Darron Gibson - is he good enough for Everton?

Does anyone else think Gibson maybe suffers quite a bit because he's just not suited to the role he often ends up in at United?

I mean, using Lampard as an example...one of the most effective players in the league for Chelsea, but a lot of that is because the system they play, and his position, is taylored to his strengths. He doesn't have to compete in the middle third as such and can just concentrate on moving forwards and makking space for himself. Stick him in a midfield two for England and suddenly he's just Darron Gibson with a cockney accent.

That's a fair point. Gibson's best ever game (IMHO) was against Bayern, when he played exactly the same role that Lampard does for Chelsea.

Problem is, he's been asked to play that role a few times since and been pants at it. He does seem to struggle in a midfield two but he's not good enough going forwards for us to sacrifice another midfielder to do his fetching and carrying.

If he doesn't sort out his work-rate and off the ball movement I don't see him ever being good enough for United.
Oh and regarding Finneh's post about who he scored against, just got a PM from the newbies.

Today, 14:04 *
On Trial
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 22
Rep Points: 10
regarding Finneh's post in Gibson thread.
Finneh mentioned 2nd rate Spurs team..Spurs lineup:Gomes,Hutton,Bale,Bassong,Dawson,Bentley,Le nnon,Jenas,Palacios,Keane,Defoe.A strong team.Also Hull was fighting to avoid relegation,the league was definitely not done and dusted for them.
Yes. He'd be better suited to shooting coach, not player.

Lampard has a proper engine on him. Gibson's biggest problem is that he is genuinely terrible off the ball.

Yeah, but I've never thought Lampard's been that clever off the ball either. Not when the other team are in possession that's for sure. In fact, whenever this becomes a factor, he seems to struggle a lot. He does have a better engine than Gibson though.

Not that I'm saying Gibson is in anywhere near the same league anyway...Lampard's miles better at football than him, but at a younger age Lampard also had a bit of rep for being quite shit and lazy (admittedly in the eyes of West Ham fans, who are nearly all thick).

I'm trying to make excuses for Gibson tbh. I don't think he offers nearly enough when he's in the team, apart from as Pogue said, that one game against Bayern, which is hardly a glowing testament as it's one game, and we didn't even get the result we needed. But I do think it must be hard trying to impress when you get maybe one chance a month, and in a position you're not really suited to playing anyway...not many players would impress in that scenario.

Also, I wouldn't want him as a shooting coach. I find it the most annoying aspect of his game. Sure, he can boot the ball into the net every so often, but he has literally no concept of when to take a shot and when not too. There must have been at least five occasions he's tried a 40 yarder on his left foot despite being completely off balance and not even facing the goal. How can anyone be that stupid?
Yeah, but I've never thought Lampard's been that clever off the ball either. Not when the other team are in possession that's for sure. In fact, whenever this becomes a factor, he seems to struggle a lot. He does have a better engine than Gibson though.

Not that I'm saying Gibson is in anywhere near the same league anyway...Lampard's miles better at football than him, but at a younger age Lampard also had a bit of rep for being quite shit and lazy (admittedly in the eyes of West Ham fans, who are nearly all thick).

I'm trying to make excuses for Gibson tbh. I don't think he offers nearly enough when he's in the team, apart from as Pogue said, that one game against Bayern, which is hardly a glowing testament as it's one game, and we didn't even get the result we needed. But I do think it must be hard trying to impress when you get maybe one chance a month, and in a position you're not really suited to playing anyway...not many players would impress in that scenario.

Also, I wouldn't want him as a shooting coach. I find it the most annoying aspect of his game. Sure, he can boot the ball into the net every so often, but he has literally no concept of when to take a shot and when not too. There must have been at least five occasions he's tried a 40 yarder on his left foot despite being completely off balance and not even facing the goal. How can anyone be that stupid?

That last paragraph sums up perfectly what I find so hard to like Gibson. Ronaldo and Rooney have a habit of shooting too often from distance too but not to that degree and those players have various other abilities that make it easier to digest when they take a hopeless pot shot at goal.
Close to one tenth of acnumber9's posts have been in this thread alone.

Is Darron Gibson really that interesting?
Close to one tenth of acnumber9's posts have been in this thread alone.

Is Darron Gibson really that interesting?

Are you really that bored that you researched it? It's been a long running thread and when people reply to my posts with a counter point I tend to respond. I had a long participation in a Carrick/Hargreaves thread. I can't really be bothered posting unless I either have a different view to put across or feel strongly about it. Is that okay?
Oh and regarding Finneh's post about who he scored against, just got a PM from the newbies.

Today, 14:04 *
On Trial
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 22
Rep Points: 10
regarding Finneh's post in Gibson thread.
Finneh mentioned 2nd rate Spurs team..Spurs lineup:Gomes,Hutton,Bale,Bassong,Dawson,Bentley,Le nnon,Jenas,Palacios,Keane,Defoe.A strong team.Also Hull was fighting to avoid relegation,the league was definitely not done and dusted for them.

I was going mention this as well.

