Cristiano Ronaldo

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There is something to what JaffyJoe is saying. I'm inclined to think it's almost irrelevant to most discussions given how much he does score, but I think if he ever starts entering the best ever debate then he surely must fall short on that count. His impact on a game aside from goals is nothing like a Messi 09/10, a Ronaldinho, etc... It's not close to that level at all. Both Messi and Ronaldo have another gear in them in theory (Messi has a couple more probably), but I do think they're so orientated towards goals that other parts of their game have suffered. Statistics and headlines are all most seem to really be arsed about so perhaps this is how they see their route to greatness.

That's how it comes across to me when I watch them play, at least. Regarding Ronaldo, if he is one of the very, very greatest (as in, top 5), then I overrated previous players when I assumed how good they were. Ronaldo is one of the best goalscorers ever but I just feel like someone in that tier should offer a fair bit more than goalscoring. Surely there should be a constant threat, brilliant link up play, a control over a game, etc - attributes that hugely and directly affect the quality of an entire team's football, that is to say. They're not really there though and he's just a phenomenal goal scorer who is merely decent/good in these respects. The performances themselves are productive but not excellent, and I think to look at entire games and see mostly goals is to fail to properly assess a 90 minute performance.

Like I say though, you could say the same about Messi at the moment to an extent, and certainly you could apply this point to someone like Bale. Bale is obviously nothing like as good as the other two but he's a classic example of what I'm going on about; his performances have newspaper headline mentality written all over them. A hugely influential player, but I think there is something to be said about the perception that he's more concerned with looking good than being good. Again, less of a problem given that he produces, but it doesn't do much for his overall performances.
Ronaldo's scored 8 goals in his last 7 games against Barcelona right? He scored the only goal to win them the cup a few years ago against Barcelona, and the winning goal in the El Classico preceding Madrid claiming the title season before last.
Also scored 2 goals against Bayern Munich in that semi final, and last year scored against 3 combined against City and Dortmund in the group stages. He has a great record against Atletico Madrid and Valencia too.
My only "criticism" of Ronnie is that he is too much a machine and enough the artist he was when we had him. These days he seems like a human robot who has been programmed to do less tricks and score more goals.
There is something to what JaffyJoe is saying. I'm inclined to think it's almost irrelevant to most discussions given how much he does score, but I think if he ever starts entering the best ever debate then he surely must fall short on that count. His impact on a game aside from goals is nothing like a Messi 09/10, a Ronaldinho, etc... It's not close to that level at all. Both Messi and Ronaldo have another gear in them in theory (Messi has a coupe more probably), but I do think they're so orientated towards goals that other parts of their game have suffered. Statistics and headlines are all most seem to really be arsed about so perhaps this is how they see their route to greatness.

That's how it comes across to me when I watch them play, at least. Regarding Ronaldo, if he is one of the very, very greatest (as in, top 5), then I overrated previous players when I assumed how good they were. Ronaldo is one of the best goalscorers ever but I just feel like someone in that tier should offer a fair bit more than goalscoring. Surely there should be a constant threat, brilliant link up play, a control over a game, etc - attributes that hugely and directly affect the quality of an entire team's football, that is to say. They're not really there though and he's just a phenomenal goal scorer who is merely decent/good in these respects. The performances themselves are productive but not excellent, and I think to look at entire games and see mostly goals is to fail to properly assess a 90 minute performance.

Like I say though, you could say the same about Messi at the moment, and certainly you could apply this point to someone like Bale. Bale is obviously nothing like as good as the other two but he's a classic example of what I'm going on about; his performances have newspaper headline mentality written all over them. A hugely influential player, but I think there is something to be said that he's more concerned with looking good than being good. Again, less of a problem given that he produces, but it doesn't do much for his overall performances.

That's just, like, your opinion bro....

In all seriousness, why must he have these so called attributes? I can easily as much select an Iniesta and berate him for his lack of goals.
That's just, like, your opinion bro....

In all seriousness, why must he have these so called attributes? I can easily as much select an Iniesta and berate him for his lack of goals.

