Cristiano Ronaldo

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Banned Cnut
Dec 24, 2011
No Irwin, no TN, no Icky!!! WTF??? :-(
It is tricky to compare different eras.

Zico for example scored for fun in Serie A while playing for a team like Udinese. Obviously both messi's and Ronaldo's goal count would have gone down, but I'd say that would be more down to lenient refs back then than quality of defenders. The type of challenges that the defenders could get away with was insane. If you apply modern rules, a lot of those defenders would be rendered liabilities. And btw Maradona wasn't a main goalscorer for Napoli.

Did I mention that Maradona was a main goalscorer???


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
You call it "bitterness", or "bias issues"? Are you for real. This debate has gone on for years and years and to be honest, if you cannot accept our views on a player that has long since gone from our club, then you have serious issues. I have made numerous posts saying that Ronaldo is a great footballer and he scored amazing goals, as well as bucketloads to boot, but then I would have to say that the other one has been doing even more and broken records galore. Now, I have recently gone on record stating that whilst we are witnessing two of the greatest "modern-day footballers", and when I mean modern-day, I would have to say within the last 20 years, they cannot be compared to the likes of Pele, Maradona, Cruyff, Gento, Puskas, Muller et al. These are all club and national team legends. So, I will say it again, they are both (please read this part carefully since it is very important) amazingly brilliant MODERN DAY players.

The fact that you and the others are only capable of insults or trying to belittle other posters i.e. Danny1982 or others who don't share you particular views smacks of arrogance of the highest order and I can see why you are a Ronaldo fan, birds of a feather and all that...;)
I'm capable of a lot more, but this petty "let's take this opportunity for potshot no. 183472" doesn't really deserve pepper responses does it?

As for the Ronaldo "fan" business, I'm clearly not one. I already gave my two cents on some peoples claims on him having a case for being right up there with the greatest of the game by saying that it simply isn't possible given he's not got the vision and creativity for that.

I just think that if the only reason you come to these threads is to take pot shots, then don't come at all. It's clear as day that you're pretty biased against him. All I've seen from you in this thread for a long time is criticism. He's no that bad a footballer.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
You call it "bitterness", or "bias issues"? Are you for real. This debate has gone on for years and years and to be honest, if you cannot accept our views on a player that has long since gone from our club, then you have serious issues. I have made numerous posts saying that Ronaldo is a great footballer and he scored amazing goals, as well as bucketloads to boot, but then I would have to say that the other one has been doing even more and broken records galore. Now, I have recently gone on record stating that whilst we are witnessing two of the greatest "modern-day footballers", and when I mean modern-day, I would have to say within the last 20 years, they cannot be compared to the likes of Pele, Maradona, Cruyff, Gento, Puskas, Muller et al. These are all club and national team legends. So, I will say it again, they are both (please read this part carefully since it is very important) amazingly brilliant MODERN DAY players.

The fact that you and the others are only capable of insults or trying to belittle other posters i.e. Danny1982 or others who don't share you particular views smacks of arrogance of the highest order and I can see why you are a Ronaldo fan, birds of a feather and all that...;)
Also to clarify it's not your views on these issues, it's the predictability with which some of you come to this thread only to say something negative. I sometimes post here praising him and other times rubbish claims that he's up there with the greatest footballers ever due to his goal scoring feats. Because I'm not really a big fan of Ronaldo nor do I hate him.


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
I'm capable of a lot more, but this petty "let's take this opportunity for potshot no. 183472" doesn't really deserve pepper responses does it?

As for the Ronaldo "fan" business, I'm clearly not one. I already gave my two cents on some peoples claims on him having a case for being right up there with the greatest of the game by saying that it simply isn't possible given he's not got the vision and creativity for that.

I just think that if the only reason you come to these threads is to take pot shots, then don't come at all. It's clear as day that you're pretty biased against him. All I've seen from you in this thread for a long time is criticism. He's no that bad a footballer.
He won't ever be up with the greatest of all time, as you said he lacks the overall game to take the game by the scruff of the neck and tilt it in the his team's favour like other's did, however in terms of goalscorers he would be pretty high.

Then there are players who had a better overall game, for example Figo who was a great crosser, passer, etc but would you have him or Ronaldo in the team? Depends on the rest of the team but at the end of the day goals wins games and the frequency at which Cristiano scores is definitely above the ordinary.


