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Hmm, me? None whatsoever.

You should re-read your post though. Especially the bits about Cristiano's tantrum being planned beforehand and how throwing a hissy fit before 30,000 spectators because you were subbed off is the right way to show pashun and United dNa.

Yeah that post was so ludicrous, it sounded like parody :lol:
"Why me and not the young ones?". Jesus the cringe.

The sub itself was tactical - this is obvious. Had little to do with his performance as such. The rationale was that his - purely offensive - presence at that stage was less important than adding something defensively to secure the win. Or - if you will - the possibility of him grabbing a goal (for himself, as it were) wasn't something Ralf gave a single feck about, and rightly so.

If he doesn't understand this, there's every reason to be worried about how he will react to...anything involving denying him minutes.

But, I will say again that I don't know how accurate these quotes and whatnot are - I will gladly give everyone involved the benefit of the doubt as far as that is concerned.
Probably none is. However plenty of players have been topscorers in Seria A and fairly wank in the PL.

Care to name some of these serie A top scorers who flopped in England? If anything I think it's quite the opposite. I can only think of Shevchenko and Pato as major flops out of serie A. Pato's stock went down before he joined Chelsea though.

The likes of Henry, Zola, Bergkamp, Ravanelli, Vialli, Di Canio and Kanu all did well in the PL. Im know several of them never topped the scorers charts in Italy but we don't have many examples to draw from do we? Who am I missing among the plenty flops?
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The sub itself was tactical - this is obvious. Had little to do with his performance as such. The rationale was that his - purely offensive - presence at that stage was less important than adding something defensively to secure the win. Or - if you will - the possibility of him grabbing a goal (for himself, as it were) wasn't something Ralf gave a single feck about, and rightly so.

If he doesn't understand this, there's every reason to be worried about how he will react to...anything involving denying him minutes.

But, I will say again that I don't know how accurate these quotes and whatnot are - I will gladly give everyone involved the benefit of the doubt as far as that is concerned.

I agree with all of the above. Having said that, given how strong handed Rangnick has been this early, he's not going to hesitate to drop Ronaldo to the bench again if he thinks it's best. And even if the latter does react badly the next time or the time after that, he'll eventually figure out that all the tantrums and all the sulking in the world isn't going to make his manager less inclined to bench him. It isn't helpful to his own cause. As such, I think (or hope) that he'll mature.
The alternative viewpoint is that:
  • He completely unbalanced the team when he joined and although he may have scored important goals in the cl - he was a big reason why the performances were awful (both in the cl and in the league)
  • He is the senior leader in the dressing room and sets a bad example
  • Bruno performs much worse when playing with him, which is important because bruno is a much better player these days
  • He is a striker who can't perform well up front on his own, leading to us playing two up top more often resulting in the midfield getting overrun
  • Greenwood was playing well on his own up front earlier in the season
I am glad of his goals, I love it when he plays well. He is dangerous in the box and can make something out of half chances. Sometimes he’ll hit the bar or something and it gets the fans up and gives the team a lift.

But I basically agree with what you’ve posted there and I wish we never bought him.

I’ll happily eat my words if we win something this year and he helps make it happen. I just think the team as a whole would have been fine without him and he is not going to be around long enough to justify his having come here at all.
Care to name some of these serie A top scorers who flopped in England? If anything I think it's quite the opposite. I can only think of Shevchenko and Pato as major flops out of serie A. Pato's stock went down before he joined Chelsea though. The likes of Henry, Zola, Bergkamp, Ravanelli, Vialli, Kanu all did well in the PL. Who am I missing among the plenty flops?

Im talking about current Seria a not the one of the past.
You try reading it. But this time, don't project your own insecurities.

Mate, take a break. Seriously.