I put 'I just feel like someone in that tier...', and 'I think'. That's an opinion. ;)

You could do that with Iniesta but then again he isn't part of the debate. It is entirely reasonable to level some sort of criticism like that at him mind you if we're to talk about how great a player he is (that is how the discussion started isn't it? Sorry if not). Maybe not goals, but perhaps the consistency of his highest level of influence. I think his talent dictates that he could've ended up being talked about in such discussions, but I imagine he will probably stay in that category below.

As stated before though, the point is in context of assumptions regarding past players. I don't know how good these players actually were; I just say that, if Ronaldo does rank amongst the likes of Maradona, then I presumptuously held them in far too high esteem.
I disagree - the influence and impact of Ronaldo at Madrid has been huge, in big games and without.

Even though they play(ed) with more recognisable front men in Benzema and Higuain, their goals in the big games have mostly come from Ronaldo - far more than from anybody else. Apart from getting less assists than Messi, his other stats were always impressive (key passes, pass success rates, touches etc.)

He wasn't just scoring a goal and doing nothing all game - the majority of their attacks/chances were going through him and ultimately most of their goals.

In the period that Ronaldo scored 7 goals in 6 El Clasicos, didn't Messi have a mini-drought and not score in 4/5? Ronaldo has 12 goals against Barcelona for Real Madrid and has only been there 4 years - 3 a year against a side that is one of the best we've ever witnessed.
I disagree - the influence and impact of Ronaldo at Madrid has been huge, in big games and without.

Even though they play(ed) with more recognisable front men in Benzema and Higuain, their goals in the big games have mostly come from Ronaldo - far more than from anybody else. Apart from getting less assists than Messi, his other stats were always impressive (key passes, pass success rates, touches etc.)

He wasn't just scoring a goal and doing nothing all game - the majority of their attacks/chances were going through him and ultimately most of their goals.

In the period that Ronaldo scored 7 goals in 6 El Clasicos, didn't Messi have a mini-drought and not score in 4/5? Ronaldo has 12 goals against Barcelona for Real Madrid and has only been there 4 years - 3 a year against a side that is one of the best we've ever witnessed.

Definitely not, but I think there is a distinct difference in that and what, for example, Messi did during 2009, which is the best season I've seen from a player. Something similar happened the subsequent year and to a lesser extent also during 11/12, with attacks not just going through him, but also constantly being forged by him because of his superior playmaking skills.

I wouldn't want to turn it down that road though (that debate gets heated :lol:), and I suppose there is nothing set in stone here. I just value a genuinely top quality 90 minute performance above a poor/decent/good one combined with a tap in or two, a moment of brilliance, etc... I think that has a far greater impact on the way a team plays and how it performs as a whole, and ultimately that is the sort of player I'd expect should be topping these 'greatest' lists. Ronaldo does go beyond that poor/decent/good barrier, but not often enough in my opinion. If this is what JaffyJoe is getting at, big game or otherwise, then I would agree.
I think that's because of his style of play and the team he plays for.. If Ronaldo and Messi both play a match, come out of it with 2 goals each and similar stats otherwise, there is a good chance Messi's will be labelled some sort of masterclass we could only get from him, and Ronaldo's just be considered 'simply' brilliant.

I'm not trying to say that there is some sort of Messi bias (although, I do think that there is but that's not the point).

But, it's how they go about it.. Ronaldo plays from the left, gets the balls and performs his brilliance in bursts - sprints forward, smashes in a shot, maybe scores.

Messi meanwhile, because of the team's style of control and possession in the opposition half, he is able to have a level of control over the ball that in any other team he probably wouldn't be able to do. He can help to dictate play while playing in essentially a centre-forwards position (albeit 'free'). On a Messi highlights reel we would see him having plenty of touches around the enemy box, keeping the ball moving and having control over the game - include that with the cute dribbles and goals he scores and it's incredible viewing.

Ronaldo's is more about quick short bursts forward before unleashing a shot, not quite so impressive for most.

