Colombian president calls for global legalisation of cocaine, calls it ‘no worse than whisky'

That is because alcohol is legal, which makes it automatically more popular than other drugs. 99/100 people that have drank alcohol have never done cocaine.

So if 99 people are drinking alcohol and no cocaine, but only 1 person is doing cocaine, then what do you think the chances are that the 99 people are more likely be harmed vs 1 person being harmed?

Alcohol being legal is always going to have more people that have been harmed, the one that is legal is easier to obtain and people are scared to break the law for a Class A drug thus never doing it.
You reckon only 1% of people or doing coke?
1 - The whataboutery of comparing Cocaine with alcohol. Taking in account that the OP started the thread with the comparison opening the debate, is impossible not to do because is the most dangerous recreational drug legalized and we can take it as a frame of how things could work legalizing others. I personally don't consume any of them. Besides 1 or 2 beers each 2/3 months. I did have a time that I was drinking very recurrently till develop a sort of resistance to alcohol to the point to drink 1 700mm bottle of vodka and not get drunk but was never to the point to affect my life. As I said in a past post that consumption of any drug depends on the individual and quantities. And is proven that people has different addictive personalities that ranges from getting lost on drugs and get their lives destroyed and others that can be casuals for years and stop at any given point

2 - I read a couple of users here where cocaine almost destroyed their life and I have 0 doubts about it and no one denies the destruction potential than cocaine has. I am sure we could find many other stories related to cocaine, but so about alcohol

3 - the third party factor. It might be my own perception but without taking in account breaking up couples and destroying families due to the usage of both, I have my personal perception that alcohol is much more harmful than cocaine when affecting third parties like in car accidents, domestic violence and sexual assaults.And it seems that the statistics that I always been reading around backs me up. I am more than happy to be corrected

4 - The same statistics seems to proof that alcohol causes way more illness than cocaine

5a - Legalization. The first 4 points are irrelevant as is just arguments on comparison between both drugs and the argument "or both or none". Being alcohol a scourge of society maybe is true that is too late to forbid and having it forbidden would be worse. Why legalize cocaine? would that make it worse? I am of the opinion that would be better

5b - Cleaner product and controlled product. If alcohol would be forbidden and uncontrolled, greedy alcohol cartels would produce worse products. Bootlegged alcohol caused about 50 deaths and blinded more in Czech republic due to methanol just about 10 years ago. Imagine what it would happen if alcohol would be banned. The same with cocaine. I doubt that anyone here ever tried clean pure cocaine or at least seldom times. While often times is none harmful, others can cause you unwanted effects or death. With legalization this would not happen again or in a very fringe events and you could track down the seller or the buyer that cut it afterwards

5c - War on drugs. Only in Mexico, since 2006 is estimated that around close to 500k people died because the war on drugs. Since 1999, "only" less than 30k died for overdose. Sure there are more overdoses in the world, but I am sure than not as much to cover the 500k just in Mexico. And then there is the war in drugs in Colombia and smaller countries like Peru, Bolivia, El Salvador and also the US. Violence from cartels had only get worse along the years. Cocains consumption cause other miseries than death. So do cartels in a much bigger scale

5d - Crime. There are thousands of inmates for drug related charges. Legalizing would stop that. It is proven that any first offender for drug related charges has a high chance to relapse on crime because well...there are among criminals inside and the stigma of being an ex con gives them narrower options and they get out with a good networking on crime. Legalizing it would stop this part of the cycle and definitely definitely definitely decriminalizing the use of any drug should be a MUST that should not be a debate in any sensible society though I understand that in US there is little incentive as many prisons are a lucrative private business of cheap slavery like work force

5e - Taxes. Instead of spending billions on border patrols, police fighting crimes, spending on prisons (besides the private business prisons) and others, the government would do a killing in taxes as it does with alcohol (billions a year) that would be able to be invested in the health problems that the drug causes and also, high prices would control early entry consumption (risk to go to the black market but it would be much reduced) and quantity consumption as is being proven in alcohol and specially tobacco

This is obviously an opinion, based on read numbers, assumptions and personal experience biases, but there is a big truth and is that what is it done is not working and it is getting worse and doubling down doesn't seem to work so the only alternative that I see is legalizing. If there is another model, I genuinely would like to hear it
This is a really good post.
Crime would increase 10 fold. You think people are going to stop drinking and smoking because it isn't sold legally?

