Darron Gibson - is he good enough for Everton?

It's always unfair to judge Gibson apparently. Just because others aretools it doesn't make it unfair go say Gibson was shocking. The difference between Gibson and the others who were poor is those players have tons of great performances in the bank that mean fans look ilon them more favourably. Gibson doesn't. How many poor games does a player need to have before it becomes fair to judge him?
I don't dislike Gibson, but he doesn't inspire. When he comes on as a subsitute I never think he will make a huge difference and he doesn't give me that..."thank goodness he is on...we have a chance now". He is not what we are looking for in midfield. I expect him to be sold in the summer.

I think anyone who says their heart doesn't sink a little at the sight of him in our midfield is probably lying.
To start 3 games in the league all season, I would argue that he is good enough to do that. We do actually need players who are going to do that.

Scholes and Fletcher were just as bad, if not worse. And our attack was anonymous. Defending was atrocious. All round stinker in first half where noone could lift themselves from the mire.

Everyone picked it up second half, and if Gibson and stayed on, and say Fletcher gone off, I'm sure Gibbo would've put in a much improved performance too.

I agree to an extent.
The question remains though whether he is good enough. Against Birmingham he was good, but they were shite as well.
If he really wants to make it here he should start and use the chances he gets better.
Yup. Average player punching above his weight at this club.

Expect the Irish contingent to jump on this post however.

A year or two ago I wasn't convinced about him. I remember when he was compared with Ando. It' wasn't fair to non of them.

I thought the game against Bayern was a turnaround for him. He was more then okay against Birmingham but after this 45 min I feel he's back on square one. That's sad.

It's hard to say but maybe he isn't good enough to play for a team like United. When the team is good he's OK, but when we struggle he's not there.

He's not good enough to make an important impact when we need it. I wait a few more weeks but if things don't change it's time for him to move on. He can be successful in a team who don't have the same expectations's as United have.

He looks like a good lad. I hope for the best but fear the worst.
Thing is, even when he's not worse than the likes of Scholes or Fletcher, we know they can turn it around. As for him, the best way to turn it around is bring on true class instead of him.

Yeah, my heart does sink a little when I see him in the lineup. He's a decent footballer, nothing more. Decent doesn't cut it at United, certainly not in midfield.
His biggest flaws are his positioning and mobility. If he pushes himself and work harder on the pitch he could become a very useful player.
We played brilliant when he went off. Just sayin'. He should never start a premier league game for us.
He is supposed to be a goal scoring midfielder yet he doesn't score....
Wasn't exactly the game for him. 4-3-3 didn't work and when the team switched to 4-4-2 he got lost because he's not a winger.

If he keeps getting games is because Sir Alex sees something good in him, lets be patient.
I like Gibson, I really do. Do not know if he'll make it here, but he's making a good go of it.

I just wonder if just having his name on a team sheet effects the game. He never particually plays bad, but you see people on here when they see he's playing get nervous and worried. I wonder if some of that transfers to the players? It's hard to put into words, but when other teams see players like Gibson in midfield, it's easy to say "Come on boys, they aren't taking this seriously, we're easily a match for these"

I know this sounds stupid, but I do think he's been labelled a bit of a second choice player. He's old enough at United now that I imagine the players view him as something like this as well, I wonder if mentally his presence effects the players.
He wasnt that bad, he used the ball surprisingly well when he was asked to come to the left and do a job. However he offered no width and threat down the wing so thats rarely going to be a good position for him. And his season really hasnt gone anywhere near as well as I thought it might.

When people talk about if he's good enough and whether he'll "make it" they need to keep in mind that one of the biggest and most significant factors will be how ambitious he is. Even if he just works on becoming more versatile and plays a squad role for a number of years he could still play plenty of games for us as a backup and option off the bench. Not every player decides they need to be playing week after week and that if they arent going to get that, they need a transfer.
I just think he doesn't have the right attitude or mentality. He's often seen doing things half arsely. He's got a short temper as well. Don't think he's got the head to play for us because I never see him play a game well positionally either. How come every time we have a three man midfield with him being on of them we're shit and don't control the area.
He was on the pitch when we scored four goals against Birmingham - but obviously, he won't get any credit for it. When we perform poorly, he becomes the scapegoat. Rinse and repeat.
Wasn't exactly the game for him. 4-3-3 didn't work and when the team switched to 4-4-2 he got lost because he's not a winger.

If he keeps getting games is because Sir Alex sees something good in him, lets be patient.

Hargreaves - injuried
Carrick - injuried
Anderson - bad knee, 90 min against B'ham
Scholes - first game since injurie

Fletcher - fit
We played brilliant when he went off. Just sayin'. He should never start a premier league game for us.

We played our best football when Rooney went off, to be fair. Saying that, when I see Gibson's name on the team sheet, I almost expect (and then often come to see) a very mediocre team performance.
He was on the pitch when we scored four goals against Birmingham - but obviously, he won't get any credit for it. When we perform poorly, he becomes the scapegoat. Rinse and repeat.

Was he?:confused:

No wonder he doesn't get any credit then.
It's a tough game to draw any conclusions from as the whole team were dogshit in the first half. He looked to struggle with both the pace and also having to change roles, which left him looking like someone who wasn't entirely comfortable out there.

BUT, I will say that the things that worry me most about him still concern me massively, despite the fact he's playing more often for us. His mobility and his lack of awareness of space and what's around him are a problem, IMHO. The most obvious example was around 38 minutes in when he laid off the ball to Evra who was faced up by their right winger and the full back behind him. Instead of looking to move into space he ran in behind the full back and stayed there, static, with the two players between himself and Evra, who had the ball. That forced Evra to play the ball backwards and we were forced to start again.