For me, they're equally effective in their current teams but I can understand the reasons that make people find Messi's more appealing - although I'm really not sure he would be able to do the same in another team (score a shit load of silly goals, yes of course - but combined with a level of dictation and control? i doubt it.)
I think that's because of his style of play and the team he plays for.. If Ronaldo and Messi both play a match, come out of it with 2 goals each and similar stats otherwise, there is a good chance Messi's will be labelled some sort of masterclass we could only get from him, and Ronaldo's just be considered 'simply' brilliant.

I'm not trying to say that there is some sort of Messi bias (although, I do think that there is but that's not the point).

But, it's how they go about it.. Ronaldo plays from the left, gets the balls and performs his brilliance in bursts - sprints forward, smashes in a shot, maybe scores.

Messi meanwhile, because of the team's style of control and possession in the opposition half, he is able to have a level of control over the ball that in any other team he probably wouldn't be able to do. He can help to dictate play while playing in essentially a centre-forwards position (albeit 'free'). On a Messi highlights reel we would see him having plenty of touches around the enemy box, keeping the ball moving and having control over the game - include that with the cute dribbles and goals he scores and it's incredible viewing.

Ronaldo's is more about quick short bursts forward before unleashing a shot, not quite so impressive for most.

For me, they're equally effective in their current teams but I can understand the reasons that make people find Messi's more appealing - although I'm really not sure he would be able to do the same in another team (score a shit load of silly goals, yes of course - but combined with a level of dictation and control? i doubt it.)

Good points. I would definitely say the difference between the pair is less than it was. You are right in that there is also team-related context to consider, which is why I harp back to the point a few years back where the point is clearer. For me, Messi was at his best during that period at the start of and just before the false 9 switch, with him regularly forcing the issue in games, coming in from the right and constantly doing ridiculous things.

It is worth considering also that Messi is played in that role because he has shown that he can, where as Ronaldo has sometimes struggled centrally. These moments of close control around the box, the incisive through balls, the speed of thought, etc; he was moved there presumably because Barcelona thought it'd be silly not to utilise a player of those talents like that. I think it's a shame that that player regularly charging from the wing repeatedly is gone, but when Barcelona moved him inwards it was in recognition of what he would offer as a complete package in that role. 09/10 was when this started to happen, but the balance that was struck that year was fantastic.

Basically though, I've seen that player already in him. He's consistetly struck that balance I go on about, and has held that 90 minute influence that I think should be prerequisite for being the greatest. His role has altered since then and I think, as a result of Barcelona's reliance on him in recent seasons for goals (as well as his own focus on this aspect of his game), the comparison is currently closer than it was. Neither Ronaldo nor Messi, regardless of their positions, are doing what Messi did back then, which to me is what one of the very greatest should look like. Ronaldo in general has never ticked this box for a long enough period, which is something quite significant in my opinion when it comes to such a discussion.
We must stop this by the way and agree to disagree before it is too late. Terrible things will happen. Not Xbox One vs PS4 terrible, but terrible nonetheless.
I wasnt trying to argue Messi vs Ronaldo, I was just discussing why I think its easier to consider Messis performances as special and different compared to Ronaldos.

Without Messi though, I dont think anybody could question Ronaldos contribution in big games or otherwise. The other names thrown in are generally just there to make up the numbers next to Messi.
Nah didn't mean that. ;) I just mean it won't take a lot before it all explodes and turns into one giant mess.

*Ah, by the way:

I wasnt trying to argue Messi vs Ronaldo, I was just discussing why I think its easier to consider Messis performances as special and different compared to Ronaldos.

Without Messi though, I dont think anybody could question Ronaldos contribution in big games or otherwise. The other names thrown in are generally just there to make up the numbers next to Messi.

We must stop this by the way and agree to disagree before it is too late. Terrible things will happen. Not Xbox One vs PS4 terrible, but terrible nonetheless.

That was not aimed at you! Felt that should be clarified...that thread is very much a duet in the sense I refer to.
He is not as accomplished in big games as Zidane, Xavi, Messi, Ronaldinho. Kaka even Gerrard at his best.