Oh I meant in a world where those things didn’t exist because they were banned and good people like yourself adhered to the law.
Reckon this too or even less. From younger to mid age western generations much more than 1%
I always look at things through a western lense so you might be right in a global sense but in the west, like you say, it's definitely much higher.
Vices are good. If legalizing Cocaine meant no fentanyl then I’m all for it.
It's interesting to read this thread to be honest, it's also typical of what I see and hear being a current landlord of two pubs and one before over the last 20 years. Also as a DJ and raver/clubber since the late 80's and having lost LOTS of friends and acquaintances to both drugs and alcohol in my lifetime, also still having two brother in laws with serious heroin and crack addictions.

Despite having struggled myself at times in my life with issues (never touched crack or heroin though) I don't think I can add much because most of it has already been said. However, as usual the more sensible answers and ideas come from those with experience and the pushback or denial is from those with very little or absolutely no experience whatsoever. Sadly, most likel those make the laws which I feel prevent any roads from ever being made on the issue.

I remember about 11 years ago when I was going through a brutal divorce and after not handling it well I had therapy and counseling. I was at the bar absolutely off my tits on coke and one of my dad's friends, a very rich right wing millionaire was lecturing me on drugs and telling me how nice it was to see me doing so well. He was doing all this whilst drinking almost an entire bottle of Balvenie after also consuming about 7 pints of ale and completely.oblivious of my state as like many I can hide it to the vast majority of people and can function as normal or as near to normal as possible. I just sat and listened as there is no point with people like that. He meant well but was completely clueless about what he was talking about whilst at the same time being a fecking massive hypocrite too. That was made even more apparent after he revealed he was addicted to codeine after a back operation but that wasn't the same as a heroin addiction. Un-fecking-believable!

As many know I had an aneurysm about 10 years ago and nearly died. In recovery I was put on a heavy dosage of codeine and morphine and according to my brain surgeon and nurses who reduced my intake slowly over the 2 weeks I was in hospital, after being out my GP should continue reducing for 3 months and wean me off then. My GP did not do this and I was addicted to both (functioning and took purely to stop withdrawals never once used to get high) for over 2 and a half years. This is despite me continually asking for help asking for a change of doctor and being ignored, never being given appointments and only having a phone call from her once a fortnight.

After two years I realized this couldn't continue so in the end I went to my pharmacist and explained to them and we came up with a plan so I could wean myself off which I eventually did but only after about 6 months and at the very end despite going from 100ml of auramorph and 120ml of codeine a day down to 10ml of each 5 in the morning and 5 at night I still had to endure a week of hell and went cold turkey. If I hadn't I have no doubt I would still be on them both now. Medicinal drug addiction is a huge issue and absolutely needs to be addressed sooner rather than later, but won't because it's not in anyone's best interest to do so.

Personally I think any drug is dangerous in certain quantities and alcohol being legal gives a very false impression of it's safety and so many are ignorant of the damage it causes while at the same time decrying or looking down on at users of other drugs. I also feel that ultimately drug problems will only get much worse and will only ever be combatted by full legalisation.

Everything I think of on this issue has been posted by others in the thread here, mainly it could be monitored, controlled,.kept far safer due to purity and quality control as well as the huge reduction in health issues and crime and the vast amount of money to be made from taxation.

The tax part is especially ironic given that despite weed being illegal in the UK, the UK THE LARGEST GROWER AND EXPORTER OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!

To me, that just says it all considering there has NEVER been a recorded death from smoking weed. Maybe stupidity from smoking it or being crushed by blocks while unloading, and given it's growing legality or decriminalization around the world, especially considering the admittance of the huge medical benefits of the PLANT!

