Cristiano Ronaldo

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If Blatter wants to be a comedian, I'm sure the football world will happily accept his resignation. As long as he's the most important person in football, comments like that are massively disrespectful, he's simply not allowed to joke about any footballer because of his position. It's really not that hard to understand. I don't like Ronaldo or his reaction, but I fully understand that he's pissed.

Clearly I'm not talking about him just being "annoyed", but the fact that he took a few comments made in jest (together with his fans) to the ridiculous level of: "See? That's why Messi wins the Ballon d'Or and a lot of trophies and I don't".. That's when he started to look like a cry baby, and a sore loser.

I agree that the FIFA president shouldn't in theory have opinions about players and clubs (and I already said that), but we all know Blatter is a cnut, and people are blowing this out of proportions..

As a comparison, a ref is also not supposed to voice his opinions about/relationships with managers.. But a premier league ref did do that and said that SAF was his friend. How does a Chelsea or Arsenal fan sound to you when he takes that comment to draw the conclusion that it was all fixed, and that it was the main reason why United dominated the premier league?
Did anybody see Ronaldo's celebration today after scoring? He did the salute celebration to Blatter.
Ronaldo really has got a winners mindset, I think you could spend all week between matches giving him all sorts of grief in public and he'd still go and score a hat trick, just to spite you.
I hope Blatter makes another video making fun of _Ronaldo before Portugal's games with Sweden.
Vato, first of all, you're not the perfect example of neutrality, so stop giving others lessons, and stop debating "names" or trying to pick some posters with which you disagree with, instead of the issues we're debating. (Although I know why you and a few others do that).

Second, both of you, can you tell me how Blatter was so disrespectful to Ronaldo, "Real Madrid" and "Portugal"?! Quotes please from the clip above.

I wasn't biased in my opinion, Blatter was trying to be funny. IMO he wasn't successful, but it's a bad joke and that's all. Probably, should have avoided to say that he prefers Messi in the end, because he's the president of FIFA, although that doesn't mean that he shouldn't have an opinion..

The fuss the drama queens are making here is just like the fuss the United haters made when an English ref said that Fergie was his friend a few months ago.. (Even though I admit it's bit worse in the ref's case, because he's directly affecting the match results). It's basically a nothing story, fuelled by some's bitterness because Ronaldo missed out on the last 4 Ballon d'Ors, and expect to miss it this year again..

And if we're talking "disrespectful", IMO, bringing up Ibrahimovic's name with Messi and Ronaldo was far more disrespectful for Messi and Ronaldo than the other stuff. Also what's more disrespectful IMO is Ronaldo not showing up in the awards when he knew he wasn't going to win.

Besides, don't act like nobody is trashing Messi in the media, Vato!

feck me Daniel, Ronaldo is not an athiest. Go easy on him.
Does Ronaldo feel disrespected that people think he looks like a commander on the field (which was also said in jest)?!

Do you think it's disrespectful to prefer a player to another?

Do you think mentioning Ronaldo's hair (as a joke) is disrespectful?! How many times have the United fans talked and made jokes about Beckham's hair?! Almost everybody did. Are we disrespecting him?! I think we need to grow up..

Please tell me which you found the most disrespectful part, or just pick one so we can see how "disrespectful it was for Ronaldo, Real Madrid, and Portugal", before we assess the reaction...
Can't you see what he did and especially how he did it was wrong? What did you think when he said "the other one" when he was going to talk about Ronaldo? Isn't that disrespectful? I don't believe for a second that you're too stupid to see the obvious dislike he has for him so what you're doing defending Blatter's comments to make Ronaldo look bad is downright pathetic.
Can't you see what he did and especially how he did it was wrong? What did you think when he said "the other one" when he was going to talk about Ronaldo? Isn't that disrespectful? I don't believe for a second that you're too stupid to see the obvious dislike he has for him so what you're doing defending Blatter's comments to make Ronaldo look bad is downright pathetic.

See that's the problem with most people.. You have to take sides.

I'm not defending Blatter, everybody knows he's a cnut, and he's said far more ridiculous things than that.. I hate Blatter more than anything else in football, and the sooner he goes the better it is for football.

Now let's get back to the issue. I really don't think he meant to belittle Ronaldo with "the other one". He was just comparing the two, and to be honest he may have even "insulted" Messi "more" than Ronaldo, because if he compared Ronaldo to a "commander", then he compared Messi to practically a "little girl", well a child or a "boy" whose father and mother would love him and, "dance around".....

The worst part IMO was not all that, the worst part was in the end when he said "I prefer Messi". Yes, that I have a little problem with (although still not worthy IMO of all that reaction), but the commander and hair stuff, or the little boy and dance around stuff (wouldn't you be offended if somebody pictured you like that?), really don't see the big fuss.

Also if you read deep into Blatter's words, he was actually making a case for Ronaldo, why Messi is winning all the Ballon d'Ors, and votes. He's trying to put it down to his personality, rather than footballing superiority, which IMO isn't true, but either way that could definitely be seen as making a case for Ronaldo, rather than against him.

Either way, it's all a nothing story IMO, and as you yourself once said about Ronaldo:

Fantastic footballer but he can be such a drama queen.

... when he was having some problems with Madrid.. And I don't think he's changed after he extended his contract with Madrid, if we're being objective.
Haha, that Chelsea video and the celebration. One of my favourite players.
Let's break it down.. Blatter talked about how Ronaldo looks like a commander on the field, his hair, and about how he prefers Messi to him, while maintaining that both are on the same level on the football pitch..

Which part do you think was the most disrespectful part?

Actually, even though saying he preferred Messi, I believe he actually disrespected Messi by saying that they are at the "same level." Sorry, but Messi won 4 Ballon D'Ors, he has broken individual scoring records that have stood for years made by the likes of Muller and Pele. I respect that Ronaldo has scored a bucketload since joining Real Madrid but, how many would he have scored had he suffered so many injuries that stopped him from playing for weeks on end? I could go on and on, to be honest, at the end of the day, I felt that when he issued his statement by stating they are both the same level, that was disrespectful towards a player who has no equal.
Actually, even though saying he preferred Messi, I believe he actually disrespected Messi by saying that they are at the "same level." Sorry, but Messi won 4 Ballon D'Ors, he has broken individual scoring records that have stood for years made by the likes of Muller and Pele. I respect that Ronaldo has scored a bucketload since joining Real Madrid but, how many would he have scored had he suffered so many injuries that stopped him from playing for weeks on end? I could go on and on, to be honest, at the end of the day, I felt that when he issued his statement by stating they are both the same level, that was disrespectful towards a player who has no equal.

Maybe they are same level in terms of scoring goals for fun and by reputation. Anyway, relax, Ronaldo has been at the nearest level next to Messi over past 5 years.
Actually, even though saying he preferred Messi, I believe he actually disrespected Messi by saying that they are at the "same level." Sorry, but Messi won 4 Ballon D'Ors, he has broken individual scoring records that have stood for years made by the likes of Muller and Pele. I respect that Ronaldo has scored a bucketload since joining Real Madrid but, how many would he have scored had he suffered so many injuries that stopped him from playing for weeks on end? I could go on and on, to be honest, at the end of the day, I felt that when he issued his statement by stating they are both the same level, that was disrespectful towards a player who has no equal.
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