Not sure why anyone would want attack Gibson for his goal threat. He obviously is a threat from outside the box with his shooting, he always has been and he has scored goals from the first team. Last season his tally was only better by Scholes and he would have played alot less. If you compare him to Carrick, Anderson and Fletcher he also far more likely to get you a goal.

The thing with Gibson is other than his passing and shooting, the rest of his game needs alot of work. I think also Gibson suffers abit from not really having a defined position either, and that's something that I think that has affected Anderson as well. Fergie's played Gibson with Anderson as the more defensive player, he's played him in a midfield three as the most attacking and someone who is expected to play box to box.

It's hard to pin down what type of player United want Gibson to be. He's got the goal threat but the rest of his game is not good enough to give him a free role so he can just focus on goals as there are better players to do that job. If we gave him a run in the side he might get United close to 10 a season but the reduction in overall quality when he was not scoring would probably cost a fair few points. The problem for Gibson is when he played deeper or is expected to play an allround game, he does not seem to get into the positions to utilise his shooting alot. Either this is under Fergie's instruction or he struggles due to lacking abit athleticism and dynamism to get into shooting opportunites alot, but it does happen and if he can't utilise his shooting it's difficult to make a case to keep him.

For me, in these types of games, the player he resembles the most is Carrick without the positional nouse. He's not totally a defensive or deep player but most of the time he's distributing play from abit deeper. This also exposes his limitations alot more as he's not someone who is especially good at tackling, his positional play is alright but nothing special and he does not seem to have the engine, energy or dynamism to be a box to box player.

I used to think United had the same issue with Anderson as even after three years we still did not know what his best position was but Fergie seems to have resolved that this season. Only issue left with Anderson is if he can play in a 4-4-2 away from home regularly. He's fine in a 4-3-3 at any level and has been excellent with Carrick at home in a 4-4-2 this season.

With Gibson I still don't know if he can cut it in a 4-4-2 and what type of player is he supposed to be if we are not playing him as the main attacking player from central midfield in a 4-3-3. Alot of that is not his fault because he's been used so plenty of different ways and he only rarely gets a game.
I was going mention this as well.

Not sure why anyone would want attack Gibson for his goal threat. He obviously is a threat from outside the box with his shooting, he always has been and he has scored goals from the first team. Last season his tally was only better by Scholes and he would have played alot less. If you compare him to Carrick, Anderson and Fletcher he also far more likely to get you a goal.

The thing with Gibson is other than his passing and shooting, the rest of his game needs alot of work. I think also Gibson suffers abit from not really having a defined position either, and that's something that I think that has affected Anderson as well. Fergie's played Gibson with Anderson as the more defensive player, he's played him in a midfield three as the most attacking and someone who is expected to play box to box.

It's hard to pin down what type of player United want Gibson to be. He's got the goal threat but the rest of his game is not good enough to give him a free role so he can just focus on goals as there are better players to do that job. If we gave him a run in the side he might get United close to 10 a season but the reduction in overall quality when he was not scoring would probably cost a fair few points. The problem for Gibson is when he played deeper or is expected to play an allround game, he does not seem to get into the positions to utilise his shooting alot. Either this is under Fergie's instruction or he struggles due to lacking abit athleticism and dynamism to get into shooting opportunites alot, but it does happen and if he can't utilise his shooting it's difficult to make a case to keep him.

For me, in these types of games, the player he resembles the most is Carrick without the positional nouse. He's not totally a defensive or deep player but most of the time he's distributing play from abit deeper. This also exposes his limitations alot more as he's not someone who is especially good at tackling, his positional play is alright but nothing special and he does not seem to have the engine, energy or dynamism to be a box to box player.

I used to think United had the same issue with Anderson as even after three years we still did not know what his best position was but Fergie seems to have resolved that this season. Only issue left with Anderson is if he can play in a 4-4-2 away from home regularly. He's fine in a 4-3-3 at any level and has been excellent with Carrick at home in a 4-4-2 this season.

With Gibson I still don't know if he can cut it in a 4-4-2 and what type of player is he supposed to be if we are not playing him as the main attacking player from central midfield in a 4-3-3. Alot of that is not his fault because he's been used so plenty of different ways and he only rarely gets a game.
As much as I want him to be a star at our club (he clearly loves United), I´m 100% certain he will never make it here. He will have a great career for someone like Wolves,WBA,Fulham etc etc and that´s not in any way bad. He will earn millions of pounds doing what he enjoys most but it won´t be at Old Trafford.
If they were the only goals he's scored you'd have a point but he's also scored against full-strength teams from Bayern Munich, West Ham and Bolton (the latter two away from home) Bottom line is, he has scored goals against tough opposition and he's scored in every competition he's played. He's proved himself to be a goal threat from central midfield. Which is a positive attribute of his game.

I don't know why people who don't rate him are getting hung up on this anyway. There's plenty of other flaws in his game for you to pick apart, if you're that way inclined.

I agree that his best game was against Bayern. I also agree that very occasionally he scores a goal against a decent or good team, it just occurs far too infrequently to class him as a consistant goal-scoring midfielder.

Goals against the likes of Southampton/Derby are fine to count in your stats, but at the end of the day these are the teams he will be playing against most likely in 1-2 years time and he will definitely get goals vs them. He will be a great asset to any team that are playing against those kinds of teams weekly.