Banned Cnut
Dec 24, 2011
No Irwin, no TN, no Icky!!! WTF??? :-(
Also to clarify it's not your views on these issues, it's the predictability with which some of you come to this thread only to say something negative. I sometimes post here praising him and other times rubbish claims that he's up there with the greatest footballers ever due to his goal scoring feats. Because I'm not really a big fan of Ronaldo nor do I hate him.

Did you read this part or did you somehow skip it to suit your own agenda by saying that all I do is criticise or say nothing good about him:

I have made numerous posts saying that Ronaldo is a great footballer and he scored amazing goals, as well as bucketloads to boot, but then I would have to say that the other one has been doing even more and broken records galore. Now, I have recently gone on record stating that whilst we are witnessing two of the greatest "modern-day footballers", and when I mean modern-day, I would have to say within the last 20 years, they cannot be compared to the likes of Pele, Maradona, Cruyff, Gento, Puskas, Muller et al.
Or why not this one:

The goals that both Ronaldo and Messi have scored between them is phenomenal (did you see that Vato, we call it impartiality ;) you should learn how to do that some time) and no-one can say otherwise. We are witnessing the two greatest footballers of possiblyour generation.


Der Fußballgott
Dec 2, 2010
Bayern Munich
It is tricky to compare different eras.

Zico for example scored for fun in Serie A while playing for a team like Udinese. Obviously both messi's and Ronaldo's goal count would have gone down, but I'd say that would be more down to lenient refs back then than quality of defenders. The type of challenges that the defenders could get away with was insane. If you apply modern rules, a lot of those defenders would be rendered liabilities. And btw Maradona wasn't a main goalscorer for Napoli.
He was Napoli's topscorer in both title winning seasons, how would you call that? He didn't score a lot though, at least not by today's standard. Napoli won the league with 41 goals in 30 games once :lol:. Compare that to Barca's and Real's more than 3 goals a game averages in the last 2 years when they won the title.


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
He was Napoli's topscorer in both title winning seasons, how would you call that? He didn't score a lot though, at least not by today's standard. Napoli won the league with 41 goals in 30 games once :lol:. Compare that to Barca's and Real's more than 3 goals a game averages in the last 2 years when they won the title.
I am sure a lot of it came from free kicks. He was not a bad goalscorer but that wasn't his main role in the team, at least from what i have watched, Careca played up front.


Der Fußballgott
Dec 2, 2010
Bayern Munich
I am sure a lot of it came from free kicks. He was not a bad goalscorer but that wasn't his main role in the team, at least from what i have watched, Careca played up front.
Yeah, of course, but scoring freekicks was crucial, way more than it is today, pretty sure it was part of the tactics often enough, make sure you don't concede and Maradona will create something or score with a freekick, he was such an amazing freekick taker. Was just surprised that you said he wasn't a main goalscorer. I think I read somewhere that he scored more than 25% of all of Napoli's league goals during his time there.

The Man Himself

asked for a tagline change and all I got was this.
Feb 12, 2013
So, what is his goal count for this calendar year? Remember him reaching 50 few matches back and scored at least 5 since then.


Banned Cnut
Dec 24, 2011
No Irwin, no TN, no Icky!!! WTF??? :-(
He was Napoli's topscorer in both title winning seasons, how would you call that? He didn't score a lot though, at least not by today's standard. Napoli won the league with 41 goals in 30 games once :lol:. Compare that to Barca's and Real's more than 3 goals a game averages in the last 2 years when they won the title.

Maradona was Napoli's top goalscorer for four seasons running, including the two times they would the title. Over the last 10 seasons including this season, Barcelona have scored 867 goals in the league alone from 353 matches with an average 2.46 goals per game. Napoli in the period where defenders were indeed tough to get past, they managed to score 303 goals in 244 games, for an average of 1.24. To put that into perspective, if Napoli had played the same number of games throughout that particular period, then they would have scored only 437 goals. Great difference between the defences of yesteryear and today.


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
Yeah, of course, but scoring freekicks was crucial, way more than it is today, pretty sure it was part of the tactics often enough, make sure you don't concede and Maradona will create something or score with a freekick, he was such an amazing freekick taker. Was just surprised that you said he wasn't a main goalscorer. I think I read somewhere that he scored more than 25% of all of Napoli's league goals during his time there.
Indeed. Like that tough game against Juve where Diego broke the deadlock with a peach of a FK. What I meant was it wasn't his primary role to stay in the box and score but he ended up scoring than more given the gulf in class.