Players like Park and Berbatov have had plenty of criticism but watch how often they find space or make themselves available for a pass. It looks the simplest thing in the world but that awareness and footballing intelligence can make the game look an awful lot simpler. Watch how often we get bogged down in a tight midfield and suddenly Berbatov drops into the hole to take the ball into space and bring others in. Watch how often Park drifts into space that forces the full back into a position he's not comfortable in and allows players to use the space that he's created through intelligent movement. These are things that really matter at this level. They don't look much but they can be the difference between a stuttering performance and real fluency.

It doesn't seem like a big thing but Gibson doesn't seem to be able find space or to use his movement to cause problems well enough. It's much the same as the difficulty he has when runners from midfield go beyond him - he doesn't seem to instinctively know how or when to track them, or how to deal with clever movement. I personally think that when we're talking within the context of someone who needs to be good enough to start games for this club that he's lacking. He's a good player, but I reckon he'll prove to be just short of good enough. As an Irishman I really hope I'm proven wrong.
Yup. Average player punching above his weight at this club.

Expect the Irish contingent to jump on this post however.

actually you're wrong Elvis. Most of the Irish contingent moan probably more because he plays for the international team too

What gets my back up, is nothing to do with nationality. Its this constant put downs of our own players, with disrespectful comments to the players and managers, sometimes judging the players without seemingly even having watched the matches! It was the same with Fletcher, O'Shea, Gibson, the Nevilles before them, the list goes on. The problem as far as i can see is that a lot of our fans don't know the meaning or the value of squad players. They expect that our bench is going to be warmed by Busquets, Pirlo, Ronaldinho, Xavi. News flash, world class players don't take kindly to getting no gametime (eg. Tevez)
It's a tough game to draw any conclusions from as the whole team were dogshit in the first half. He looked to struggle with both the pace and also having to change roles, which left him looking like someone who wasn't entirely comfortable out there.

BUT, I will say that the things that worry me most about him still concern me massively, despite the fact he's playing more often for us. His mobility and his lack of awareness of space and what's around him are a problem, IMHO. The most obvious example was around 38 minutes in when he laid off the ball to Evra who was faced up by their right winger and the full back behind him. Instead of looking to move into space he ran in behind the full back and stayed there, static, with the two players between himself and Evra, who had the ball. That forced Evra to play the ball backwards and we were forced to start again.

Players like Park and Berbatov have had plenty of criticism but watch how often they find space or make themselves available for a pass. It looks the simplest thing in the world but that awareness and footballing intelligence can make the game look an awful lot simpler. Watch how often we get bogged down in a tight midfield and suddenly Berbatov drops into the hole to take the ball into space and bring others in. Watch how often Park drifts into space that forces the full back into a position he's not comfortable in and allows players to use the space that he's created through intelligent movement. These are things that really matter at this level. They don't look much but they can be the difference between a stuttering performance and real fluency.

It doesn't seem like a big thing but Gibson doesn't seem to be able find space or to use his movement to cause problems well enough. It's much the same as the difficulty he has when runners from midfield go beyond him - he doesn't seem to instinctively know how or when to track them, or how to deal with clever movement. I personally think that when we're talking within the context of someone who needs to be good enough to start games for this club that he's lacking. He's a good player, but I reckon he'll prove to be just short of good enough. As an Irishman I really hope I'm proven wrong.

You make some great points there. He does run a lot forward aimlessly after passing the ball and it takes him a long while to get back. He only runs back fast about 2 or three times per game. The other times he's just not very bothered.

I get golden_blunder's point of him being a squad player but he differs a lot from Brown or O'Shea. O'Shea is versatile and a nutmeg specialist but other than that those two don't offer more in terms of quality or positive difference. But I've never seen them not give it 100% and have the passion to win the games.

To me Gibson just looks angry and not bothered. Weather I'm 100% right or not, that is the way he projects himself to the viewers at home. Even his supposed strong quality isn't doing much. Same amount of shots as Evra or Fletcher but hits the target less and not scored once like them.

PS: While looking at those stats I saw that Macheda has only one shot to his belt in 2 (7) appearances and that shot ended in the net. How can he not have taken more shots than that :/
He's not good enough, nothing against the lad but I don't want to see him play in United colours again.
To put it as simply as possible, I don't think Gibson has enough in his game to be starting games for Manchester United at this moment in time.

Perhaps a loan next season would be the best option for both club and player.
I am not convinced about him, he just doesnt bring enough to the game. He has no outstanding qualities (except a hard shot maybe).

Nevertheless, he was no worse than Fletch or Scholes, and he's not the culprit for today's poor showing in the first half
Gibson has got a good shot, decent passing ability, but lacks the mobility to play in central midfield at the very top level. That lack of pace in the end is something that cant really be worked on. You're either fast enough or you're not. Will be very surprised if he makes it at Man United.
Lack of mobility isn't it, Alonso lacks mobility. Gibbo simply doesn't have enough to his game to mask his weakness. Everyone was enamoured with his shooting, now that's not working out for him his faults that were there before are being magnified.
He has shown some signs but, lack of run of games and just IMO his lack of pace/mobility don't help when he is having a poor game in other areas. If he was a bit quicker/mobile then perhaps defensively and just winning the ball back might be enough in some games to make a difference.

He can/will have a good impact in some games but, for the long run definitely a starting CM for us.
You think he is a lock to be in the first XI at United, is that after we get relegated?