The mental gymnastic you and the other CR7 fanatics in this thread are doing to defend what's simply put is indefensible, is a sight to behold. I swear, it's like none of you has ever set a foot in a dressing room. Cristiano is one of the best footballers to ever grace a pitch, no single doubt that. However personalities like his are extremely abrasive. People begrundgingly let their tantrums slide as long as said player has the performances (emphasis on performance) to back them up but as soon as they're not there anymore, the dressing room goes to shit. No one, no matter their level, is going to put up very long with someone who's hell bent on reminding them, on and off the pitch, of every single mistake they make whilst the bloke himself is hardly setting the world alight. It drags the whole team's morale down and affects their performances.

There's plenty to respect and learn from him for the young'uns and the others, but seeing him as a leader or some kind of beacon of light in an ocean full of shit, is mistake I wouldn't make. C. Ronaldo does everything that's best for... C. Ronaldo. Full stop. Everything is about him, anything else comes after. People are saying he always did that, which is true. However, he's soon 37 years old and that kind of behavior isn't something I'd expect from someone of his age, especially with everything he's already achieved. I fully understand his ambitions and highly admire his unique drive, that's what lifted him up to the place he occupies in the football Pantheon in the first place. Still football is a team sport and he's not the player he was anymore. So when the manager (rightly) subs you off for tactical reasons, you swallow your pride and sit on the bench. If you have something to say to the manager and it's your right, you wait until the game's over and privately tell your piece. If you truly have the team's interests in mind, that is.
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No one, no matter their level, is going to put up very long with someone who's hell bent on reminding them, on and off the pitch, of every single mistake they make whilst the bloke himself is hardly setting the world alight. It drags the whole team's morale down and affects their performances.
Tbh this part reminds me extremely well of my ex. PTSD incoming.

Mate, take a break. Seriously.

The mental gymnastic you and the other CR7 fanatics in this thread are doing to defend what's simply put is indefensible, is a sight to behold. I swear, it's like none of you has ever set a foot in a dressing room. Cristiano is one of the best footballers to ever grace a pitch, no single doubt that. However personalities like his are extremely abrasive. People begrundgingly let their tantrums slide as long as said player has the performances (emphasis on performance) to back them up but as soon as they're not there anymore, the dressing room goes to shit. No one, no matter their level, is going to put up very long with someone who's hell bent on reminding them, on and off the pitch, of every single mistake they make whilst the bloke himself is hardly setting the world alight. It drags the whole team's morale down and affects their performances.

There's plenty to respect and learn from him for the young'uns and the others, but seeing him as a leader or some kind of beacon of light in an ocean full of shit, is mistake I wouldn't make. C. Ronaldo does everything that's best for... C. Ronaldo. Full stop. Everything is about him, anything else comes after. People are saying he always did that, which is true. However, he's soon 37 years old and that kind of behavior isn't something I'd expect from someone of his age, especially with everything he's already achieved. I fully understand his ambitions and highly admire his unique drive, that's what lifted him up to the place he occupies in the football Pantheon in the first place. Still football is a team sport and he's not the player he was anymore. So when the manager (rightly) subs you off for tactical reasons, you swallow your pride and sit on the bench. If you have something to say to the manager and it's your right, you wait until the game's over and privately tell your piece. If you truly have the team's interests in mind, that is.
You're projecting your own insecurities again.
You're projecting your own insecurities again.

He really isn't.

Mate, take a break. Seriously.

The mental gymnastic CR7 fanatics in this thread are doing to defend what's simply put is indefensible, is a sight to behold
. I swear, it's like none of you has ever set a foot in a dressing room. Cristiano is one of the best footballers to ever grace a pitch, no single doubt that. However personalities like his are extremely abrasive. People begrundgingly let their tantrums slide as long as said player has the performances (emphasis on performance) to back them up but as soon as they're not there anymore, the dressing room goes to shit. No one, no matter their level, is going to put up very long with someone who's hell bent on reminding them, on and off the pitch, of every single mistake they make whilst the bloke himself is hardly setting the world alight. It drags the whole team's morale down and affects their performances.

