Dead Rising 2

If you liked the first game, you'll love this. It's more of the same but with co-op and the combination weapons it's definitely improved.

The only major difference between the two is the lack of the camera stuff.
I actually managed to rescue a couple of clowns. Also got to grips with selecting missions to ensure the guiding arrow is on screen.

The lawnmower is good fun. :lol:

I have a question, if you leave an item in a maintenance room, is it then available in all maintenance rooms?
No i don't think so lance, and i never found those clowns in my play through. I'm gonna do one where i just save the people and try and find them all, there's still some random people about that aren't mentioned in missions.
No i don't think so lance, and i never found those clowns in my play through. I'm gonna do one where i just save the people and try and find them all, there's still some random people about that aren't mentioned in missions.


Not actual clowns.

I asked about the maintenance rooms because I'm not sure how you would go about making some of the more exotic weapons. Finding two chainsaws and getting them to the same room, for instance.
Just found the shortcut from Palisades to Flush Plaza, why did nobody tell me sooner?! Although I do find it odd that the shortcut is through a changing room seat and out of a toilet.
The challenge games are quite good fun. I was annoying someone in the hamsterballs as whenever he got control I kept knocking him before he had a chance to hit a bumper, cue distorted swearing.
The challenge games are quite good fun. I was annoying someone in the hamsterballs as whenever he got control I kept knocking him before he had a chance to hit a bumper, cue distorted swearing.

What is your ID again?
TIR online is a giggle, i don't think i've ever lost in the game where you use the lance to impale zombies.

Ramsterball is bloody tricky though, always seems to lag in that one.
I am level 7. It seems like I have three options.

Get killed by the chef, the faggot in the toilet, or the tiger and the fat turd.
I am level 7. It seems like I have three options.

Get killed by the chef, the faggot in the toilet, or the lion and the fat turd.

Some hints if you want them.

The chef is actually the easiest of the three, take some food and two nailed bats. Hit him then run, repeat a few times and it doesn't matter if he knocks you down, soon he'll run to a table or the kitchen and eat. Here you get free reign to wail on him for a few seconds before he can retaliate. Rinse and repeat.

The guy in the toilets is the hardest and you'll need a lot of food, he's just a matter of taking your time and hitting him after he jumps out of a cubicle.

The lion and fat guy are actually pretty simple, one nail bat or knife glove will take down the fat guy in about 7 hits and you don't even need to try and do anything fancy just swing away. Take 3 steaks in with you (find them in the food court in the restaurant next to the one with the chef in, and after killing the fat guy throw 1 infront of the tiger when he charges, he'll eat it. Do it three times and you have a pet tiger, if you want do that first then use the tiger to help kill the other pyschos.

Anyways, i'll be on in about an hour so if you still need a hand i'd be more than willing to help out.
Thank you, sir. Ideally, should I be leveled up more than I currently am?
Hi guys I need your help. Is the game too difficult to do it solo (no co-op)? I found the 1st dead rising a great game but too difficult to finish.

PLS I need help on this because Im going to order it tommorrow.
Well there is no right level for it, just gets easier if you're higher! I was about 9/10 i think, as i gave the gifts to Katey, had saved everyone i could up to that point and only used made weapons.

I still only had 4 health bars though! Bad times.

And Devilish, it's slightly easier than the first game. You can do it solo, and if you do find it too tricky you can start again at the higher level you're at making it easier.
Well there is no right level for it, just gets easier if you're higher! I was about 9/10 i think, as i gave the gifts to Katey, had saved everyone i could up to that point and only used made weapons.

I still only had 4 health bars though! Bad times.

And Devilish, it's slightly easier than the first game. You can do it solo, and if you do find it too tricky you can start again at the higher level you're at making it easier.

thanks xander.
Some woman wants me to be in my boxers before she goes with me but I can't find the bloody place shes on about to change into them.
If you follow the mission on the watch you should get an arrow pointing where you need to go, it's a shop in the south plaza where there's mannequins wearing suits in the broken window.

You have to talk to her twice though i think before the arrow changes direction.
Ah cheers, also how do I get rid of this beard I've accidentally acquired?
I might restart. I seem to be constantly pushed for time, and have no idea where to find Zombrex. Well, I have "found" one, and bought another from the pawn shop. I also missed a whole bunch of people.
You only actually need 4 zombrex i think throughout the entire game. Some missions will mention zombrex in their descriptions just make sure to do them. If you're ever short just play a couple of games of TIR online and then buy from the pawn shop.
You only actually need 4 zombrex i think throughout the entire game. Some missions will mention zombrex in their descriptions just make sure to do them. If you're ever short just play a couple of games of TIR online and then buy from the pawn shop.

How do you do that? I just used/smashed slot machines to get to 25 grand.
Go back to the main menu and go to play Terror is Reality. Play that and you'll make about the 50k per match, then choose cash out and all the winnings go to your file.
Go back to the main menu and go to play Terror is Reality. Play that and you'll make about the 50k per match, then choose cash out and all the winnings go to your file.

Sweet as, cheers. I was on for a while earlier, before the Shitty match, hoping you would join me so we could sort that fat cnut of a chef out. :lol:
Ah, I promised myself I wouldn't buy it at this price but I have. Is it really that difficult? I hoped for a mindless zombie killing but if it's more than that, I will cope.
It's really no more difficult than your average game.
The psychos are piss easy tbh. It helps that you can just run off, get food and then come back and they'll still have the health you left them with. On one psycho I actually left the area and came back and he still had the same health. Just attack, run away when your health is low and then eat and come back.
The chef keeps replenishing his energy, so running away makes no difference.

You were agreeing with me a few pages back. ;)