you hate on most things.
Most people will agree that early seasons were fantastic, but that doesn't really mean you can't criticise the last half of the show. People kept watching because we'd already invested so many hours in the show and we wanted to see how it ended - it's not really that hard to understand. The finale was as good as you'd expect considering what was leading up to it, but I just can't help but feel they went down a completely wrong avenue this season. Already from the first season most people were expecting that it'd somehow end with Dexter being found out and either being on the run or in custody. Now, I'm not saying that shows should always end the way people expect it to (in most cases, it shouldn't). But for a show like Dexter it just doesn't really make sense to me that you have this serial killer who's true identity is discovered by various people every season - yet, for some reason, it's never actually enough people at the same time/important enough people so anything happens. As someone said, this last season should be about the viewer being on the edge to see whether Dexter would be caught, but instead it's about his girlfriend (who can't even bother to do anything to disguise herself, despite the fact that she sticks out like a sore thumb) being caught. The show is called Dexter for a reason. It was all built up for Dexter to be under pressure (Debra knowing who he is, LaGuerta dying when Matthews knew fully well of her suspicions and Quinn also suspecting Dexter), but all of that was completely ignored this season. Quinn suddenly love Dexter and Matthews didn't put any pressure on Dexter at all.

That being said, the last half of the show has been decent TV. There are a lot of worse shows out there, but a show is always going to be compared to itself and the first half of Dexter shat all over the last half. There's no two ways about it. The main reason people have criticised Dexter so heavily for the past few years is because of how good it was initially.

Well, the ending was better than what the spoilers said, but I wish they didn't include that scene right at the end. Just end it with Hannah and Harrison walking off.

Indeed, what on earth was all that about? Are we supposed to believe that his boat got completely destroyed and he swam to shore in the middle of a massive storm or am I missing something?
So Dexter basically decided to shrug off all his responsibilities and run away, leaving his child with another serial killer parent. Bastard didn't even allow Deb to get a proper funeral.
Meh sums it up. The writers did a great job in making us not actually give a shit about any of the characters in the end.

I hate to jump on the bandwagon but that's very well put. I didn't really care when Dex unplugged Deb, I was more focused on the meta-aspect of the scene; a once great show euthanized after years in vegetative state.
Truly shit ending, but I guess that was to be expected given how the show has gone the last few seasons.

The final scenes with Debra and then Dexter's 'death' had little impact on me whatsoever, when those scenes really should have been the ones with the most impact in the entire show. In contrast, Doakes', ITK's, Trinity's & Rita's death scenes were far more memorable. Even LaGuerta's was better.

The final scene was complete shit. Whoever came up with that should be fired and never be allowed to work again. Dexter should've died or gone to Argentina and lived happily ever after, not fecking escape his responsibilities and live a secret life. How does he even escape? He's not fecking Batman. Terrible ending to a once great show.

Quinn's attempt to cry when the Doctor gave the bad news summed up the crap acting of recent seasons. Surely Social Services/police will now launch a manhunt to find the 'missing' Harrison who apparently has no parents left?

Glad it's finally over. My final ranking of seasons (best to worst): 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 6, 8.
well that was a rubbish finale. Hardly feels like the show is done and dusted at all. Sailing into the storm made little sense, and then what was the purpose of having him live and become a lumberjack. Random way to finish which just seems dumb. Either give him the happy ending with hannah in Argentina or kill the character off for good.
well that was a rubbish finale. Hardly feels like the show is done and dusted at all. Sailing into the storm made little sense, and then what was the purpose of having him live and become a lumberjack. Random way to finish which just seems dumb. Either give him the happy ending with hannah in Argentina or kill the character off for good.

Wait, what? This happened?
I'd say around 99% of Dexter fans thought the last few seasons were crap.

Shows how much of a pinch of salt Metacritic needs to be taken with when you compare the ratings for Season 4 (79) and Season 7 (81).

As for the finale...meh. Whatever. Can't really think of much to say about it. Wasn't absolutely dreadful, wasn't good. The lumberjack scene was retarded. Meh.

Fitting that Dexter disposed of Deborah's body in the same he did with all the vicious murderers and serial killers over the years. Sort of...
well that was a rubbish finale. Hardly feels like the show is done and dusted at all. Sailing into the storm made little sense, and then what was the purpose of having him live and become a lumberjack. Random way to finish which just seems dumb. Either give him the happy ending with hannah in Argentina or kill the character off for good.

Keep the possibility of a spin-off/movie alive? That's my guess anyway.
well that was a rubbish finale. Hardly feels like the show is done and dusted at all. Sailing into the storm made little sense, and then what was the purpose of having him live and become a lumberjack. Random way to finish which just seems dumb. Either give him the happy ending with hannah in Argentina or kill the character off for good.

I got the impression he was faking his death. A stretch as usual for that to work but there you go.
I really hoped the finale wouldn't be as bad as what had gone before. And it wasn't. It was much worse.

It's pointless discussing the plot holes, but that was one of the weakest endings to a formerly great show I can remember.
Oh...I just got it, guys. He became a lumberjack so he could chop things up without hurting those he loves. That's pretty clever, isn't it?

No? Okay then.