Again; you seem confused; i'll break it down for you
1) Businesses will return with SD in place; football is looking to break that during matches. So, allowing football to return with separate rules is a fact, to suggest otherwise is folly.
2) You say they're taking every precaution; they're looking to take reactive steps. In other words; a) your comments/assumption on the basis that all facts about the virus are know, when they're not. b) that testing is preventative, when it is reactive.
3) Finances; you talk of revenue. I'm talking cost and revenue. Supermarkets and MDs use the majority of their revenue to pay for goods and services further up the supply chain. In other words, their revenue isn't captured and distribute to their workers like football. BCD means match day revenue is lost, all the additional revenue capturing activity, for support businesses, doesn't exist. Footballs revenue is centralised to the few.
4) Resources; you can't have a match without NHS staff and resources; which includes PPE etc etc. As for tests, there is a shortage of testing centres, please don't' say there isn't displacement. Any profit maximising testing centre will move to those that will benefit them most, PL is increasing competition.
5) 1000 tickets; you believe that the responsibility for the NHS is the governments. When the responsibility is everyone's, in part, paid through our tax's. In an environment when PL is seeking separate rules, which means you need NHS at games, I find the level a nd type of help from the PL at best questionable. I didn't question some footballers, just the PL. Come on; were those tickets free for the PL?
We have different views; i find what the PL is proposing is immoral. They seem to want different rules, use resources, give nothing back and keep the money.