The reason people are cynical is because posters refer to this "priceless" or "invaluable" attribute that he has, whereas in reality this is greatly exaggerated to cover up for his mountain of inadaquecies. If people just said "he has a good shot", we'd all agree and hold hands.

Oh and regarding Finneh's post about who he scored against, just got a PM from the newbies.

Today, 14:04 *
On Trial
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 22
Rep Points: 10
regarding Finneh's post in Gibson thread.
Finneh mentioned 2nd rate Spurs team..Spurs lineup:Gomes,Hutton,Bale,Bassong,Dawson,Bentley,Le nnon,Jenas,Palacios,Keane,Defoe.A strong team.Also Hull was fighting to avoid relegation,the league was definitely not done and dusted for them.

Fair enough Tottenham were a much stronger team than I remember. All I remember is our second team tearing them a new one so it might be understandable that I forget who they played.

Also in reference to the Hull game I meant that it was totally meaningless to us, basically the same as a friendly game. If you want to include this by all means do, but in my opinion any decent defence/midfield has dealt with his goalscoring threat 99% of the time because his movement is too poor create space for himself/to lose his marker.
Fair enough Tottenham were a much stronger team than I remember. All I remember is our second team tearing them a new one so it might be understandable that I forget who they played.

Also in reference to the Hull game I meant that it was totally meaningless to us, basically the same as a friendly game. If you want to include this by all means do, but in my opinion any decent defence/midfield has dealt with his goalscoring threat 99% of the time because his movement is too poor create space for himself/to lose his marker.

Well that's an absolutely daft point to make.

Your original point about him scoring against poor defences was because of all the "time and space to shoot on sight from the edge of the box" this affords him. Why on earth would a game that doesn't matter to us - but does to the opposition - afford him more time and space to shoot?

It was away from home against a team fighting to avoid relegation. That's all that matters when it comes to judging how easy it would be to score.

You and cucumber are really tying yourselves in knots to try and deny the simple and obvious fact that Darron Gibson is a goal threat, no matter who we play against. Why can't you just concede the point and move on? :confused:
Well that's an absolutely daft point to make.

Your original point about him scoring against poor defences was because of all the "time and space to shoot on sight from the edge of the box" this affords him. Why on earth would a game that doesn't matter to us - but does to the opposition - afford him more time and space to shoot?

It was away from home against a team fighting to avoid relegation. That's all that matters when it comes to judging how easy it would be to score.

You and cucumber are really tying yourselves in knots to try and deny the simple and obvious fact that Darron Gibson is a goal threat, no matter who we play against. Why can't you just concede the point and move on? :confused:
Cucumber? Hilarious Pogue. Unfortunately one comic genius here has already used this undoubtedly side splitting moniker.

No tying in knots here. My point has been consistent throughout. I'm using a players whole career to make my point. You're choosing those that suit you. I've never seen you concede a point on this forum, your arrogance in asking others to do so would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
Just seen it (after wading through the world's second most tedious pile of shite on that page). Seems baseless and just trying to get themselves some publicity. Without going into detail, that's not the sort of thing you could hide these days.
His average performances are there for all to see, but he has to remain optimistic. After all, he's getting games at United, something other players with bags of abilities weren't afforded during their time at Old Trafford.

He needs to keep working hard, improve some aspects of his game which he hasn't visited enough yet, and perhaps he will turn out a decent player. The last time I saw him he seemed a bit different from last season, with purer movement and quicker decision-making. Another thing is that I never felt like the Old Trafford pressure swayed negatively upon him, like it has with so many players in the past.

Some players are average to start with, but have outstanding capacities to improve. Who knows? Maybe he's one of them.
His average performances are there for all to see, but he has to remain optimistic. After all, he's getting games at United, something other players with bags of abilities weren't afforded during their time at Old Trafford.

He needs to keep working hard, improve some aspects of his game which he hasn't visited enough yet, and perhaps he will turn out a decent player. The last time I saw him he seemed a bit different from last season, with purer movement and quicker decision-making. Another thing is that I never felt like the Old Trafford pressure swayed negatively upon him, like it has with so many players in the past.

Some players are average to start with, but have outstanding capacities to improve. Who knows? Maybe he's one of them.

The coaching staff clearly see something in him.

Fergie, Meulensteen and Ole have all praised Gibson's ability and potential and the implication has always been that we have not seen his full worth yet. Ole's comments were the most clear on that.

He's also had some good comments from Trappatoni, although his comments are abit different, as Trap has a more limited pool of players to work with.

I've got no issues with him getting a further year depending on what business United do in the summer and who goes(e.g. Scholes possibly retiring and Hargreaves's contract being up). He's got to show his worth shortly though as his age is really against him.
He gave away a personalized Scholes shirt signed by the Ginger genius himself. I'm so fecking jealous.
His tweets are fecking annoying lately.

They actually are. This made me spit my tea out.

RT @rubytuesday2810: I know its a bit of a cliche, but I can't believe how literate you are for a footballer! Spelling too-impressive» haha!

Someone tweeted that to him.