Did I say they should get airtime for doing their job? What things get airtime that you think is part of their “fecking job” and shouldn’t be highlighted? What situations are they putting themselves in?
Mostly nothing should get airtime on the "good things". Is their fecking job
How do you implement sweeping reform across a country this size, across a multitude of departments who have no open pathways of communication with each other, and put everything onto a standard that’s acceptable? I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, I just don’t think it’s the right one because I don’t see how it gets implemented. If you have a way I’d love to hear it.
In California, our department has lots of trainings that take place with other local departments across the state. We also have a higher level of training than most departments, at least in our area. Not to say incidents still don’t happen, because unfortunately people can still find a way to be bad people, but the department is good at cracking down and disciplining most issues that require it. As @choiboyx012 said too, there’s also many, many more incidents that occur that are handled appropriately that you never hear or see of because that’s not the narrative that sells, or makes for an interesting story. Introducing a sweeping reform of every single department would cause such a backlog of policy and information training that would be unnecessary.
people always complain about construction workers like "they're always standing around" or "how many guys does it take to dig a hole" but the press never covers the good things they do. why not give air time to highlight the potholes they fill or the lines they paint? that would help reduce the division in our society
You think Choi and Skizzo wouldn’t like to see that happen? I’m really not surprised they become exasperated in this thread. It seems the driving force of a select few here is to paint the police as as a raging, mass murdering, corrupt bunch of rapists. It’s bizarre that this sweeping generalisation seems to be perfectly acceptable, but not within other areas of society. It’s such a strange level of devotion.
I’ve told you plenty of times we could have a discussion
Great points all round. Cheers.
Sorry to break up this stellar discussion having
Great points all round. Cheers.
You think Choi and Skizzo wouldn’t like to see that happen? I’m really not surprised they become exasperated in this thread. It seems the driving force of a select few here is to paint the police as as a raging, mass murdering, corrupt bunch of rapists. It’s bizarre that this sweeping generalisation seems to be perfectly acceptable, but not within other areas of society. It’s such a strange level of devotion.
I don't know that I should make points of the obvious. they chose their profession and their profession is what it is.
I asked what things had gotten airtime that shouldn’t have, in your opinion. So you don’t think anything should be highlighted and everything good that they do, regardless of what it is, is part of the job? Just making sure I understand your point since you didn’t feel anything was worth explaining.
I do. It’s perfectly achievable to do so in a constructive way. As Skizzo has said, there isn’t any attempt at genuine discussion, but just a vilification of an enormous group of people, some of which, surprisingly, don’t include themselves as part of an organised gang of murdering rapists. We’ve got two vastly experienced officers posting in this very thread and yet posters seem loath to engage with them. We know there is some serious issues with policing in the US in particular, and some of these videos punctuate that notion far too sharply for anyone’s liking. We get it. Does that make these sweeping statements accompanying those videos are acceptable? There’s a hell of a lot of coppers that do a hell of a lot of good. Eboue has even made a sarky remark comparing police officers to builders. Yeah, like being critical of a builders work is the same as calling him part of an organised racist, gun toting gang of murders. It’s beggars belief.I don't think anyone from this thread thinks that. We just point out how despicable is the abuse of power and how damaging is when someone with the power of the policeman is corrupt, racist and so on. And how this people are protected by the police and judiciary system to an unlawful degree, It might be sometimes corporativism and I understand protecting your friends as you might protect your kids when they do something wrong (even something very wrong), but that doesn't do it right. And we are not talking of something reversible like a corrupt returning the money they stole. We are talking on lives on the line for the nature of their jobs and sometimes just because of the race. And when one life is taken there is no way back
And as they are not all the policemen and as they are not probably a majority, is not a small amount of them that they are like that and if system shows the impunity that they have constantly, that wont stop
I do. It’s perfectly achievable to do so in a constructive way. As Skizzo has said, there isn’t any attempt at genuine discussion, but just a vilification of an enormous group of people, some of which, surprisingly, don’t include themselves as part of an organised gang of murdering rapists. We’ve got two vastly experienced officers posting in this very thread and yet posters seem loath to engage with them. We know there is some serious issues with policing in the US in particular, and some of these videos punctuate that notion far too sharply for anyone’s liking. We get it. Does that make these sweeping statements accompanying those videos are acceptable? There’s a hell of a lot of coppers that do a hell of a lot of good. Eboue has even made a sarky remark comparing police officers to builders. Yeah, like being critical of a builders work is the same as calling him part of an organised racist, gun toting gang of murders. It’s beggars belief.
