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Quite possibly, but it is a cool feature tbf. We monitor who reads our stuff more closely than you can imagine.I bet half of them are just Caf users looking for material for this thread.
Quite possibly, but it is a cool feature tbf. We monitor who reads our stuff more closely than you can imagine.I bet half of them are just Caf users looking for material for this thread.
You one of the lizards too, Jip?Quite possibly, but it is a cool feature tbf. We monitor who reads our stuff more closely than you can imagine.
I'm talking about my investment website! Have never written for the DM, I was more a Telegraph man back in my freelance days.You one of the lizards too, Jip?
Backwards bush shelter causing chaos!
Council says it leaves more pavement space and protects you from spray.
https://www.reddit.com/r/wheredidthesodago/top/?sort=top&t=allIt's like one of those infomercials where the people are intentionally acting stupid pretending that they can't open a bottle of milk without spilling it everywhere.
"Oh, why can't I get through this invisible force field!"
Is your KITCHEN making you fat? From eating off white plates to the music playing on the radio, expert reveals how your home could be ruining your diet.
*sobs quietly*
'For instance, lets say you’re serving a very red pasta onto a white plate - there’s going be a big contrast between the two colours so you’re going to serve less because you’re going to think "woah that’s a lot of pasta".
Backwards bush shelter causing chaos!
Council says it leaves more pavement space and protects you from spray.
Demi Moore's daughter Tallulah Willis holds lit cigarette while standing out in red dress on walk in LA
The Mail's contracted to feature certain 'celebrities' most days in their TV & Showbiz section, Col; for example, they have strong commercial links with the Kardashians. On a lower celeb plane, remember Imogen Thomas's fifteen minutes of fame? Well, thanks to her signing with former PR guru Max Clifford in the aftermath of the Giggs affair, that fifteen minutes continues up to the present day - she has 37 pages of stories featuring her in the Mail. 37. Not just utterly non-newsworthy items like 'Imogen Thomas wears new boots on night out' but 37 pages of individual items of this banal kind.
Max Clifford and Imogen Thomas (a week after Thomas was supposed to be on suicide watch after her 'heartbreak' over Ryan Giggs)
I'm only half-joking when I write that they're far more likely to publish a story titled 'Wardrobe malfunction! Imogen Thomas narrowly avoids getting her baps out while posing on the Spectre red carpet after she wasn't invited to the premiere'.
Related content: Young people shame Britain by having fun on night out
Back to classic sad face
School won't specially cater for faddy kid who doesn't like cheese
"It is pathetic because I am only asking for a small change and I am not asking for a miracle," said the brat's mum.
The brat whined said: "Cheese has a horrible smell, tastes disgusting and makes me feel ill."
No, the school spokesman specifically says that they will cater for kids with allergies or medical reasons why they can't eat a specific ingredient.Have they looked into the way cheese makes the kid feel with a dietician, nutritionist or doctor? Without a valid medical reason I wouldn't expect the school to give two shits. It's like when people who don't like onions try to get them removed from some dish...no one fecking cares unless you're allergic to it.
World's tackiest pyjamas boast unfortunate spelling error:
I often say things literally when I talk. Literally.
World's tackiest pyjamas boast unfortunate spelling error:
Kendall Jenner heads to frozen yogurt store
There is something very unsettling about all of this:
'Is this the ghost of an Anglo SAXON soldier?'