Daniel James | Officially Signs

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Ah come on. It was just a gag about the Zaha Moyes thing. I really doubt if @Inigo Montoya knew anything about Ole's daughter, her age etc. why does everyone have to be offended at the slightest possible opportunity
I must admit I laughed when I seen the joke, but then again I didn't know Ole's daughters age

I find it more strange that so many people on here do to be honest. Why would you be searching for that information in the first place?
I doubt any offense was intended. Thinking of the Zaha thing I am sure the joke presented itself and it's easy to just crack the joke in the moment without thinking too deeply about the implications, I know I have done that many times.
The new Zaha. Will be OK at a mid table team when we call its quits in 2 years time.
So he will be fine at United then?
Ah come on. It was just a gag about the Zaha Moyes thing. I really doubt if @Inigo Montoya knew anything about Ole's daughter, her age etc. why does everyone have to be offended at the slightest possible opportunity
Why indeed.
Ah come on. It was just a gag about the Zaha Moyes thing. I really doubt if @Inigo Montoya knew anything about Ole's daughter, her age etc. why does everyone have to be offended at the slightest possible opportunity

Maybe men could restrain themselves from posting this kind of shit about young girls at all? Naa? Too PC?
How long has this been going on for, over 2 weeks? We should be able to make this kind of signing in a few days.

We are utterly fecked this summer and the names we are being linked to in addition to the contracts we have renewed already will cement our mediocrity for some time.
This thread has gone from mindless squabbling to full on problematic rhetoric, would someone please think of the social justice warriors!:wenger:

On-topic that video of Daniel James is the best one I've seen by a mile, how someone can watch that full video and still summise that he is nothing but a speed merchant is unfathomable. Looks to be a great little player.
Just stick James straight in on the left as he can't be any worse than Martial was there last season, and stick Martial up front as he can't be any worse than Rashford is there, instant improvement guaranteed.
This thread has been a fantastic read over the last 2 days or so for totally non-football related matters.
One thing I've noticed from that video is how he is right footed but frequently takes his defender to the byline and crosses with his left foot. You can tell that he needs to strengthen his ability with his weaker foot, but the threat of him going either way puts defenders on their heels and keeps them guessing when he is running at them. Both Rashford and Martial could learn a thing or two about switching up their 1v1 moves to prevent defenders from reading their dribbles too easily.
Isn't he on his last year of contract? He's worth a punt but not 20 mil price. He could be deadly against tired defence from the bench.
Rashford is not even that quick anymore. His attempt to burst past Pique at Old Trafford was laughable. Pique had very few problems stopping him.

That means little. Pique had developed into quite a decent defender and has experience in dealing with young strikers with pace. I mean this guy trained with prime Messi on week in week out
Ah come on. It was just a gag about the Zaha Moyes thing. I really doubt if @Inigo Montoya knew anything about Ole's daughter, her age etc. why does everyone have to be offended at the slightest possible opportunity
It's the world the leftists have created. They are so set on forcing this PC culture on everyone. We've come to a stage where we can't even joke as every joke can be seen as offensive in some way.
Ah come on. It was just a gag about the Zaha Moyes thing. I really doubt if @Inigo Montoya knew anything about Ole's daughter, her age etc. why does everyone have to be offended at the slightest possible opportunity

He should just say so, apologise and then move on.
That means little. Pique had developed into quite a decent defender and has experience in dealing with young strikers with pace. I mean this guy trained with prime Messi on week in week out

It means little that Rashford couldn't knock the ball past Pique and outsprint him with a whole half in front of him? It does to me.
There was another occasion earlier this season when he was through and just got eased out into a non-dangerous area easily.
Him being lightening quick anymore is a bit of myth to me.
His dad has passed away so he wont be signing for a while

That's terrible. Thoughts are with him and his family first and foremost. Losing a parent at 21 must be hell, hope he's as OK as he can be in time.
£20m for a championship player in the last year of his contract is absolutely obscene. We got RVP for that.

RIP to his Dad anyway, sad news. Far too young to lose a parent. :(

Ah come on. It was just a gag about the Zaha Moyes thing. I really doubt if @Inigo Montoya knew anything about Ole's daughter, her age etc. why does everyone have to be offended at the slightest possible opportunity
Blame twitter and far left and right politics.
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