Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

Thanks Pidge I know very little about pc gaming and particular system requirements so every little info helps tbh.

That doesn't look bad at all imo! I never bought this PC with the intention for any serious gaming but circumstances [aka me being desperate to play this game lol] is making me think otherwise now.

Ah fortunately I picked up a SSD recently, appreciate it!
I think you should get better FPS with the 8gb card, purely because the textures in the pc version at least actually have detail!
I think you should get better FPS with the 8gb card, purely because the textures in the pc version at least actually have detail!

Haha exactly, got it on download now maniya thanks!

No problem mate, happy to help. I should point out that I haven't played the game on PC though.

'Kin ell mate I just assumed you did :lol: touche
I have just finished Act 2 and the story is very much ramping up. I've also completed a couple of the side character mission chains including a character I think I might be in love with... I hope those side characters have some impact on the final story as they were some phenomenal quests and it felt like I had endless choices. The characters themselves also had incredible personalities and every time they picked up the phone I didn't hesitate to drive across the whole map just to do their quests. I just looked and I'm now at 50 hours played and still have tonnes of markers on my map. I'm going to try and take my time a little with the main story and clear a few more areas but I've already hit the max street cred so that takes away some of the incentives.

I know I keep repeating myself in here and I'm not excusing this horrible launch but CDPR deserves a little more credit for the game they have built here. It's the best game I've played in the last couple of years even with the issues.
I have just finished Act 2 and the story is very much ramping up. I've also completed a couple of the side character mission chains including a character I think I might be in love with... I hope those side characters have some impact on the final story as they were some phenomenal quests and it felt like I had endless choices. The characters themselves also had incredible personalities and every time they picked up the phone I didn't hesitate to drive across the whole map just to do their quests. I just looked and I'm now at 50 hours played and still have tonnes of markers on my map. I'm going to try and take my time a little with the main story and clear a few more areas but I've already hit the max street cred so that takes away some of the incentives.

I know I keep repeating myself in here and I'm not excusing this horrible launch but CDPR deserves a little more credit for the game they have built here. It's the best game I've played in the last couple of years even with the issues.
Is this the character?
panam? If so great character, you actually want to do more missions with her once the quest line has finished!
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Wonder if Amazon are going to pull the plug as that will tank shares even further.
It's almost over then. If the next quest sends you to a place that V calls a monochrome hive, that's the point of no return.
Ahh that would make sense, it certainly feels like I'm hitting an ending.
Ahh that would make sense, it certainly feels like I'm hitting an ending.
Yeah I'm at that point, wrapping up sidequests - and there's a shitload of them - before heading into the place. The game very helpfully warns you that it's the point of no return.
Yeah I'm at that point, wrapping up sidequests - and there's a shitload of them - before heading into the place. The game very helpfully warns you that it's the point of no return.
Ah okay I haven't quite hit that warning but I'm probably very close. If your map looks anything like mine then that's easily another 20 hours of content. I am slightly tempted to just finish the game this time and leave some missions for my next playthrough. The problem is I'm still loving the game!
Nah that’ll be fallout 76 I think as this is at least a great game under it all
Yeah, this looks buggy as hell and missing some much needed content/mechanics whereas 76 was buggy as hell and was missing almost everything.
Yeah, this looks buggy as hell and missing some much needed content/mechanics whereas 76 was buggy as hell and was missing almost everything.
And then there's Anthem: the PS4 version had a bug that could actually power down the console...
What a shit show, should have just released the old gen version 6 months later. Shame.
If it get all fixed up in the future I'll buy a copy.
It runs pretty well on my XSX, no crashes so far but Im only around 10 hours in.
I took the refund, the money can go towards xmas pressies etc. I will absolutely try it again once its all sorted. i really hope they can do what No Mans Sky did and end up producing a game that wins back fans and respect.
Someone remade the trailer of the game with actual footage, and it is the best thing ever.

Biggest gaming cock-up ever?

Up there considering the hype and how they were trying to distance themselves from other greedy companies, when in turn they turned out to be worse or just as bad.