Anyway, without getting lost in the weeds, legalisation isn't going to work by itself. For it to work you have to look at and understand why people take drugs, especially the harder more addictive or destructive drugs. The more harmless recreational drugs like weed, lsd, mushrooms, ecstacy etc people just take because they like getting fecked up or to enjoy with friends or at concerts or festivals etc...

You have to help educate people better and especially from an early age and stop the fear mongering and be honest about them. You have to provide better treatment centers for addicts and stop treating them like criminals and on top of that you have to combat the many social and economic reasons such as poverty and housing, mentally illness, stress, grief counselling the lot. And that for me is why they won't ever be legalized in my lifetime because it's admitting a war can't be called a war if it can never be won and they need to stop fighting it like it's a war and a new and complely different approach to society as a whole needs to happen before anything changes.

Back in 2007 the Labour party decided a complete overhaul of the drug classification system was needed. We all know how the dangers of each drug to a person consuming them but they wanted a fresh approach and wanted to class drugs on the harm they caused not only to the individual concerned but also others around them such a partners, friends etc but also society on a whole so they looked at drink and drug driving and vandalism and other crime and economical related issues caused.

To lead the project the Labour party commissioned the highly respected and experienced drug expert Professor Nutt (also the guy who has now made a fortune from his invention of the alcohol free drinks that get you drunk and don't give you a hangover either)

The only trouble was when he was about to announce and publish his findings they didn't like it and were petrified of how it could seriously change things, especially the tax made from alcohol and also how many who didn't know or understand drugs would have to completely reevaluate their thinking. It completely contradicted the long standing drug classification system that has been in place in the UK for years. What made it worse was not only alcohol coming out top, tobacco was higher up than amphetamines (speed) and LSD and Ecstacy were found to be near harmless with most deaths associated with bad luck, allergic reactions or accidents that often weren't a result from the drugs themselves.

Obviously Labour couldn't be seen to be supportive of this so the quicky fired him then set about destroying his findings and personal reputation that resulted in completely discrediting the poor man, his research and findings. They helped start and run a huge media led smear campaign against him. He was threatened, sent death threats, abused in the street, destroyed by the media and online and even people like the parents of Leah Betts, the young girl who sadly died from taking ecstacy came out against him and his report and his 'poorly researched crackpot theories'

Not to be defied he took it upon himself to continue the research with extra help and have a more comprehensive, forensic study that went even further than the report he had been originally asked to carry out. His findings were just the same and he released his independent report in 2010 but due to the public image of him and his research and findings it was mocked and went pretty much under the radar and ignored.

Here's the table of his findings where alcohol is NUMBER 1.

For the coke heads with a short attention span here is a Tweet with the chart.

For those who actually want to be educated or maybe are more interested here is a link to the official report and findings. It's 8 pages long and an amazing and incredibly comprehensive study and a great read. Just remember poor stoners, it's 8 pages. Which is more like 80 for you lot because the trouble with weed smokers is they can never remember what they have just read. The trouble with weed smokers is they can never remember what they have just read.
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1 - The whataboutery of comparing Cocaine with alcohol. Taking in account that the OP started the thread with the comparison opening the debate, is impossible not to do because is the most dangerous recreational drug legalized and we can take it as a frame of how things could work legalizing others. I personally don't consume any of them. Besides 1 or 2 beers each 2/3 months. I did have a time that I was drinking very recurrently till develop a sort of resistance to alcohol to the point to drink 1 700mm bottle of vodka and not get drunk but was never to the point to affect my life. As I said in a past post that consumption of any drug depends on the individual and quantities. And is proven that people has different addictive personalities that ranges from getting lost on drugs and get their lives destroyed and others that can be casuals for years and stop at any given point

2 - I read a couple of users here where cocaine almost destroyed their life and I have 0 doubts about it and no one denies the destruction potential than cocaine has. I am sure we could find many other stories related to cocaine, but so about alcohol

3 - the third party factor. It might be my own perception but without taking in account breaking up couples and destroying families due to the usage of both, I have my personal perception that alcohol is much more harmful than cocaine when affecting third parties like in car accidents, domestic violence and sexual assaults.And it seems that the statistics that I always been reading around backs me up. I am more than happy to be corrected

