So I reached level 20 about two days ago now, haven't played much but I haven't progressed much either.
What's the best way to level up at this point? Is it the rarity of the armour? and if so whats the best mode/method to get rare armour![]()
I'm in the same position.
I'm trying to get Crucible marks at the moment to get myself some sweet weapons but it looks like its going to take a while. 100 Marks a week with the best weapons being around the 150 Crucible Mark price we are looking at a new piece of kit every 10 days or so. Though I suppose if you are really giving it the hours and hit the 100 Crucible Marks early you could move on to Vanguard and thus get 2 pieces of kit every 10 days.
I've got loads of stuff on my inventory page and not actually sure what it does. I haven't found any armour or weapon in the last 6 hours of Crucible/Strike that is any stronger than what I have now. Think I got some decent Rare items at about level 18 and its still about as good as I've found.
My Auto Rifle is about 194 attack and Fusion Rifle 190. These are pretty much what I use. Is there still ebtter non-Legendary items out there or to get better am I looking at Legendary only?
Read the rest of the thread. After level 20 XP has nothing to do with levelling up, you need armor with Light. Only once you have enough light will you move up the next level. You can tell by moving the cursor where it says light, and you get a progress bar.There's definitely better non-legendary items out there - I picked up 2 rare weapons both about 205ish plus a rare chest plate that gave me +5 light - whatever that means, but when you're in orbit and you see your name and you usually see your yellow XP bar - I have nothing there like I haven't improved at all?
It's bizarre I don't know how close or far away I am to levelling at this point and I don't particularly wanna play 10 days worth of crucible to move up 1 level when I see loads of players who are level 24-26 and the game has only been out for a week.
There has to be a way, and we're just going about it the wrong way so far
Read the rest of the thread. After level 20 XP has nothing to do with levelling up, you need armor with Light. Only once you have enough light will you move up the next level. You can tell by moving the cursor where it says light, and you get a progress bar.
Getting the equipment to do what tho? If you aren't actually enjoying the game then........ there's no point.I can't see myself sticking with it. Already a bit bored of the daily heroics, bounties, strikes etc. at level 20. Seems like it's a pain in the hole getting the equipment to go beyond that too.
Haven't tried skirmish yet... is it good then?Skirmish is good fun. With just the three players and points for reviving, it feels much more tactical.
I can't see myself sticking with it. Already a bit bored of the daily heroics, bounties, strikes etc. at level 20. Seems like it's a pain in the hole getting the equipment to go beyond that too.
So I stopped playing this around lvl 17 or so. Is it worth carrying on or is it just going to be an soul-destroying grind at end-game? Thinking of just giving this a rest and trying Diablo 3.
My first blue was a hand cannon. I was a disappointed, but it was nice being able to 2-shot Knights with my primary.I've had 2 legendary engrams now and they've both been hand cannons... how unlucky ffs
I'm level 23, close to 24.What lvl are you now?
Yeah hand cannons are actually brilliant for strikes but when it comes to pvp they are just useless.My first blue was a hand cannon. I was a disappointed, but it was nice being able to 2-shot Knights with my primary.
It came up on the screen haha, didn't you see?Ah whaaaat.
It came up on the screen haha, didn't you see?
Yeah, the supercharge is a lot better then the golden gun.@Laidback Levo would you recommend switching to Bladedancer?
We don't see each other's light drops.It came up on the screen haha, didn't you see?
Legendary engram shows up for everyone thoughWe don't see each other's light drops.
Yeah, the supercharge is a lot better then the golden gun.