Provides RedCafe with shit Twitter news
Jan 18, 2013
In terms of modern day football before Ronaldo and Messi, 1 in 2 was seen as a solid record for a striker, the greats like Ronaldo Lima, Van Nistelrooy, Henry, Shevchenko etc. did better than that but the way these two score goals can only really be compared to how some of the greats scored all those decades ago.

The ability to create/dictate at the highest level is harder to find IMO than scoring. Ronaldo is an amazing player who in terms of being a goalscorer couldn't add much more to his game, but that ability to unlock a tight match? He doesn't have that...


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
Well it's usually the creative side of the team that has the responsibility of unlocking a tight defense, not a forward's. He does what is there in his control by trying for goal from all ways and a lot of times succeeding but if there's really no service like the case was against Barca 3 odd years back there's only so much a forward can do. The names you mentioned wouldn't have won Madrid the Clasicos in which Barca midfield owned them.


Full Member
Jan 21, 2009
In any case, Ronaldo has unlocked countless defenses on his own through sheer individual brilliance (long range shots such as Porto, or individual dribbles vs. Fulham). It is absolutely unfair on him as a player to overlook that side of his game.


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
He had a well rounded skillset while he was with us, I think in 06-07 he played as a great attacking midfielder setting up chances a lot of times, but since then he's concentrated most of his game in goalscoring and I feel his dribbling has gone down at Madrid. So have his FKs. On the other hand I think he is a very good passer, more than he is given credit for and has given some slick assists at Madrid. He has 18-20 assists in this calendar year if I am not wrong.


Sectarian Hipster
Aug 18, 2009
Old Trafford
Yeah, I actually don't know why I bother. It's pretty clear why some posters keep frequenting this thread. I wish you could use the ignore function for threads of your choice.

:lol: Frequenting??

Sorry I didn't know this is the Ronaldo hole, where his "fans" don't want anybody else disagreeing with them, even if it was merely about a simple issue of "was it an exaggerated response from Ronaldo to Blatter's comments or not?"..

Apparently you should just get here to shoot your load and get out..


Sectarian Hipster
Aug 18, 2009
Old Trafford
Did you read this part or did you somehow skip it to suit your own agenda by saying that all I do is criticise or say nothing good about him:

Or why not this one:
Don't bother PL, they know we've said many positive things about Ronaldo, but that's not enough for them.. They can't take anything bad (or even interpreted as bad) being said about him.. Typical "fans".


Banned Cnut
Dec 24, 2011
No Irwin, no TN, no Icky!!! WTF??? :-(
Don't bother PL, they know we've said many positive things about Ronaldo, but that's not enough for them.. They can't take anything bad (or even interpreted as bad) being said about him.. Typical "fans".

It is probably their interpretation of the word "bias", or "impartiality", that they do not understand. It is very possible to criticise a player for some aspects and praising him for others, no matter who they are. However, the only things they see are the negative points so that they can get insult or criticise other posters.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Don't bother PL, they know we've said many positive things about Ronaldo, but that's not enough for them.. They can't take anything bad (or even interpreted as bad) being said about him.. Typical "fans".
Nah, it's just the one dimensional posters that have an agenda that come across badly. I don't overrate him myself either so I couldn't care less about making others do so


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Did you read this part or did you somehow skip it to suit your own agenda by saying that all I do is criticise or say nothing good about him:

Or why not this one:
Ah posts where you defend accusations against your bias. That's definitely the right stuff for me to look at.

If you feel you aren't biased then good for you, but it's a definitely feeling I get from your posts in this thread. And like I said it has nothing to do with how highly or not you rate him.


Banned Cnut
Dec 24, 2011
No Irwin, no TN, no Icky!!! WTF??? :-(
Ah posts where you defend accusations against your bias. That's definitely the right stuff for me to look at.

If you feel you aren't biased then good for you, but it's a definitely feeling I get from your posts in this thread. And like I said it has nothing to do with how highly or not you rate him.