4 - The same statistics seems to proof that alcohol causes way more illness than cocaine

5a - Legalization. The first 4 points are irrelevant as is just arguments on comparison between both drugs and the argument "or both or none". Being alcohol a scourge of society maybe is true that is too late to forbid and having it forbidden would be worse. Why legalize cocaine? would that make it worse? I am of the opinion that would be better

5b - Cleaner product and controlled product. If alcohol would be forbidden and uncontrolled, greedy alcohol cartels would produce worse products. Bootlegged alcohol caused about 50 deaths and blinded more in Czech republic due to methanol just about 10 years ago. Imagine what it would happen if alcohol would be banned. The same with cocaine. I doubt that anyone here ever tried clean pure cocaine or at least seldom times. While often times is none harmful, others can cause you unwanted effects or death. With legalization this would not happen again or in a very fringe events and you could track down the seller or the buyer that cut it afterwards

5c - War on drugs. Only in Mexico, since 2006 is estimated that around close to 500k people died because the war on drugs. Since 1999, "only" less than 30k died for overdose. Sure there are more overdoses in the world, but I am sure than not as much to cover the 500k just in Mexico. And then there is the war in drugs in Colombia and smaller countries like Peru, Bolivia, El Salvador and also the US. Violence from cartels had only get worse along the years. Cocains consumption cause other miseries than death. So do cartels in a much bigger scale

5d - Crime. There are thousands of inmates for drug related charges. Legalizing would stop that. It is proven that any first offender for drug related charges has a high chance to relapse on crime because well...there are among criminals inside and the stigma of being an ex con gives them narrower options and they get out with a good networking on crime. Legalizing it would stop this part of the cycle and definitely definitely definitely decriminalizing the use of any drug should be a MUST that should not be a debate in any sensible society though I understand that in US there is little incentive as many prisons are a lucrative private business of cheap slavery like work force

5e - Taxes. Instead of spending billions on border patrols, police fighting crimes, spending on prisons (besides the private business prisons) and others, the government would do a killing in taxes as it does with alcohol (billions a year) that would be able to be invested in the health problems that the drug causes and also, high prices would control early entry consumption (risk to go to the black market but it would be much reduced) and quantity consumption as is being proven in alcohol and specially tobacco

This is obviously an opinion, based on read numbers, assumptions and personal experience biases, but there is a big truth and is that what is it done is not working and it is getting worse and doubling down doesn't seem to work so the only alternative that I see is legalizing. If there is another model, I genuinely would like to hear it
Lopsided sample size.all your arguments are based on statistics for which alcohol is freely available to all. Hell even 14 year olds drink it in the park.
Cocaine is not widely available so will not have the same statistics and thankfully most 14 year olds will not be doing it in the park!
Put both on a level playing field and I have no doubt that cocaine would be found more dangerous. That’s before I talk about those that take the next step up to crack cocaine or heroin.
I always look at things through a western lense so you might be right in a global sense but in the west, like you say, it's definitely much higher.

Cocaine is a western thing mostly. Alcochol is mostly everywhere
It's interesting to read this thread to be honest, it's also typical of what I see and hear being a current landlord of two pubs and one before over the last 20 years. Also as a DJ and raver/clubber since the late 80's and having lost LOTS of friends and acquaintances to both drugs and alcohol in my lifetime, also still having two brother in laws with serious heroin and crack addictions.

Despite having struggled myself at times in my life with issues (never touched crack or heroin though) I don't think I can add much because most of it has already been said. However, as usual the more sensible answers and ideas come from those with experience and the pushback or denial is from those with very little or absolutely no experience whatsoever. Sadly, most likel those make the laws which I feel prevent any roads from ever being made on the issue.

I remember about 11 years ago when I was going through a brutal divorce and after not handling it well I had therapy and counseling. I was at the bar absolutely off my tits on coke and one of my dad's friends, a very rich right wing millionaire was lecturing me on drugs and telling me how nice it was to see me doing so well. He was doing all this whilst drinking almost an entire bottle of Balvenie after also consuming about 7 pints of ale and completely.oblivious of my state as like many I can hide it to the vast majority of people and can function as normal or as near to normal as possible. I just sat and listened as there is no point with people like that. He meant well but was completely clueless about what he was talking about whilst at the same time being a fecking massive hypocrite too. That was made even more apparent after he revealed he was addicted to codeine after a back operation but that wasn't the same as a heroin addiction. Un-fecking-believable!