There's plenty to respect and learn from him for the young'uns and the others, but seeing him as a leader or some kind of beacon of light in an ocean full of shit, is mistake I wouldn't make. C. Ronaldo does everything that's best for... C. Ronaldo. Full stop. Everything is about him, anything else comes after. People are saying he always did that, which is true. However, he's soon 37 years old and that kind of behavior isn't something I'd expect from someone of his age, especially with everything he's already achieved. I fully understand his ambitions and highly admire his unique drive, that's what lifted him up to the place he occupies in the football Pantheon in the first place. Still football is a team sport and he's not the player he was anymore. So when the manager (rightly) subs you off for tactical reasons, you swallow your pride and sit on the bench. If you have something to say to the manager and it's your right, you wait until the game's over and privately tell your piece. If you truly have the team's interests in mind, that is.

The bolded bit is so true, and it's a little disturbing, to be honest (to me, at least) :D
He really isn't.

The bolded bit is the so true, and it's a little disturbing, to be honest :D
He really is.

What makes you think I'm a CR7 fanatic? Because if that extraploation is what you've read into my post, it's evidence that you're projecting your own insecurities as well.
He really is.

What makes you think I'm a CR7 fanatic? Because if that extraploation is what you've read into my post, it's evidence that you're projecting your own insecurities as well.

Judging by that post, I think the bit about a fanatic engaging in mental gymnastics to defend Ronaldo seems pretty abt. If anything, you seem a little insecure about being described that way for some reason :D
Judging by that post, I think the bit about a fanatic engaging in mental gymnastics to defend Ronaldo seems pretty abt. If anything, you seem a little insecure about being described that way for some reason :D
You can describe me any way you like. It's revealing more about you than myself.

I've been calling on this forum for Ronaldo to be dropped in favour of Cavani for weeks. I've said on numerous occasions that I don't consider him a United legend and would never support having a statue built of him. I've also stated categorically that he's never been as good as Messi. A 'CR7 fanatic' I am not.

The fact that you've jumped t a polar extreme conclusion says a lot. I'm willing to talk about the good, bad and indifferent. But you're seeing the issue on the far ends of the matter, in terms of fanatics and haters. That's because you've projected your insecurities onto the situation.

There are a lot of things about Ronaldo I don't like. Reacting to the substitution was not one of them.
Really really hope he does play this weekend, scores, and stems the the flood of miserable bastads on here :lol:
I'm a bit torn on Ralf being this open with journos, not sure if it's a good thing or not.

It could be, don't get me wrong. It's just that my default reaction is more that he shouldn't have to comment on it at all - he's the boss, he makes the calls, end of story. Deal with any complaints in-house.

I dunno - I may read too much into it. But it doesn't sit 100% right with me that he has to come out and explain why he decided to sub off a player in what were - to me - perfectly uncontroversial circumstances.

I think this is an interesting point. Most are in agreement that Ronaldo was out of order. But what purpose does it serve for RR to explicitly state to the press that Ronaldo was asking ‘why me and not one of the younger players?’ That just creates more noise and headlines and feeds the narrative that he’s at odds with his teammates (a narrative that is probably overblown). He’s kind of thrown CR under the bus a little bit. RR could have easily just said ‘he wasn’t happy about being subbed, but I thought it was the right decision at the time and that’s that.’ I don’t know what purpose it serves to answer the question in the way that he did.
Im talking about current Seria a not the one of the past.

Tbh PL hadn't imported many Serie A strikers/forwards in the past decade, so the pool isn't big enough to make an statement.

I think only Salah has been great, Lukaku and Ronaldo have not, neither Eto'o, but that's hardly 4 players, hard to make an statement based on 4-5 players.

Hitting the target when it comes to signing strikers will always be a hard task.

Seems like Arsenal and City are interested in Vlahović from Fiorentina, let's see how that goes.
You have a weird obsession posting hateful comments against a club legend. Just say he's been poor and move on maybe

How is me saying Ronaldo isn't the greatest deemed a 'hateful comment'?

What Ronaldo is now will never have any affect on his legacy or greatness, and for the record I have always said that he is in the top 5 greatest players of all time, just not the greatest.

