Daily Mail

Can't be arsed reading all that tbh, but is unusual that the woman is so much older I guess, but horses for courses.
The Mail is bring sued by The Sun for copyright theft of two stories ATM. This is the second time that The Sun has taken action against them.
The Apiln blog guy made me laugh, pointing out it was probably a temporary art installation in the city of culture.

Tenant left horrified by dirty knickers and sick at Great Thornton Street flats

'You get really good signal strength, but there's balls of phlegm on the walls and on the floor from people spitting, cans of beer and something that someone has brought up.

'Those knickers were outside of the lift on the ground floor but they're not there now so somebody must have got rid of them and binned them. I didn't want to touch them myself.'


Bit grim but I heard an interesting discussion on Sam Harris' podcast with a "robot ethicist" about whether or not child-shaped sex robots would be a net benefit to society or not (answer=they're not sure)
That crops up now and then in the nationals- some Japanese guys was making them and one bloke -can't remember if it was here or maybe Australia- got arrested for importing one. Yeah, jury seems to be out on whether they'd sate the urges or embolden them from memory.
Bit grim but I heard an interesting discussion on Sam Harris' podcast with a "robot ethicist" about whether or not child-shaped sex robots would be a net benefit to society or not (answer=they're not sure)
That's dark.
I've seen that film, it's not masterpiece but it's in fact a critique of black campus politics. But I guess reading the title is enough to dismiss it out of hand.
Seems to have been deleted now. Feels more like one for the politically correct thread tbh.

Is it? I don't think criticising Hopkins here is simply politically correct, more like completely justified.
While using such a pastime as an escape, perhaps from your boss who is constantly breathing down your neck, would provide similar benefits.

Some people might like it if their boss was breathing down their neck to be fair.
I've seen that film, it's not masterpiece but it's in fact a critique of black campus politics. But I guess reading the title is enough to dismiss it out of hand.

Literally the whole arc of the main character is her realisation that she's being used by her militant black love interest and that she's better off with her tame, nice white boyfriend. But as you say, why bother actually watching something when you can get outraged by a title. Who are the snowflakes again? It's maddening
Well, one and a half, to be accurate.
My impression is that the piece is supposed to be sympathetic towards her yet hone in on her disability. If she was a lesbian they wouldn't refer to her as "lesbian cerrie". (Though they probably would).
'For all their faults...'


That must be the new 'at least they made the trains run on time'.
'Built the autobahns...'
I saw that one earlier on the the DM Reporter Twitter, I think the comments were a different selection though...