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2021-22 Performances

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5.8 Season Average Rating
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Look, Metal, I'm not trying to dismiss Ronaldo's level (specially lately) or that part of your posts, but you are being extremely biased. Like, the not good kind of biased.

I am biased too, to the opposite side of yours. I love the dude and his personality. We see what we want to see. Have you looked at, or remember every time a fellow colleague has said good things of him? You can find just as much, if not more, on media, about teammates and coaches speaking very highly of him. Look at Tony Kroos just last week speaking of him.

The part about undermining Santos at an Euro game (no wonder you don't know what about I'm about to say since you remember it so well you thought it was at a World Cup game), it was actually *Santos* that asked Ronaldo to start screaming orders to the pitch. This part came out of his own mouth too. So, he wasn't undermining anyone. He was helping the coach out by his request. You will grab anything that fits your vision, regardless of being factually right or not.

Look closely to him during one game, one full game, don't take your eyes off of him. I can absolutely promise you, he acknowledges or incentivizes or thumbs up a teammate much more than he ever criticizes or waves arms in frustration. I'm fully confident on what I'm saying having watched all his games. It's much easier to see arms waving around than a thumbs up. I see them because yes, I always have an eye on him. I know most people don't and that's okay.

He has incredible things and has globally been spoken very well by his colleagues and coaches. Everyone here thinks he's super hard to work with when in reality the only thing you'll find out online, and please, I only take words from people themselves, not words from third parties, you'll find any coach saying he's extremely easy to work with. Doesn't mean there aren't disagreements from time to time.

And just to show one can be extremely biased, and if you look at my post history you'll see I am, but still be a super fair guy, no, he is not perfect. He is cold hearted, and would win many people over if he celebrated more vividly his teammates goals. He barely ever celebrates his own goals very emotionally too. But yes, he could do better in that regard. He does tend to get overly frustrated too and with his overall leadership that he has, in my view, he should know better than to be so expressive with his teammates on field. He is also prone to getting sent off which is something that always irked me, because again, he should know better than to get frustrated on field to that point even if only occurs sparingly. He's gotten lucky twice with us this season.

He has bad things and good things. Honest to god? I'm inclined to believe from everything I've personally *heard* or *read* from *the people* themselves, not third parties, the good outweights the bad.

It's not about being biased for or against Ronaldo it's about looking at things objectively and asking ourselves if a 37 year old who is on the tail on of his career(and that's me being nice) who comes with these antics is worth the baggage on 500k per week. A guy who still thinks the team and tactics should revolve around him and throws tantrums throwing his jacket on the floor if he gets subbed, abeit when he has not even played well.

We now have this issue of him flying out to portugal to get his hip replacement when that's not the policy Ralf has set. Here's Ralf's ideal procedure when it comes to injuries

“My former clubs were always trying to make sure the rehab should take place in the club itself. As far as I can tell the medical department is really good, very good, with many different approaches towards rehab.

“I would not want players to do their rehab abroad or anywhere else but the decision on Paul was taken before I came.''

“In the future, I have already spoken to the medical department – to Steve [McNally] our doctor, to Robin Sadler [head of physiotherapy and rehabilitation] – that in the future I want players with injuries, and hopefully we don’t get long-term injuries, but if we have them in the future I want them to stay here.”

So we can assume, Ronaldo has once again placed himself above the club to do as he wishes and go over club protocol. How is that setting leadership example to the rest of the squad that look up to him? Putting himself above the club and behaving like he should be the exception to the rules.

My argument is that this big drama show that he brings to clubs isn't worth it now. This is Manchester United, not the Ronaldo Soap Opera Show. We have a portion of the fanbase even going so far as to blaming Ralf and his tactics for Ronaldo not scoring even though we have produced more goal scoring opportunities since he arrived than the previous regime as if it's the club's job to serve Ronaldo and ronaldo hasn't got his end of the bargain to meet through performing on the pitch and working for the team

There's now reports of him talking with his agent about how he can escape from the club just like he did with Juve

''Ronaldo is said to have been discussing his future with Mendes, who has tried to "calm the player" down after a row with interim manager Ralf Rangnick.