SO basically if you score you've had a good game then? He scores all the time, personally I look for more than him just notching a goal in the big games. He's too good to settle. He seems to have the mentality of, 'once I have scored I can say I did my bit'. He had a few great big game performances last year but say Gerrard's game against West Ham or Zidane's against AC or even Messi's against us in 2011, Ronaldo has NEVER had that level of influence.

:lol: :lol:

I remember you once arguing in newbies about Pires being a better player than Giggs. So, this is not surprising at all. You do have your unique views, it must be said :lol:
:lol: :lol:

I remember you once arguing in newbies about Pires being a better player than Giggs. So, this is not surprising at all. You do have your unique views, it must be said :lol:

FWIW, Giggs never has as good a season as Pires' best season(s).
FWIW, Giggs never has as good a season as Pires' best season(s).

Never had as good a seaon in what sense? If it is about goal scoring, Pires had more freer role and was a used as a key source of goal for Arsenal because of his understanding with Henry. I am a great admirer of Pires, but I don't agree that Giggs never had as good a season as Pires' best. It is just that he didn't score as many goals as Pires did in his best years. Those days, United were even more conventional 4-4-2 relying on wing play and there were lesser occasions of Giggs getting into goal scoring positions than Pires.
Of course, when it comes to better player, someone who has had 8.5/10 seasons on an average for 15-16 years at least (ignoring last 3-4 years of Giggs which haven't been disaster anyway) compared with another player who maybe had 1-2 seasons of 9/10 and rest 6-7 seasons of 7.5-8/10 or so, there is no doubt who is the better player. The 7.5-9 grading can be subjective but I don't think anybody can convincingly put Pires ahead in skills and influence than Giggs, so the longevity and consistency at top club at top level automatically puts Giggs a notch above.

This is digressing the topic though. JaffyJoe's outrageous comments here reminded me of his similar comments in newbies so posted it. I guess it was in Bale thread where he was claiming Bale to be already LOT better player than Giggs (this before the transfer saga and fee etc) and then proceeding to put Pires ahead of Giggs as well :D
Definitely not, but I think there is a distinct difference in that and what, for example, Messi did during 2009, which is the best season I've seen from a player. Something similar happened the subsequent year and to a lesser extent also during 11/12, with attacks not just going through him, but also constantly being forged by him because of his superior playmaking skills.

I wouldn't want to turn it down that road though (that debate gets heated :lol:), and I suppose there is nothing set in stone here. I just value a genuinely top quality 90 minute performance above a poor/decent/good one combined with a tap in or two, a moment of brilliance, etc... I think that has a far greater impact on the way a team plays and how it performs as a whole, and ultimately that is the sort of player I'd expect should be topping these 'greatest' lists. Ronaldo does go beyond that poor/decent/good barrier, but not often enough in my opinion. If this is what JaffyJoe is getting at, big game or otherwise, then I would agree.

KingEric is getting at what I am saying, Ronaldo's overall game will be poor/decent and he will score a couple of goals for a player of his quality that is not enough. Personally I like to see more. He doesn't really have that in his locker. If he isn't scoring (and even when he is) his contribution in other departments lack, he is generally more of a threat in these scenarios against the weaker teams. Bar Galatassary, that was the kind of Champions League knock-out stage he had. When Mourinho spoke about Ronado changing his game I feel this is what he was getting at. It's all good scoring but when we are struggling and you are our best player, why can't we turn to you?

Like KingEric said its really I case of opinion, he is not a no.9 so I would just expect more from him creativity wise. When the chips were down against Dortmund and against us he did not do much Many are gald to call him the best ever etc. i'm not even comparing him too his generation. I'm comparing him to greats of the last decade or so. Ronaldo is a decent big game player.

p.s I don't want anyone to tell me about how many goals he has scored because I can check that out on wikipedia myself, I am talking about world class performances in Europe/La liga. When was his last great big game in Europe?
:lol: :lol:

I remember you once arguing in newbies about Pires being a better player than Giggs. So, this is not surprising at all. You do have your unique views, it must be said :lol:

Don't do that if your not going to contribute factually just don't, I said in the 3 years Pires was here he was a better player than Giggs. Just a three year period, it really is not that hard to believe. His performances and the stats back it up. He was the best winger in the country.
Nah didn't mean that. ;) I just mean it won't take a lot before it all explodes and turns into one giant mess.