I dislike Ronaldo, I am not going to hide that, but I have also said some positive things about him too, but again, you don't see to grasp the concept of negative or positive. Please re-read all of Dannys or my posts recently and you'll see that we have made some positive comments. Again, you pick out points to suit your own argument and your own agenda against certain posters because said posters think differently than you or Vato.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
I dislike Ronaldo, I am not going to hide that, but I have also said some positive things about him too, but again, you don't see to grasp the concept of negative or positive. Please re-read all of Dannys or my posts recently and you'll see that we have made some positive comments. Again, you pick out points to suit your own argument and your own agenda against certain posters because said posters think differently than you or Vato.
What do I think exactly that I think that I would take such offence to your opinion on Ronaldo? I doubt I rate him much higher than you do. It has nothing to do with someone having an opinion that differs with mine. I often make it a point to to tell people here to be more tolerant of differing views. It's dislike/hate/negative bias that comes across very badly.


Banned Cnut
Dec 24, 2011
No Irwin, no TN, no Icky!!! WTF??? :-(
What do I think exactly that I think that I would take such offence to your opinion on Ronaldo? I doubt I rate him much higher than you do. It has nothing to do with someone having an opinion that differs with mine. I often make it a point to to tell people here to be more tolerant of differing views. It's dislike/hate/negative bias that comes across very badly.

You still don't get it and to be honest, it is getting tiresome now. Any hint of a negative view on Ronaldo and all hell breaks loose. It is an 'you are either with us or against us", attitude and and attitude I dislike. Many players have moved on to other clubs from Manchester United and I wish them well, but do I follow their careers, of course not. I am a Manchester United fan and the club is bigger than any other player. If Rooney was to join Besiktas tomorrow, it doesn't mean I will follow him and watch each game he plays.


Sep 28, 2003
You still don't get it and to be honest, it is getting tiresome now. Any hint of a negative view on Ronaldo and all hell breaks loose. It is an 'you are either with us or against us", attitude and and attitude I dislike. Many players have moved on to other clubs from Manchester United and I wish them well, but do I follow their careers, of course not. I am a Manchester United fan and the club is bigger than any other player. If Rooney was to join Besiktas tomorrow, it doesn't mean I will follow him and watch each game he plays.
Well, Rooney's not Ronaldo is he.


Sep 28, 2003
No he isn't, but he plays for Manchester United for the time-being. Hell, Beckham was miles better than Rooney, but I never watched Real Madrid, AC Milan or whatever the American team was to see how he is doing. I am only interested in what Manchester United players do at the present.

That's fair enough. I never watched Beckham either.


Banned Cnut
Dec 24, 2011
No Irwin, no TN, no Icky!!! WTF??? :-(
That's fair enough. I never watched Beckham either.

Being in France tells you a great deal about gloryhunters. I have seen people wearing an Arsenal shirt with Thierry Henry, only to put on the Chelsea shirt of Didier Drogba. Even in England, I saw quite a few people wearing the Beckham 23 for Real Madrid. So you see, I cannot be one of them. I will wish them the best of luck, but there is no way in hell I would follow their careers elsewhere. I worship a club, the history, the culture, and not one person.

Fergus' son

Gets very easily confused
Oct 13, 2011

PL is completely infatuated with Ronaldo! It's actually rather worrying...


Sep 28, 2003
Being in France tells you a great deal about gloryhunters. I have seen people wearing an Arsenal shirt with Thierry Henry, only to put on the Chelsea shirt of Didier Drogba. Even in England, I saw quite a few people wearing the Beckham 23 for Real Madrid. So you see, I cannot be one of them. I will wish them the best of luck, but there is no way in hell I would follow their careers elsewhere. I worship a club, the history, the culture, and not one person.

That is atrocious :lol: Yeah, I only care about United as well. But I do like to watch Ronaldo play still, not that I am rooting for Real in any capacity, it's just exciting to watch one of the greatest players of his generation - that was produced by our club.

Scarlett Dracarys

( . Y . )
Apr 22, 2007
New York
That is atrocious :lol: Yeah, I only care about United as well. But I do like to watch Ronaldo play still, not that I am rooting for Real in any capacity, it's just exciting to watch one of the greatest players of his generation - that was produced by our club.
Well said and this is the reason why I watch him play and give credit where it's deserved.

Snake Plissken

Aka LTS10
May 6, 2010

PL is completely infatuated with Ronaldo! It's actually rather worrying...

One observation I've made on here. When you get a la liga game on and people score, even Messi, you get regular comments about how defending is Spain is dire. Yet you rarely see this when Ronaldo scores :lol:
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