Is this for the final fight?I might have actually found a good hard mode pug on reddit, here goes nothing.
Is this for the final fight?
ah right, good luck. Having the three 30 will help a lot.Full run, 3 30's 3 29's
You can start from the beginning again, in case you didn't know.I have a normal atheon checkpoint that I'm stuck with now.
Anybody want to give me 20 minutes later to get it done ?
I'm up for normal atheon since none of my 3 have kill him this week![]()
If we can find four more, fantastic.
I can do it on my Titan, but I'm only level 25.
There seriously no xbone players in here? Only have three on my friends list who are playing this and I'm dying to do the raid!
underlevelled at atheon isnt a good idea after the change
I got it to level 26, I forgot! If that's too low then I'll skip it.
I don't really care about my Titan tbh, I just thought I would help you guys out.
I got it to level 26, I forgot! If that's too low then I'll skip it.
I don't really care about my Titan tbh, I just thought I would help you guys out.
26 will be fine, we had a 25 in the team earlier and we're doing ok, there were just two guys who were fecking useless at the end at everything and so we gave up after a while.
You can start from the beginning again, in case you didn't know.
Need advice: When searching for a game via matchmaking (strikes or crucible) it's just loading and loading and finding nobody. Strikes end up throwing me in on my own. It's been that way for about 4 or 5 days but I dismissed it as I was doing raids by invite and the daily.
Anyone got any ideas what I need to do to fix it?
26 still loses a large percentage of damage, and will die easily holding the relic. Its just a question of whether the rest can cover it
How much less damage? I know on hard it makes a big difference but on normal with fully upgraded weapons it should be just about okay, though I do agree that it makes it much harder for the whole team.
Like I said, I'm not interested in raiding with my Titan, I'll most likely get nothing from it anyway, I just thought I would step in since you were missing players.
Well the supplicants and trash are 28, Atheon wont be any less. You lose something like 20% damage for each level under you are
its just the way the fight is that there isnt a good spot for someone lower than the rest. Before you could make sure they are on supplicant duty, now its random whether they are teleported.
Again it can be done but its a case of everyone pulling together, unfortunately the damage will probably be low. Thats why I think 25 is a no go, but 26 might be okay. We'd just need to be shit hot at executing the fight and getting all our damage on atheon
I always thought it was 29% less damage, or is that on hard only?
Anyway, my food is here. I'm gonna go eat.
vodooduck = ducklegs, right?
No Atpbx, I was going to kick it off now, but I've just got to do some stuff, I'll be back in an hour or so.
If you are xbone, have you tried checking your Nat settings? Every now and again mine go to moderate and I have the same problem...
I'm on most nights and need a few more for the raid, gt: Manolo Estevez
Will get you added. I'm good for an invite whenever I'm online so just let me know.
I'll check my NAT and see what's what. It's strange as the rest of my connectivity related stuff is spot on and nothing about my set up has changed recently!
Thanks. Yeah after a couple of strikes my armour upgraded and now I'm 22.When you switch armors with different light, the yellow bar underneath your name should go up or down. That's the 'progress' to level 21. You need a certain light value to reach each level (I forget what 21 is, but 30 requires 120 light for example). Best thing to do is just wear the armor with highest light value and then replace it if you pick up anything better (generally the 'required level' of a piece of armor dictates the light level).
Yea I think I'll just do nightfall weekly and raid this week. See how it goes after that... think I've done just a couple hours over the whole weekend, but then as weekends go it was a mad oneYeah, I definitely know what you mean about losing a bit of enthusiasm once you get there though. I'm not even sure whether I'll bother doing anything but raids now until the dlc, as I have a good selection of guns that can only really be improved by the raid specific stuff.