Rumours suggest Rangnick told the veteran, who turned 37 last month, he would be deployed as a "super-sub" at the Etihad for tactical reasons.

That reportedly encouraged Ronaldo to complain about his ongoing hip injury, which caused him to miss two games - both against Aston Villa - in January.

It's thought there is an "uneasy tension" around United's Carrington training ground due to Ronaldo's mood. Ronaldo is believed to have "allies" in the camp.

Rangnick is reportedly attempting to unite United's allegedly divided squad. Countless leaks have come from the Old Trafford dressing room this season.

The most recent rumour follows Sunday's story, which claimed Ronaldo's absense in the City game caused a stir in the United dressing room.''

I understand this is paper talk, but these leaks are not unusual and where there is smoke there is fire and it's not out of the realms of possibility that Ronaldo is causing division within the dressing room and rifts with Ralf, considering if we look back at his past behavior. Thankfully RR is talking about how to phasing him out as I think even Ralf knows he's not got much left to offer besides juvenile SUII celebrations after a tap in once a month. Take away the name Ronaldo and if this was any other 37 year old performing and behaving like this there'd be a lot more criticism.
It's not about being biased for or against Ronaldo it's about looking at things objectively and asking ourselves if a 37 year old who is on the tail on of his career(and that's me being nice) who comes with these antics is worth the baggage on 500k per week. A guy who still thinks the team and tactics should revolve around him and throws tantrums throwing his jacket on the floor if he gets subbed, abeit when he has not even played well.

We now have this issue of him flying out to portugal to get his hip replacement when that's not the policy Ralf has set. Here's Ralf's ideal procedure when it comes to injuries

“My former clubs were always trying to make sure the rehab should take place in the club itself. As far as I can tell the medical department is really good, very good, with many different approaches towards rehab.

“I would not want players to do their rehab abroad or anywhere else but the decision on Paul was taken before I came.''

“In the future, I have already spoken to the medical department – to Steve [McNally] our doctor, to Robin Sadler [head of physiotherapy and rehabilitation] – that in the future I want players with injuries, and hopefully we don’t get long-term injuries, but if we have them in the future I want them to stay here.”

So we can assume, Ronaldo has once again placed himself above the club to do as he wishes and go over club protocol. How is that setting leadership example to the rest of the squad that look up to him? Putting himself above the club and behaving like he should be the exception to the rules.

My argument is that this big drama show that he brings to clubs isn't worth it now. This is Manchester United, not the Ronaldo Soap Opera Show. We have a portion of the fanbase even going so far as to blaming Ralf and his tactics for Ronaldo not scoring even though we have produced more goal scoring opportunities since he arrived than the previous regime as if it's the club's job to serve Ronaldo and ronaldo hasn't got his end of the bargain to meet through performing on the pitch and working for the team

There's now reports of him talking with his agent about how he can escape from the club just like he did with Juve

''Ronaldo is said to have been discussing his future with Mendes, who has tried to "calm the player" down after a row with interim manager Ralf Rangnick.

Rumours suggest Rangnick told the veteran, who turned 37 last month, he would be deployed as a "super-sub" at the Etihad for tactical reasons.

That reportedly encouraged Ronaldo to complain about his ongoing hip injury, which caused him to miss two games - both against Aston Villa - in January.

It's thought there is an "uneasy tension" around United's Carrington training ground due to Ronaldo's mood. Ronaldo is believed to have "allies" in the camp.

Rangnick is reportedly attempting to unite United's allegedly divided squad. Countless leaks have come from the Old Trafford dressing room this season.

The most recent rumour follows Sunday's story, which claimed Ronaldo's absense in the City game caused a stir in the United dressing room.''

I understand this is paper talk, but these leaks are not unusual and where there is smoke there is fire and it's not out of the realms of possibility that Ronaldo is causing division within the dressing room and rifts with Ralf, considering if we look back at his past behavior. Thankfully RR is talking about how to phasing him out as I think even Ralf knows he's not got much left to offer besides juvenile SUII celebrations after a tap in once a month. Take away the name Ronaldo and if this was any other 37 year old performing and behaving like this there'd be a lot more criticism.

