Cristiano Ronaldo

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Heading and shooting are always massively important for any attacking player. If Messi could head or shoot like Ronaldo he'd probably be a better player than him. :smirk:

Messi can shoot like Ronaldo, probably not as good from extremely distance (but neither is Ronaldo he just shoots a hell of a lot from there) but from inside the area or just outside it he's just as dangerous, I'd say he's a better finisher than Ronaldo.

Heading is not nearly as important as passing, for obvious reasons.
Messi can shoot like Ronaldo, probably not as good from extremely distance (but neither is Ronaldo he just shoots a hell of a lot from there) but from inside the area or just outside it he's just as dangerous, I'd say he's a better finisher than Ronaldo.

Heading is not nearly as important as passing, for obvious reasons.
I disagree but won't try to convince you otherwise.
I thought it was a strange argument myself. I mean his shots to goals ratio pretty much shows that he IS a better finisher than Ronaldo. And with Ronaldo being superior in the air, doesn't that make Messi's shooting even better considering he's outscored Ronaldo for so many seasons?
I thought it was a strange argument myself. I mean his shots to goals ratio pretty much shows that he IS a better finisher than Ronaldo. And with Ronaldo being superior in the air, doesn't that make Messi's shooting even better considering he's outscored Ronaldo for so many seasons?
Again shots to goals mean nothing, because one favours passing/dribbling until an easier shot presents itself and the other takes chances from further out.

Does a striker who score 1 goal from 1 shot all season finish better than one who scored 30 from 100 shots?

Whilst that's not the case here, just shows shots to goal is a pointless stat.
Again shots to goals mean nothing, because one favours passing/dribbling until an easier shot presents itself and the other takes chances from further out.

Does a striker who score 1 goal from 1 shot all season finish better than one who scored 30 from 100 shots?

Whilst that's not the case here, just shows shots to goal is a pointless stat.

You're going way off on a tangent.

What has passing and dribbling got to do with this particular debate? And it does, but then that's never going to be the case is it? We're talking about to players who score SIMILAR amounts of goals and yet one has a fair number shots more than the other.

I don't see what's hard to understand here. One scores 50 goals from 100 shots. The other scores 50 goals from 150 shots, clearly one has a far better success rate with his shots and is therefore a more accomplished finisher.

And you ignore my other point too, if Ronaldo is superior in the air AND better with his shooting, then why hasn't he been outscoring Messi for the last 5 years in spite of having a significantly great number of attempts on goal?
You're going way off on a tangent.

What has passing and dribbling got to do with this particular debate? And it does, but then that's never going to be the case is it? We're talking about to players who score SIMILAR amounts of goals and yet one has a fair number shots more than the other.

I don't see what's hard to understand here. One scores 50 goals from 100 shots. The other scores 50 goals from 150 shots, clearly one has a far better success rate with his shots and is therefore a more accomplished finisher.

And you ignore my other point too, if Ronaldo is superior in the air AND better with his shooting, then why hasn't he been outscoring Messi for the last 5 years in spite of having a significantly great number of attempts on goal?

Imagine this, Ronaldo/Messi gets the ball 40 yards out, with the defenders backing off, what will happen next?

Ronaldo may well decide to shoot after taking step or 2 forwards, Messi is far more likely to pass it, dribble with it. Agreed?

Now just because Messi prefers to only shoot from much closer to goal, that makes him a better finisher? :rolleyes:
Imagine this, Ronaldo/Messi gets the ball 40 yards out, with the defenders backing off, what will happen next?

Ronaldo may well decide to shoot after taking step or 2 forwards, Messi is far more likely to pass it, dribble with it. Agreed?

Now just because Messi prefers to only shoot from much closer to goal, that makes him a better finisher? :rolleyes:

Not going to lie, I have no clue what point you're trying to make there. Presumably that he's a better finisher because he shoots more from distance? again, what about this thing with aerial ability, if he has that too then why wasn't he regularly outscoring Messi?

My point is really easy to understand, to reiterate, one is a better finisher because he generally puts more of his shots in the goal.
Imagine this, Ronaldo/Messi gets the ball 40 yards out, with the defenders backing off, what will happen next?

Ronaldo may well decide to shoot after taking step or 2 forwards, Messi is far more likely to pass it, dribble with it. Agreed?

Now just because Messi tends to lose the ball while trying to get closer to goal, that makes him a better finisher? :rolleyes:


That's how they wind up with an equal # of goals with Ronaldo taking more shots.
Even with Messi having many more chances and much more possession.
Not going to lie, I have no clue what point you're trying to make there. Presumably that he's a better finisher because he shoots more from distance? again, what about this thing with aerial ability, if he has that too then why wasn't he regularly outscoring Messi?

