Dead Rising 2

Question for anyone who's finished the game after

You gave TK the Zombrex, did anybody jump when the zombie pops up at the end when they're walking off holding hands? :lol: shit me up
Mine was shipped this morning. :)

I hope some of you will still be playing it.
If it lets me use my Level 26 guy online I'll play with one of you.
Annoying that you can't just free roam after the game is finished. I want to be able to feck about without time limits.
Annoying that you can't just free roam after the game is finished. I want to be able to feck about without time limits.

Of course you can feck about mate, you just start a new game and ignore the story.

Then you have the entire 72 hours to do whatever the hell you like! BTW what's your id Sol?

EDIT: I spent most of last night gambling to make 2 million to buy the keys to the SUV. Nice.
Of course you can feck about mate, you just start a new game and ignore the story.

Then you have the entire 72 hours to do whatever the hell you like! BTW what's your id Sol?

EDIT: I spent most of last night gambling to make 2 million to buy the keys to the SUV. Nice.

Oh really? I didn't know that. What happens at the end of the 72 hours then? Won't the game end if your daughter dies.

My PSN is Solius

How do you get the keys to the car in the mall? That's been bugging me.
If you let your daughter die or don't complete a case mission a game over screen appears saying "the truth has been lost". If you press continue playing you can just carry on! No idea what happens at the end i've not got that far.

For the car in the mall i don't know, that's been annoying me as well. You about now, my psn is hemming87. I'll see if i can join you.
I would have skipped that but I haven't beaten the chef yet. :lol:
I take it you didn't get to save which must be annoying, it gave me the chance to before I left thankfully.
Nope couldn't save, but i think i saved just before you joined and we only dicked about so no harm. How many of the pyscho's did you actually kill in your play through?
Gah, 10 minutes for the patch to download. However, I did get a natty t shirt with it.
Would I not be wiser trying to level up some before trying co op? Or would playing with someone with a high ranking make things easier?

There seems to be rather a lot of loading screens. No sprint, or evade button? :(

Is it possible to carry more than one weapon? I had a sledge hammer, then I found the boxing gloves, which I wanted to hang on to.

EDIT scratch that, I just pressed R1. :lol: I wondered why I couldn't pick up weapons that I had "dropped."
I have noticed quite a bit of tearing, which drives me up the wall. Especially as I have just finished playing 'Just Cause 2.'
PS3 version a technical arse crack again. Well done Capcom.

:confused: I had no real issue with it, then again i'm not a tech-head. I just enjoyed it for it was.

And Lance, it would make it easier to level in co-op as the bulk of your pp comes from saving people and killing pyscho's.

And the dodge ability is unlocked at level 20, speed get's upgraded at 25 and then 35 i think.
:confused: I had no real issue with it, then again i'm not a tech-head. I just enjoyed it for it was.

And Lance, it would make it easier to level in co-op as the bulk of your pp comes from saving people and killing pyscho's.

And the dodge ability is unlocked at level 20, speed get's upgraded at 25 and then 35 i think.

Sweet. I haven't upgraded once yet. :lol:

I have only played until the start of the first case, though. I might be on tonight, not sure yet. I plan on watching the Chelski game, so maybe afterwards. If not, definitely in the next couple of days, providing you are also on, obviously.
That means nothing to me Weaste, sorry. If there was tear i didn't noticed it, or it didn't bother me, but then i never seem to unless it's blatant.

And i'm not enough of a techy to even get into the rest of that stuff, but some of it is very petty like the whole slightly less defined jacket.

I suppose the only way i could see if there was a big difference is if i bought it for the 360 as well. But seeing as they admit that if you ran them side by side they'd look nearly identical i don't see the point!