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Fighting with some person is always dangerous.I mean there could be blood plus scars.So i won't fight as simple as that.
Second option isn't totally the worst thing.
See we all like girls we want to feck them and all.While because of the way we grow up we find even the thought of having(just talking about non homo's) sex with the same person little creepy.
Or more likely its because of our genes that we find it creepy.
But saying that I would rather die or fight for 1 hour in a room is just being deluded.
What would happen when we will have sex with same sex? Are we going to feel like someone is beating us or will we feel like "I should die right now?". No specially when its given no one else will find out.
Hetro's don't want to have sex with same person, true but i feel the strength of this (not having sex with same sex feeling)feeling that people pretend is way overrated and not true.
I mean i would never think of having sex with the person of same sex but if someone gives me 1,000$ for just 1 time and given the assurance that no one will ever get to know this(Even the person i had sex with will not remember this) then I'll do it.
obviously no sucking(eeeeewwwwww) etc.
So since i have to only spend 1 hour i'll try to convince him to give me a blow job.
I'll try to make a deal in which only he gives me a blowjob.
You guys will think how is that possible well i will try my best and if deal doesn't happen then no blowjobs.
See the thing is if you could close your eyes and pretend its a girl then her(see pretend like this ) giving you a blowjob shouldn't be such a problem.Who knows you might enjoy it.Obviously then comes the worst part.
So after that i'll rape him.
Obviously the biggest problem is to be able to pretend that he is a girl.But i believe one can do that.
If not welll even then it shouldn't be end of the world as the peoples perception is.
Just casually throw the rape in