Great post. I have no time for Ronaldo and his antics. It's clear he has no respect for the manager and I'm certain these leaks about players questioning Rangknick's background and training methods are coming from Ronaldo's clique. He's truly finished at the top level. PSG or whichever club is foolish enough to sign him after us will find that out
Proper team player is Benzema, that's when he is not blackmailing his team mates for a bit of extra cash of course.

Benzema never blackmailed anyone, stop spreading the nonsense narrative
Still our top goalscorer though, and one of the most impactful player in CL this season, which means majority of our squad are not up to highest level anymore too, which I am not going to argue much against anyway, as I am expecting a summer clear out of at least 10-17 players this summer.

He was only scoring in the beginning of the season because the opponents actually thought they were facing a threat.
Nowadays no defender in the PL is actually scared of him
Was it wrong to bring him back?

I normally don't care much for polls, but this one I'd like to see.

(Wait until the end of season, by all means - he could still win the CL for us...imagine us somehow fluking our way to the final...and him playing shite for 120 mins...but scoring the deciding pen...I would love it).

But - here and now. Yes, it was clearly wrong to bring him back.

And don't bother with the "we don't have a striker!" bollocks.
Was it wrong to bring him back?

I normally don't care much for polls, but this one I'd like to see.

(Wait until the end of season, by all means - he could still win the CL for us...imagine us somehow fluking our way to the final...and him playing shite for 120 mins...but scoring the deciding pen...I would love it).

But - here and now. Yes, it was clearly wrong to bring him back.

And don't bother with the "we don't have a striker!" bollocks.
Was it wrong to bring him back?

I normally don't care much for polls, but this one I'd like to see.

(Wait until the end of season, by all means - he could still win the CL for us...imagine us somehow fluking our way to the final...and him playing shite for 120 mins...but scoring the deciding pen...I would love it).

But - here and now. Yes, it was clearly wrong to bring him back.

And don't bother with the "we don't have a striker!" bollocks.

Yes, it is making Cavani unhappy. All the other players are playing out of their position, Bruno's role in the team became unclear.

In the past Ronaldo's magic would cover these problems but right now he is not PL/CL level.

If he can tone down his ego and except a supporting role and rather being the star of the team be the mentor of the team then that would be a blessing but it doesn't seem like that is happening.
He was only scoring in the beginning of the season because the opponents actually thought they were facing a threat.
Nowadays no defender in the PL is actually scared of him
Although he is not much a threat these days, while his finishing has certainly been off since start of the year (playing every 3 days doesn't help), but he is still a threat on goals at times (almost a few assist, hit the crossbar, some offside goals, and score a fine goal etc).

Our other forwards are far worst than him over the course of season (Rashford is total shite, Greenwood was wasteful and only scored 6 in 26 games, Cavani only scored 2 in 15 games etc). Even Sancho was totally useless for several months at the beginning, and only had 5 goals in 31 games. Truth is, none of our forward in our current setup posed any real threats.
Yes, it is making Cavani unhappy. All the other players are playing out of their position, Bruno's role in the team became unclear.

In the past Ronaldo's magic would cover these problems but right now he is not PL/CL level.

If he can tone down his ego and except a supporting role and rather being the star of the team be the mentor of the team then that would be a blessing but it doesn't seem like that is happening.
But support role for whom?

While we don't have any Mbappe in our team, our other options are Rashford (total shite), Bruno (in poor form), Cavani (unfit and no longer could score any), Sancho (getting back to good form lately but overall not a goalscorer and so far had an unproductive season).

Last time Ronaldo didn't play we loss 1-4 to City. Last few times he didn't play, none of our forwards score any goals. Taking Ronaldo out of the equation, we didn't really make any improvements.