As many know I had an aneurysm about 10 years ago and nearly died. In recovery I was put on a heavy dosage of codeine and morphine and according to my brain surgeon and nurses who reduced my intake slowly over the 2 weeks I was in hospital, after being out my GP should continue reducing for 3 months and wean me off then. My GP did not do this and I was addicted to both (functioning and took purely to stop withdrawals never once used to get high) for over 2 and a half years. This is despite me continually asking for help asking for a change of doctor and being ignored, never being given appointments and only having a phone call from her once a fortnight.

After two years I realized this couldn't continue so in the end I went to my pharmacist and explained to them and we came up with a plan so I could wean myself off which I eventually did but only after about 6 months and at the very end despite going from 100ml of auramorph and 120ml of codeine a day down to 10ml of each 5 in the morning and 5 at night I still had to endure a week of hell and went cold turkey. If I hadn't I have no doubt I would still be on them both now. Medicinal drug addiction is a huge issue and absolutely needs to be addressed sooner rather than later, but won't because it's not in anyone's best interest to do so.

Personally I think any drug is dangerous in certain quantities and alcohol being legal gives a very false impression of it's safety and so many are ignorant of the damage it causes while at the same time decrying or looking down on at users of other drugs. I also feel that ultimately drug problems will only get much worse and will only ever be combatted by full legalisation.

Everything I think of on this issue has been posted by others in the thread here, mainly it could be monitored, controlled,.kept far safer due to purity and quality control as well as the huge reduction in health issues and crime and the vast amount of money to be made from taxation.

The tax part is especially ironic given that despite weed being illegal in the UK, the UK THE LARGEST GROWER AND EXPORTER OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!

To me, that just says it all considering there has NEVER been a recorded death from smoking weed. Maybe stupidity from smoking it or being crushed by blocks while unloading, and given it's growing legality or decriminalization around the world, especially considering the admittance of the huge medical benefits of the PLANT!

Anyway, without getting lost in the weeds, legalisation isn't going to work by itself. For it to work you have to look at and understand why people take drugs, especially the harder more addictive or destructive drugs. The more harmless recreational drugs like weed, lsd, mushrooms, ecstacy etc people just take because they like getting fecked up or to enjoy with friends or at concerts or festivals etc...

You have to help educate people better and especially from an early age and stop the fear mongering and be honest about them. You have to provide better treatment centers for addicts and stop treating them like criminals and on top of that you have to combat the many social and economic reasons such as poverty and housing, mentally illness, stress, grief counselling the lot. And that for me is why they won't ever be legalized in my lifetime because it's admitting a war can't be called a war if it can never be won and they need to stop fighting it like it's a war and a new and complely different approach to society as a whole needs to happen before anything changes.

Back in 2007 the Labour party decided a complete overhaul of the drug classification system was needed. We all know how the dangers of each drug to a person consuming them but they wanted a fresh approach and wanted to class drugs on the harm they caused not only to the individual concerned but also others around them such a partners, friends etc but also society on a whole so they looked at drink and drug driving and vandalism and other crime and economical related issues caused.

To lead the project the Labour party commissioned the highly respected and experienced drug expert Professor Nutt (also the guy who has now made a fortune from his invention of the alcohol free drinks that get you drunk and don't give you a hangover either)

The only trouble was when he was about to announce and publish his findings they didn't like it and were petrified of how it could seriously change things, especially the tax made from alcohol and also how many who didn't know or understand drugs would have to completely reevaluate their thinking. It completely contradicted the long standing drug classification system that has been in place in the UK for years. What made it worse was not only alcohol coming out top, tobacco was higher up than amphetamines (speed) and LSD and Ecstacy were found to be near harmless with most deaths associated with bad luck, allergic reactions or accidents that often weren't a result from the drugs themselves.