It's not a straw man fallacy when we have posters literally using those words. You might want to scroll through this thread again, taking care to read Skizzos post mid way through the last page. It's a nice summary of recent comments made. Besides, they are some hard words to use if it's meant figuratively, and as we've seen it used as abundantly as we have, it's safe to say we not need to explore the pragmatics of it.On bolt, is the second time that you do this. the straw man fallacy please avoid it if you asked for a constructive discussion. Is Skizzo a officer, had no idea. I try to treat everybody according with their arguments. I don't need to speak with officers to know they are good people. My former basketball team for years, half of them were officers. As well I can tell you that they are not used to be talked back as because of their role of authority, people usually don't do it when they have their uniform on. people loath on policemen? maybe. In my case I am vocal when they feck up volunteerly because we have to let them know that we are vigilant and we will not accept that behaviour. They had been in the shadows for too long and in their ranks quite a few racists. Now that the big brother bring us so many bad things on control, we will use it as well for something beneficial, transparency and accountability
When I said anything? do you even read me? I said they have airtime when they over their duties, and quite often, they put some examples and I like it and I cheer for it. But visiting kids when they feel alone or playing basketball randomly games "in da hood" is not comparable on the systemic corrupt system and corporativism with spikes of racism. Most of the police don't enter there, but some they do because this corrupt system embrace them and protects them.
The good things...Is their fecking job to do the good things. They are getting trained and paid to do that. Not a low salary. I don't get an air time when I do a big sale in my job. Why they should get air time to do their job? they chose to put themselves in those situations. And yes, when they do something heroic that goes above their pay check, it has air time
And there are way more things that they are not aired like the ones in the video than heroic ones. The rest, their fecking job, mate
You already broke it up earlier after ending it with “it’s not training it’s racism.” Your main points of discussion were basically asking me what I thought, telling me I was wrong, and then having no viable solutions yourself other than “cops are racist”. Since then all you posted was glib responses which you were so quick to call out, but like to throw around yourself because “eboue”.
Looking forward to future tweets, followed by sweeping generalizations and thought provoking taglines![]()
Eboue has even made a sarky remark comparing police officers to builders. Yeah, like being critical of a builders work is the same as calling him part of an organised racist, gun toting gang of murders. It’s beggars belief.
The good things don’t get airtime.
what i said was "In many cases the problem isnt training, its racism and attitude towards civilians" and it's dishonest for you to alter the meaning of my words and present them as a direct quote. look, skizzo, you seem like a decent normal guy but if you don't think racism and attitude towards civilians is a huge problem in police forces then your opinion is worth feck all. that's really all there is to it.
Think this is pretty old so probably already shared but here's what happened when some undercover reporters tried to file complaints about officers.
(no idea what the sub is)
And insinuating I said racism and bad attitudes towards civilians is ok is also dishonest, yet here we are.
Racism is an issue in general in many areas, and limiting it to police as the root cause of that isn’t a solution. There’s bigger societal issues that need addressing. All I did was try and offfer a solution that may start to help, you disagree and that’s fine.
Nothing is personal here, and I appreciate the fact you’re passionate about your belief and what you take issue with, although obviously I think your narrative oversteps a level of decency sometime. I’d assume you don’t actually think every cop is a racist murderer, and only take issue with the assholes and worse, although only you know that. The broad strokes you paint when talking about things say otherwise though.
but yeah, there's no problem with police attitude toward civilians
Who said that?
as to the bolded, yikes.
you seemed to take offense to my posting that. can we agree that the officers in the parts i cited should be fired and never re-hired for any police job?
This is some real cowboy shit from anaheim pd, one of the most coveted depts in the state. Very negligent.