My point is really easy to understand, to reiterate, one is a better finisher because he generally puts more of his shots in the goal.
Your point is twisted and plain wrong. If you compare their stats of shots to goal ratio from inside the area, that maybe some kind of indication, but simple shot/goal ratio fails to account for the million of other factors.
Your point is twisted and plain wrong. If you compare their stats of shots to goal ratio from inside the area, that maybe some kind of indication, but simple shot/goal ratio fails to account for the million of other factors.

No it isn't. I'm guessing that's why you keep going off on ridiculous tangents with your mate harping on about possession, and probably why you've ducked my question about his aerial ability 3 times now.

Ill leave you to it dude, it's a waste of time :lol:
No it isn't. I'm guessing that's why you keep going off on ridiculous tangents with your mate harping on about possession, and probably why you've ducked my question about his aerial ability 3 times now.

Ill leave you to it dude, it's a waste of time :lol:

Basically because Messi has better team mates.
You're going way off on a tangent.

What has passing and dribbling got to do with this particular debate? And it does, but then that's never going to be the case is it? We're talking about to players who score SIMILAR amounts of goals and yet one has a fair number shots more than the other.

I don't see what's hard to understand here. One scores 50 goals from 100 shots. The other scores 50 goals from 150 shots, clearly one has a far better success rate with his shots and is therefore a more accomplished finisher.

And you ignore my other point too, if Ronaldo is superior in the air AND better with his shooting, then why hasn't he been outscoring Messi for the last 5 years in spite of having a significantly great number of attempts on goal?
Maybe the way the teams play are the difference?
Maybe the way the teams play are the difference?

Oh, that point has been mentioned as have been numerous more points but the debate carries on. The simple point of, in the end, both being one of the all time greats having their strengths and not-so-much strengths (they don't have weaknesses!) and some other factors playing role in who ends up having better season has been mentioned as well but..

If you can't stop them , join them. I am in Ronaldo camp. wooohoooooo! Also, Messi camp has some of the worst posters I have come across on this site who make long worthless posts based on video compilations etc to prove something (God knows what, can't be arsed reading) and bore you to death, so it is added advantage to be in Ronaldo camp. (but Messi camp have some of the v. good posters too which makes it interesting to visit this thread).
Lastly Ronaldo played for United, Messi is not so lucky...
Oh, that point has been mentioned as have been numerous more points but the debate carries on. The simple point of, in the end, both being one of the all time greats having their strengths and not-so-much strengths (they don't have weaknesses!) and some other factors playing role in who ends up having better season has been mentioned as well but..

If you can't stop them , join them. I am in Ronaldo camp. wooohoooooo! Also, Messi camp has some of the worst posters I have come across on this site who make long worthless posts based on video compilations etc to prove something (God knows what, can't be arsed reading) and bore you to death, so it is added advantage to be in Ronaldo camp. (but Messi camp have some of the v. good posters too which makes it interesting to visit this thread).
Lastly Ronaldo played for United, Messi is not so lucky...


I'm up all night to get lucky, You're up all night to get lucky, you punk.
United won more things due to him than Madrid have :) But 80m was still a bargain.

To be fair, at that time £80m was an outrageous amount of money.

Obviously now, it would have been £100m plus for him back then, easily.
We honestly got robbed didn't we?

If you got robbed what about us? And now we can´t even try to rip you off since Sporting´s President said that he is almost certain that Carvalho won´t leave this year.
If you got robbed what about us? And now we can´t even try to rip you off since Sporting´s President said that he is almost certain that Carvalho won´t leave this year.

That true, btw, did Sporting have any sort of sell on clause with the Ronaldo deal?....In retrospect, that should have been a must really.
What a goal! Man... he is just out of this world. Should have scored the header though.
What was a bigger bargain: Ronaldo for £12.25m or Ronaldo for £80m?

Ronaldo for £12.25m was a steal when you look at the world-class player he turned into between 06/09. £80m at the time was a mental price, in hindsight looking at the player he has become it should easily be £120m though.
That true, btw, did Sporting have any sort of sell on clause with the Ronaldo deal?....In retrospect, that should have been a must really.

Nope. You just got lucky we had a senile President. I really wish we didn´t invite United for our Stadium inauguration :smirk: The 3-0 win doesn´t provide any comfort
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