Already happening, people are cherrypicing what I have written and responding too that. I am talking simply about his bug game prowess in comparison to other all time greats. I think he is middle of the pack in that regard. You can stretch it to his overall contribution. But I just like to see more.
Never had as good a seaon in what sense? If it is about goal scoring, Pires had more freer role and was a used as a key source of goal for Arsenal because of his understanding with Henry. I am a great admirer of Pires, but I don't agree that Giggs never had as good a season as Pires' best. It is just that he didn't score as many goals as Pires did in his best years. Those days, United were even more conventional 4-4-2 relying on wing play and there were lesser occasions of Giggs getting into goal scoring positions than Pires.
Of course, when it comes to better player, someone who has had 8.5/10 seasons on an average for 15-16 years at least (ignoring last 3-4 years of Giggs which haven't been disaster anyway) compared with another player who maybe had 1-2 seasons of 9/10 and rest 6-7 seasons of 7.5-8/10 or so, there is no doubt who is the better player. The 7.5-9 grading can be subjective but I don't think anybody can convincingly put Pires ahead in skills and influence than Giggs, so the longevity and consistency at top club at top level automatically puts Giggs a notch above.

This is digressing the topic though. JaffyJoe's outrageous comments here reminded me of his similar comments in newbies so posted it. I guess it was in Bale thread where he was claiming Bale to be already LOT better player than Giggs (this before the transfer saga and fee etc) and then proceeding to put Pires ahead of Giggs as well :D

*sigh* I said Pires was the better/more influential player while he was here. That was a 3-4 year period, it is not outlandish to say so. You can discuss tactics etc. Pires was more effective and he won trophies at the same time. I DID NOT say Pires was a better player. It is a United forum you won't get a fair argument if a United player is involved just a waste of time.
Don't do that if your not going to contribute factually just don't, I said in the 3 years Pires was here he was a better player than Giggs. Just a three year period, it really is not that hard to believe. His performances and the stats back it up. He was the best winger in the country.

I can argue factually as well, but this is not a thread to do that(on Giggs and Pires). You may start one and I would gladly offer fachts there. Also, I don't get this 'Pires was here for 3 years' thing. He was here for 6 years from 2000-2006.
I think Ronaldo's general play will definitely count against him when ranking him among the greats but to call him a flat track bully is absurd, especially these days. I think he's demonstrated enough that he can impact all levels and variety of football and if there is one attribute of his which is genuinely world-class and never fails him in the big games it is his heading ability.

Is he a Cruyff, Messi etc no... he lacks the general class to his game to elevate himself to that tier of greatness... his general game isn't as sophisticated, his decision-making isn't up to that level and his entertaining game has been sacrificed alot since he went into machine mode, but he's still an effective footballer on the big stages, two bad game's against Dortmund doesn't change that. He's played well against Bayern and he's performed well in international tournaments bar Euro 2008/WC 2010... Euro 2012 was a good return to form on the international stage.
I can argue factually as well, but this is not a thread to do that(on Giggs and Pires). You may start one and I would gladly offer fachts there. Also, I don't get this 'Pires was here for 3 years' thing. He was here for 6 years from 2000-2006.

Sorry, I'm thining of a 3-4 year period within the 6 years 01-04/05 I feel during that period he was simply more effective.
The way some of you talk it's almost as if goals are just a by product of football rather than the sole aim of the game. :wenger:
He is not as accomplished in big games as Zidane, Xavi, Messi, Ronaldinho. Kaka even Gerrard at his best.