It seems that you have a weird obsession not me. Getting defensive over the slightest negative comment towards Ronaldo.
You can describe me any way you like. It's revealing more about you than myself.

I've been calling on this forum for Ronaldo to be dropped in favour of Cavani for weeks. I've said on numerous occasions that I don't consider him a United legend and would never support having a statue built of him. I've also stated categorically that he's never been as good as Messi. A 'CR7 fanatic' I am not.

The fact that you've jumped t a polar extreme conclusion says a lot. I'm willing to talk about the good, bad and indifferent. But you're seeing the issue on the far ends of the matter, in terms of fanatics and haters. That's because you've projected your insecurities onto the situation.

There are a lot of things about Ronaldo I don't like. Reacting to the substitution was not one of them.

You're repeating yourself ad-nasuem because you don't like how others view you. And then talking about insecurity.

Your not having an issue with Ronaldo's petulance wasn't why you were described as you were. It's the ludicrous suggestion that Ronaldo probably planned the reaction with Rangnick to show the team what a winners mentality was like. Ofcourse that's laughable.
I think this is an interesting point. Most are in agreement that Ronaldo was out of order. But what purpose does it serve for RR to explicitly state to the press that Ronaldo was asking ‘why me and not one of the younger players?’ That just creates more noise and headlines and feeds the narrative that he’s at odds with his teammates (a narrative that is probably overblown). He’s kind of thrown CR under the bus a little bit. RR could have easily just said ‘he wasn’t happy about being subbed, but I thought it was the right decision at the time and that’s that.’ I don’t know what purpose it serves to answer the question in the way that he did.
It shows that Rangnick is willing to give youngsters a chance ahead of superstar names.

If I were Elanga, I'd be chomping at the bit right now. The same counts for Mejbri and Shoretire.
You're repeating yourself ad-nasuem because you don't like how others view you. And then talking about insecurity. :lol:

Your not having an issue with Ronaldo's petulance wasn't why you were described as you were. It's the ludicrous suggestion that Ronaldo probably planned the reaction with Rangnick to show the team what a winners mentality was like. Ofcourse that's laughable.
I didn't say it happened. There's no evidence for that to be the case. I only said I wouldn't be surprised.

Learn how to read.
Haha. Seriously man? These two constitute the 'plenty' of top scorers from serie A who have 'flopped' in England?

Ronaldo has scored 8 goals and have 3 assists in the PL in 17 games.
Jota for example has scored 10 goals and has 1 assist in 20 games.

(And in the CL he has 6 goals in 5 games...)

Ronaldo is clearly not flopping this season, apart from Salah he is in the same output of goal contributions of the best scorers (often with less games played).
He is only being underperforming compared to his own expectations.
Saying he is flopping is basically part of the current narrative on him, like the "he doesn't press" thing as if he is much worse than the other forwards in the squad on this :D
Ronaldo has scored 8 goals and have 3 assists in the PL in 17 games.
Jota for example has scored 10 goals and has 1 assist in 20 games.

(And in the CL he has 6 goals in 5 games...)

Ronaldo is clearly not flopping this season, apart from Salah he is in the same output of goal contributions of the best scorers (often with less games played).
He is only being underperforming compared to his own expectations.
Saying he is flopping is basically part of the current narrative on him, like the "he doesn't press" thing as if he is much worse than the other forwards in the squad on this :D

You do realize that he's statistically dead last when it comes to pressing per 90 mins, don't you?
Is he one order of magnitude worse than the other Man Utd forwards?

The margin is somewhat wide, yes. Every single United forward presses more than him. Even if the margin wasn't as wide as it is, how does that make the criticism of his lack of pressing a "narrative"?
There is scored more goals in the PL every week than in Serie A. And I don't think that even though the PL is more competitive it is not twice as hard to score here (0,5 vs. 0,99). His low presingnumbers are rock bottom of all the 5 biggest leagues.
I get my numbers from several different sites, they all have their strenghts and weaknesses, here are some of the databases I use the most:

There is plenty more out there. Enjoy!