Games he didn't play:
22/9 vs West ham loss 0:1
8/12 vs Young Boys draw 1:1
10/1 vs Villa win 1:0
15/1 vs Villa draw 2:2
6/3 vs City loss 1:4

Games he didn't start:
2/10 vs Everton draw 1:1
28/11 vs Chelsea draw 1:1
8/2 vs Burnley draw 1:1

Only 1 win in 8 games when he didn't play or start. We are still a shite team without him. At least with him we have 14 wins out of 30, not very good but still a better ratio.

Look I agree he wasn't good lately, but do we have better options? We don't.
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But support role for whom?

While we don't have any Mbappe in our team, our other options are Rashford (total shite), Bruno (in poor form), Cavani (unfit and no longer could score any), Sancho (getting back to good form lately but overall not a goalscorer and so far had an unproductive season).

Last time Ronaldo didn't play we loss 1-4 to City. Last few times he didn't play, none of our forwards score any goals. Taking Ronaldo out of the equation, we didn't really make any improvements.

Games he didn't play:
22/9 vs West ham loss 0:1
8/12 vs Young Boys draw 1:1
10/1 vs Villa win 1:0
15/1 vs Villa draw 2:2
6/3 vs City loss 1:4

Games he didn't start:
2/10 vs Everton draw 1:1
28/11 vs Chelsea draw 1:1
8/2 vs Burnley draw 1:1

Only 1 win in 8 games when he didn't play or start. We are still a shite team without him. At least with him we have 14 wins out of 30, not very good but still a better ratio.

Look I agree he wasn't good lately, but do we have better options? We don't.

At this point I don't know if you are supporting Man United or just a fanboy of Ronaldo.

Even if it is the latter you should hope he leaves soon, cause his career is not going to shine here, he is in the MLS level.
At this point I don't know if you are supporting Man United or just a fanboy of Ronaldo.

Even if it is the latter you should hope he leaves soon, cause his career is not going to shine here, he is in the MLS level.
Well I think you miss the whole point. I am not necessarily disagreeing with your criticism on Ronaldo's recent form, but I m just saying, if you say so, majority of our other players are in MLS level or worst too. A point which you couldn't refute and trying to dodge all this time.
That's more like it.

Also why criticising him for not taking chances rather than his impact on the team's general play was unwise. The goals were always going to come as long as he was getting those chances, that side of things was only a temporary problem. Though that hat-trick was a hell of a way for his finishing to regress to the mean.

First goal reminded me of Porto, still my favourite Ronaldo goal.
Forget the goals that was actually his best performance of the season
Maybe he was carrying a hip injury because even outside the goals he was moving a lot more fluidly today. Can't not love what he did today.
Carried the team tonight. His attitude was impeccable as well. I always believe in him to turn things around. The more you bring him down the more he fights to prove everyone wrong and that's why I love him.

If you were not convinced enough by the 13 goals in 20 games where all of the goals were tie or leading goals, maybe now you will that everyone has a bad patch, and if anyone deserves a bit of support during rough patches is this fella.

With that said, he's not been even half as terrible as people make it out to be (I mean all season, lately he was poor), and neither is he suddenly the best player in the world just because of today. He can contribute and be super helpful to us. He needs to rotate more though.
As I have stated, by far and I mean byyyyy farrrrrr the best player at United.

Imagine him in a better team. Easy 40 goals a season.

That first goal was vintage CR7
If he shows up against Atletico I’ll never diss him again
This is what a weeks rest can do. This is why I have been so frustrated with how we've used him.

He is 37. He can still be lethal but compare him to other older player who played till long -- Giggs, Ibra etc. They did not play every minute of every game.

We just need to rest him when we can. He simply can't play more than 90 mins a week -- max 120. Keep him rested and fresh and we have a good chance to get either top4 or go far in Champions league.

Keeping us in Europe, keeping us in the top four race. Complete flop this guy :lol:
It’s ok, as some have stated apparently Elanga is better and should start over him. Those footie experts.
The Queen will surely bend the rules of chivalry to give Ronaldo a knighthood.

Sir Cristiano Ronaldo
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