Thoroughly enjoyed that. Get the impression he's delayed the inevitable, though. The signed warrant and La Guerta's investigation won't just die with her, and surely everyone's going to suspect Dexter now. I know they're a pretty stupid police force by and large but there's going to be some serious fallout you'd imagine. Happy that Hannah's out too. I'm sure there will be many questioning the ease with which she broke out (you'd have thought if she was stable she would've had people guarding her), but meh...
.he will die at the end of the show or get some sort of punishment
It did make sense. It's the only thing he could have done really.
Mixed feelings about this. What Dexter did is perhaps the only thing he could have done. Debra in a way too, you could have seen from the plane that Deb was going to shoot LaGuerto not Dex. The final season would be interesting to see how is this going to end. As I have said before, I think that there could be only 2 possible solutions:
.1. Dex becoming a sane person and ending the kills
2. Dex having a spectacular death
But with the events of this episode I think that the second option is far more likely to happen. Anyway, I hope that Debra somehow won't have a similar fate to him.
Btw, what's the significance of the plant Hannah left, is it meant to be poisonous?
Thoroughly enjoyed that. Get the impression he's delayed the inevitable, though. The signed warrant and La Guerta's investigation won't just die with her, and surely everyone's going to suspect Dexter now. I know they're a pretty stupid police force by and large but there's going to be some serious fallout you'd imagine. Happy that Hannah's out too. I'm sure there will be many questioning the ease with which she broke out (you'd have thought if she was stable she would've had people guarding her), but meh...
I figure it as a gift or a 'message' of sorts, to let Dexter know she is safe and well. I highly doubt it's poison.
Was really good. No surprise people will find a way to complain.
I want him to die. As much as I 'love' the character, he is a murderer. He isn't a vigilante, his had a few dodgy kills in the past but going after LaGuerta... well... he deserves to be killed now. I just hope it's a blaze of glory. I think if he does die though, they won't have him die AND be the revealed as the Bay Harbour Butcher, that would be a little to dark with all the negative impact it would have on Deb, his baby, his friends, department etc...
Complete speculation about the next season
I reckon they may end the series with Harrison watching Dexter die, possibly death by cop after he's outed as the Bay Harbour Butcher.
Of course people will question it! A murderer walking out of Hospital cause she was sick! And then strolling over to her lovers apartment to drop off the flower. Yup! Right up there with Dexter jabbing a guy in the neck and throwing him in the car in broad daylight.... in a park.... knowing that he has already been followed once by LaGuerta!
What do you all think will happen with LaGuerta?
With Deb shooting her and then holding her at the end, they can't exactly do Dexter's original plan so I think they'll dispose of her body and make it look like she shot Estrada (Dexter already shot him with her gun) and then ran away.
Will Deb get another promotion and if so who will be the new Lt? Batista is the obvious name but he retired.
Complete speculation about the next season
I reckon they may end the series with Harrison watching Dexter die, possibly death by cop after he's outed as the Bay Harbour Butcher.
Maybe but
They've already done that with Harrison being there when Rita died.
Oh and from the Showrunner: (not really a spoiler)
Next season has been called a likely final season. Is that still the case? What conversations have you had with the network about that?
Buck: That’s a Showtime decision and I’m not aware a final decision has been made. But we’re approaching the season as if it’s a final season. If we’re told otherwise, we’ll redirect.
Could you image if they did redirect? feck sake.