Ronaldo's extremely bad defensive workrate and bad chance conversion rate is what really stands out for him individually, but when you dig into team stats with and without him, well.... it's not pretty.
That is fair. I agree with you. Ronaldo's finishing has been pretty underwhelming. Even just from the eye test. His pressing numbers are obviously very bad.

I appreciate those sites!
Ronaldo has scored 8 goals and have 3 assists in the PL in 17 games.
Jota for example has scored 10 goals and has 1 assist in 20 games.

(And in the CL he has 6 goals in 5 games...)

Ronaldo is clearly not flopping this season, apart from Salah he is in the same output of goal contributions of the best scorers (often with less games played).
He is only being underperforming compared to his own expectations.
Saying he is flopping is basically part of the current narrative on him, like the "he doesn't press" thing as if he is much worse than the other forwards in the squad on this :D

He has failed to score in 11 games this season. He's 15th between the goalscorers from open play this season tied with the likes of Bowen, Cornet, and Maupay and behind Rowe, Dennis, Antonio, and Gallagher.

He's underperforming massively without even taking his lack of involvement overall into account.
The margin is somewhat wide, yes. Every single United forward presses more than him. Even if the margin wasn't as wide as it is, how does that make the criticism of his lack of pressing a "narrative"?

You're right, I was basing on info that is outdated.
A narrative would be like "fake news", pushing some info over and over again despite being wrong and/or incorrect. In this case it would be if he wasn't much different from the other Man Utd forwards and people still kept talking about him being the problem. (He presses about half as much as compared to the others it seems, although he is similar to someone like Lewandowki).

Despite this argument that was incorrect, I still say he is clearly having a "good" season as he has the same output as the other best scorers of the league (apart from Salah that is 1 tier above the rest), my first post was about this.
In this case the "narrative" is that he is having a bad season and is a flop - which doesn't look he is, he is just being a victim of both the expectations around him and the dysfunctionally of the team atm (and he is not the core reason Utd is THIS dysfunctional :D).
He has failed to score in 11 games this season. He's 15th between the goalscorers from open play this season tied with the likes of Bowen, Cornet, and Maupay and behind Rowe, Dennis, Antonio, and Gallagher.

He's underperforming massively without even taking his lack of involvement overall into account.
He's scored twice as many goals as everyone else, so if he's underperforming massively, what does that make the rest of the team?
He has failed to score in 11 games this season. He's 15th between the goalscorers from open play this season tied with the likes of Bowen, Cornet, and Maupay and behind Rowe, Dennis, Antonio, and Gallagher.

He's underperforming massively without even taking his lack of involvement overall into account.

Why is Ronaldo the only player that needs to have it full of asterisks?
Only goals from open play. And only if he makes assists. And only if it's with the left foot. And only if it's not raining. Other players never need all these requirements to "prove" they are doing it well.
Of course he didn't score in many games, he scored 8 in 17, he would have missed at least 9 games if he distributed his goals, that's just math :lol:
And Antonio is definitively having a great season just like Dennis, how does this prove he is a flop :lol:

I said before he is really underperforming and is lacking in several parameters this season, still he's far from having a bad season in absolute terms.
Like I said before too, in this same forum he is rated as the best Man Utd forward this season (6.0), the questions shouldn't be why everyone is bad and why are others worse than this old guy?
It's hard to believe that Ronnie gets the 2nd best service in the league whilst watching us. Might still be true.
Both are true, Ronaldo got a lot of service and we didn't create much.

I had a look at fbref couple weeks ago and our total accumulated xG ranks pretty bad among the PL teams this season. We have like half of Liverpool's or City's xG I think.

The phenomenon here is Ronaldo has taken almost all the limited xG we created. That means he's still pretty good at finding the right place imo. Or it's a direct result of the "find Ronaldo" approach. Probably both. But that also means he's not a top finisher anymore considering the number of goals he's scored.
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