Mental. So mental. Ronaldo scores a CL goal every 2 games. What has Kaka done since Milan?
The way some of you talk it's almost as if goals are just a by product of football rather than the sole aim of the game. :wenger:
:confused: Scoring goals really isn't the sole aim of the game. That's just as stupid as putting Kaka and Gerrard in the same sentence as Zidane, Messi, Xavi and Ronaldinho. No one should seriously call Kaka and Gerrard comparable good big game players as C. Ronaldo, let alone better ones. But if you think that defending or controling the midfield isn't a goal in football and completely ignore the fact that a lot incredibly successful tactical formations were developed around those ideas and scoring goals was in fact a byproduct, you're just wrong.
:confused: Scoring goals really isn't the sole aim of the game. That's just as stupid as putting Kaka and Gerrard in the same sentence as Zidane, Messi, Xavi and Ronaldinho. No one should seriously call Kaka and Gerrard comparable good big game players as C. Ronaldo, let alone better ones. But if you think that defending or controling the midfield isn't a goal in football and completely ignore the fact that a lot incredibly successful tactical formations were developed around those ideas and scoring goals was in fact a byproduct, you're just wrong.

The "incredibly successful tactical formations" that evolved would not have evolved if they did not result in the teams scoring more goals than their opposition. Scoring more goals is the primary aim, everything else is just a means towards that aim. Doesn't mean they are not important, you're less likely to score a goal if you don't see any of the ball, but that doesn't change the fact that scoring more goals than your opposition is what the game is about, not about completing the most passes or stepovers.
The "incredibly successful tactical formations" that evolved would not have evolved if they did not result in the teams scoring more goals than their opposition. Scoring more goals is the primary aim, everything else is just a means towards that aim. Doesn't mean they are not important, you're less likely to score a goal if you don't see any of the ball, but that doesn't change the fact that scoring more goals than your opposition is what the game is about, not about completing the most passes or stepovers.
So? Scoring more doesn't mean scoring is the sole aim? That's just wrong, that's been proven wrong for decades.
So? Scoring more doesn't mean scoring is the sole aim? That's just wrong, that's been proven wrong for decades.

Scoring more and conceding less. Everything else is a means to achieve that. Scoring more is not a by-product of tactical innovations as you said, tactical innovations have happened with the sole aim of scoring more than your opposition.
Yeah, but there's a significant difference between scoring more and scoring. Would you really say that the sole aim of Inter's catenaccio was scoring? I wouldn't even call the main idea behind it scoring more, because it was clearly conceding less.
He's an attacking player; his main objective is to score goals for his team as well as provide assists. He does that in the big games, simple as.
Yeah, but there's a significant difference between scoring more and scoring. Would you really say that the sole aim of Inter's catenaccio was scoring? I wouldn't even call the main idea behind it scoring more, because it was clearly conceding less.

Which game do you have exactly in mind because the context is important.
Scoring isn't the sole aim of the game? :lol:
Theres two goals on each end of the field. Why are defenders there? To prevent the opposition from scoring a feckin goal. Why is there a keeper there? To prevent the opposition from scoring a goal. Why is the midfield there? To help prevent and assist with goals. and why is there strikerss? To score a fecking goal.

Which game do you have exactly in mind because the context is important.
The idea behind the tactics. I don't think you should pick out a single game to prove your point. I'd say, the main focus was on not conceding and then score enough or in enough games, to be successful, not the other way round.

Scoring isn't the sole aim of the game? :lol:
Theres two goals on each end of the field. Why are defenders there? To prevent the opposition from scoring a feckin goal. Why is there a keeper there? To prevent the opposition from scoring a goal. Why is the midfield there? To help prevent and assist with goals. and why is there strikerss? To score a fecking goal.

I'm a bit confused, so there are several players in the team with the aim to prevent scoring, yet the sole aim is scoring? Maybe I'm out of my depth here with the language, but that really doesn't make sense to me.
The idea behind the tactics. I don't think you should pick out a single game to prove your point. I'd say, the main focus was on not conceding and then score enough or in enough games, to be successful, not the other way round.

I'm a bit confused, so there are several players in the team with the aim to prevent scoring, yet the sole aim is scoring? Maybe I'm out of my depth here with the language, but that really doesn't make sense to me.
Yeah because the aim of the other team is also to score a goal so the other team have to prevent this.

edit - bad wording sorry
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