Dead Rising 2

I've never got the fuss either. It my look slightly different on another console. So?
That means nothing to me Weaste, sorry. If there was tear i didn't noticed it, or it didn't bother me, but then i never seem to unless it's blatant.

And i'm not enough of a techy to even get into the rest of that stuff, but some of it is very petty like the whole slightly less defined jacket.

I suppose the only way i could see if there was a big difference is if i bought it for the 360 as well. But seeing as they admit that if you ran them side by side they'd look nearly identical i don't see the point!

If you're happy with a sub-rate product, that's your prerogative.
It's only sub-rate to you Weaste, really. Nobody else notices these things, you actually have to stick them side by side to notice any slight differences. I also saw no screen tearing in my game.
It's only sub-rate to you Weaste, really. Nobody else notices these things, you actually have to stick them side by side to notice any slight differences. I also saw no screen tearing in my game.

What sort of tv are you playing on?
Lance, you know you're meant to be saving those people right? And thanks for the help with that pyscho lol

I'd save this in another file if you're a completionist.
Too late. :lol:

I had no idea what the feck I was supposed to be doing. I didn't get your second message until I quit. I was trying to get that couple to follow me, but they wouldn't. Not used to the game at all yet, including the controls. I had only been outside the casino once previous to you joining and I died pretty quickly.

I also had no idea you were fighting a boss until the scene popped up showing that you'd won. :lol: The guy tried to run me down, I jumped on the bike, and he was nowhere to be found.

Most of the time I was pissing myself laughing at you. I was outside the hotel killing zombies, wondering where the feck you were only for you to drive past me in a buggy splattering zombies everywhere. Then there was the beer hat, the skateboard, the tricycle, the ricockulous weapons, the puking.... :lol:

Thank you for that, good sir, it was extremely amusing. :)
:lol: I was just pissing about, i don't know if making people follow is harder in 2 players but that guy didn't want to move. That pyscho was probably the easiest as he has a pretty predictable pattern. Also the fact he drove into a room and got stuck in a corner.

The main bulk of the game you just have to press left on the d-pad and choose which mission you want to do, they'll either be pyscho's or people who need rescuing or the main story. The people you need to rescue just talk to 'em and lead them back to the bunker.

I loved that tricycle as i was plowing down the zombies, and i think i drank too much from that beer hat, hence the puking. But that chainsaw paddle weapon is the daddy, there's always a paddle on a skip opposite the wedding chapel place and then a chainsaw in the maintenance room nearby.
My opinion of the game went way up as a result of that session. :lol:

I just need to familiarise myself with it. I had no idea how to activate a mission and get the directional arrow up. Next thing you know I was getting messages flashing up telling me people were dead.

Is it impossible to beat the game already?
My opinion of the game went way up as a result of that session. :lol:

I just need to familiarise myself with it. I had no idea how to activate a mission and get the directional arrow up. Next thing you know I was getting messages flashing up telling me people were dead.

Is it impossible to beat the game already?

Nah you can still beat the main story, you get ranked at the end though so you might not get the highest ranking. Saving people is optional, but it's useful to do it as it get's you a lot of pp and helps get your ranking up.

You could just do the main story though and kill zombies and the pyschos if you wanted. Less stressful than worrying about a group of old people getting swarmed! But it's best to do a playthrough where you save as many people as you can and do the story, if you get the best ranking at the end you get part of a costume that can double your health i've found out.
Missed the mission?

Hat was in a leather shop on the second floor of Flush Plaza.
Your health was so low it was tempting :lol:

Where's this Tiger then?
:lol: By wasting about an hour grinding for cash in the slot ranch casino. If you get all three gambling magazines and then play the big slot machine on max bet you can win 100k jackpot. You don't always win so it takes a while, this baby cost 2 million.
Cool beans. I'd just kitted out in my summer gear as well. Flip flops and everything.