One thing that is immediately apparent in all these videos is lack of training these officers obviously have.
You give them military equipment, overwhelming power without insight and conviction and pay them bugger all and then you wonder why shit goes so wrong.
One example that springs immediately to mind is the Ferguson riots where we had Police officers pointing military grade weapons at rioters that were showing no aggression with no trigger discipline. I mean seriously, wtf. And this example is one of so so so many.
In the military we were taught in civilian situations:
1) You never ever point your weapon at someone unless you plan on using it, it unnecessarily escalates the situation for all party's involved.
2) Trigger discipline
3) Deescalation whenever possible
4) Follow your ROEs
5) Heart and minds
Military training on the use of force is so much more rigorous than police training (coming from 6 years experience with the Australian Defence Force working with military forces and training them all over the world) and why is this so, it should be exactly the same, if not more so. You have to train to respond calmly in stressful and dangerous situations, second, you have to be legally accountable for your actions or else it is anarchy (like it currently has been for quite some time). They do this shit because they know they can cover it up and they can get away with it.
This doesn't mean doing a single 10 hour course and saying ok you now are trained in deescalation techniques, it requires a methodical training regimen that enforces their own set of ROEs, this training needs to be ongoing, constant and methodical, using techniques such as "train-the-trainer", real life on the job training with appropriate supervision from commanding officers to correct behavior and reinforcement at every single level of the chain of command.
Just my two cents.