I posted a similar video from Las Vegas pd, which I was on the fence about. But this one is just really bad and unjustifiable.
Oh I know what an analogy is, and what you were attempting to allude to; it's just a shit one. Hence why you haven't devoted 3 years declaring all builders are rapists or murderers. You can't simplify one job to compare to another. You know this, and don't weigh them the same either, unless I've simply missed the "builders are all thieving thugs" thread you've been steadily contributing towards these last few years?what beggars belief is that you don't understand what an analogy is.
Skizzo said "the good things that are done on a regular basis aren’t given the air time to highlight the good that goes on too". I think we can simplify that by saying:
good things that X does aren't given as much attention as bad things
so in order to illustrate the point, we can replace X with Y.
good things that a construction worker does aren't given as much attention as bad things
So my point was not "criticizing builders is the same as saying police are racists", it was "its silly to complain that no one praises them for doing the expected part of their jobs", which is what other posters have said.
It's not a straw man fallacy when we have posters literally using those words. You might want to scroll through this thread again, taking care to read Skizzos post mid way through the last page. It's a nice summary of recent comments made. Besides, they are some hard words to use if it's meant figuratively, and as we've seen it used as abundantly as we have, it's safe to say we not need to explore the pragmatics of it.
Which is perfectly fine, and you won't see myself and others looking to stem that. But the issue I have is when posters go beyond that, especially when they try to wave away blatant instances of hypocrisy in generalizing a vast group of people in order to vilify them.
When did I say they should be cheered for when doing any old thing? You said
So I asked you what good things are you included in the job that shouldn’t be given kudos? I never gave specific examples, but you compared the “good things” Police do to you making a sale at your job. I asked you to clarify what good things you spoke of that are job requirements, and what situations they chose to put themselves in. Then you just told me it’s obvious and the profession is what it is. Just trying to get a baseline for what we’re actually talking about.
No, I said it quoting George Owen, and then you quoted me. It’s a bit strange of you to jump in mid conversation and then expect me not to reference points you quoted me about in the first place. You’re getting yourself muddled up.When you say it quoting me, you imply that I am in the same boat, so yes, is a straw man fallacy. I don't want to get involved on whatever people say or what you imply that I am in the same group
I don't know what are you talking about or what you read. I said I cheer for it. Nothing that you can do or have an opinion about it
And of course I would compare their job to mine. I am paid to do my job as they do. Nobody forced them to do their job. So yeah, Only the ones that go overboard to their job should be treat special.
You asked me the bolded part and I referred some videos that someone posted at the same page or the one before (@villain ) If you don't have enough sorry, not sorrry
Without knowing the full ins and outs of LEO, why not make policing a federal civil service across the nation?
Did they ever actually say that he fired? I heard them put out the 417 but then it seems they went straight to firing. Bad enough that the driver was firing while driving, but then it sounded like he was encouraging his partner to shoot too.
don't think they heard/saw the suspect firing. The driver officer is on probation so they fired him. The partner officer facing discipline.
No, I said it quoting George Owen, and then you quoted me. It’s a bit strange of you to jump in mid conversation and then expect me not to reference points you quoted me about in the first place. You’re getting yourself muddled up.
I’m not sure you understood my question, or maybe we crossed wires somewhere along the line.
Originally you said all good things cops do is what the “fecking job” is. I just wanted you to clarify what that was so we were on the same page because you then compared that to you making a sale. A person in a sales job seems easily defined, whereas comparing it to a policeman doing good things was vague and just saying “it’s their fecking job” left me wondering what you defined their job duties as. No worries though, easier just to leave it at this point.
The good things...Is their fecking job to do the good things. They are getting trained and paid to do that. Not a low salary. I don't get an air time when I do a big sale in my job. Why they should get air time to do their job? they chose to put themselves in those situations. And yes, when they do something heroic that goes above their pay check, it has air time
And there are way more things that they are not aired like the ones in the video than heroic ones. The rest, their fecking job, mate
Hmmm. It's fine sometimes to just say, 'oops, misinterpreted what was put there.'Well, Now we are just discussing something that doesn't bring to anything. lets leave it here