Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

Congrats! We ended up getting off, not bothered trying it since.

When I did it the first time yesterday I got the exotic bounty, annoyingly I don't have any treasure keys!

Edit - Interesting Strategy! Wonder how it will be next week onwards when they are getting rid of the burns.
Congrats! We ended up getting off, not bothered trying it since.

When I did it the first time yesterday I got the exotic bounty, annoyingly I don't have any treasure keys!

Edit - Interesting Strategy! Wonder how it will be next week onwards when they are getting rid of the burns.
Ah :( Was annoying how we were close on a number of occasions. I think we may have let the mines get to us with us trying to dismantle them instead of finishing off Skolas first. Strategy is not too different from how we did things (quite funny really as last night we were trying to pop a bubble in all three areas, never came to us to just spread out... and with no bubble, Skolas seemed to move slower so he wasn't directly on top of us)

Will be interesting without the burns. Thing I'm liking more about it is that the enemies will be coming out at fixed periods so there's less emphasis on rushing it and can just get rid of the enemies then go back to working on getting Skolas down
I had two treasure keys. Used one when managed to complete the 35, then I decided to do the 34 over the 32 as I think the 34 is simpler this week overall and used the other one... now the wait for Variks.
We had that combination for our first few attempts but the other warlock had to go and those were our best attempts, the thorn effect thing caught us a few times.
Just managed to complete it with two Titans and a Warlock. The other Titan was the perfect teacher and we got it done first attempt.

Decided to cash in on the Discipline Fallen legs for my Titan before the reset as feck knows what it'll be afterwards.
I managed to get all three chipers last week.

Got the Lord of wolves already sorted, just need some keys for the last two,

I won't be playing Skolas again now, completely pointless.
Sounds like you guys have all the new loot already. Been meaning to come back on ans party up with you guys but keep getting sidetracked.... the 3 man cap doesn't help either as you guys are normally in a full team anytime I'm on.
:lol: tagged the wrong person there.

I'll still be around to do various things, whether it be 32, 34 or even 35 PoE. 35 doesn't look too bad this week as Skolas is Brawler and Juggler. When I did Lightswitch just before the reset, all enemies one hit killed you by melee.
Cool fellas, and I'm really tempted by EOS too... how you getting on with it?
@afrocentricity - Off here, I only know of @freshibal and I, but there's likely more.

As Fresh said, it's huge and overwhelming, but it's essentially Skyrim Online. There's still a lot of content that should be added, imo. Dark Brotherhood and Thieves' Guild being the most notable omissions. I was watching a stream of some PvP the other day. A group of about thirty were taking a player-held keep with trebuchets and stuff. It looked pretty cool. I needed something to break the endless cycle of Destiny for a while and I reckon ESO may be it.

Although, after watching the trailer for The Taken King, I won't be away too long. That Hunter bow & arrow super though!! :drool:
@Damien @afrocentricity - Oh and a bit of a tip:- Once you do the tutorial and get off the boat, the first mission tells you to go and meet with a boatswain (or something to that effect) at the docks. Ignore that mission, as it takes you off to another island. Stay where you are for a while and make sure you visit all the vendors and stuff - some aren't marked on the map, so just approach doors. You'll learn a lot about the basics of crafting, using fences to launder or sell stolen goods and the like by doing some of the tasks they give you.
The taken king release looks great, think it's going to be awesome fun. Like they've added the 3rd subclass too.
Yea fcuk that gun, it's not like we are blessed with vault space...
  • armour and weapons have light levels instead of 300/331/365 etc stats
  • int/disc/str values are from 10-20 instead of 70-200
  • "artifact" under class item unlocked at base level 30
  • crucible map around the tower
  • "quests" 0/32 whatever that is
  • "bounties" - new limit of 16?