Obviously Labour couldn't be seen to be supportive of this so the quicky fired him then set about destroying his findings and personal reputation that resulted in completely discrediting the poor man, his research and findings. They helped start and run a huge media led smear campaign against him. He was threatened, sent death threats, abused in the street, destroyed by the media and online and even people like the parents of Leah Betts, the young girl who sadly died from taking ecstacy came out against him and his report and his 'poorly researched crackpot theories'

Not to be defied he took it upon himself to continue the research with extra help and have a more comprehensive, forensic study that went even further than the report he had been originally asked to carry out. His findings were just the same and he released his independent report in 2010 but due to the public image of him and his research and findings it was mocked and went pretty much under the radar and ignored.

Here's the table of his findings where alcohol is NUMBER 1.

For the coke heads with a short attention span here is a Tweet with the chart.

For those who actually want to be educated or maybe are more interested here is a link to the official report and findings. It's 8 pages long and an amazing and incredibly comprehensive study and a great read. Just remember poor stoners, it's 8 pages. Which is more like 80 for you lot because the trouble with weed smokers is they can never remember what they have just read. The trouble with weed smokers is they can never remember what they have just read.

Another excellent post.

I remember the famous line from professor Nutt back then "There is not much difference between horse-riding and ecstasy."
Lopsided sample size.all your arguments are based on statistics for which alcohol is freely available to all. Hell even 14 year olds drink it in the park.
Cocaine is not widely available so will not have the same statistics and thankfully most 14 year olds will not be doing it in the park!
Put both on a level playing field and I have no doubt that cocaine would be found more dangerous. That’s before I talk about those that take the next step up to crack cocaine or heroin.

You might be right...or not. I genuinely tried to find deaths by user or something similar and i coudnt find it. So till we find it it is a guesswork and personal biases

As i said on my point 5a, comparisons cocaine vs alcohol might be done to try to get a picture on having a dangerous drug legalized and its effects. That alcoholi in absolute terms is the worst is statistically factual. That being legalized an accepted might be part of the danger i could agree on that but forbidding it would bring bigger dangers, i would believe to be the case. Education and perception should be the case to fight and in US alcohol consumption had decreased a 10% under 35. Tabacco even more.

What it would matter more than the alcohol comparison is the points 5b to 5e which i believe are important to curb deaths and problems associated with cocaine and decriminalization of users is one point that is a no brianer for ALL drugs. Portugal showed us a clear case on that
Another excellent post.

I remember the famous line from professor Nutt back then "There is not much difference between horse-riding and ecstasy."

Haha yes I remember him saying that too. I think that's what provoked the response from Leah Betts parents who obviously were upset about her daughters death. Sadly their grief and refusal to accept it was a very tragic accident meant they went hell bent on a rage against the drug. Understandable, but completely misjudged IMHO.

I remember back in the early 90's when exstacy first became a thing Roger Cook from the Cook Report did one of his TV specials after claims in The Sun (of course it was) that it was 'Easier to get an E than a cream tea' in Torbay. This was part of the Government backed and media led attack on raves and ravers led by Maggie Thatcher as part of her fecking fun vacuum Criminal Justice Act that only resulted in the birth of large legal festivals and more clubs holding events. fecking laughable really.

The absolute best part is as part of his show he held a rave at a local car park in Brixham it was all funded by ITV. We all went and everyone and I mean everyone there was absolutely fecking off their tits. The point of the rave was to show people could enjoy music without drugs. They paid for a few DJ's and gave out leaflets and even 12" records to the crowd. Surprisingly the rave was absent from the show he aired on TV :lol: Not sure why that was. :lol:
Colombian president has never encountered a bunch of cockhead "lads" on a night out in London.

No different than drunk wankers who caused all the fights at football grounds for decades or still every single day and night in pubs, clubs and bars all around the country.

Wankers are wankers regardless they will always be that drugs, alcohol or just sober. Yes it's true cocaine can make some people aggressive but it's a small percentage and I would definitely think for the majority alcohol contributes to more aggression, spousal abuse, death by driving, assaults etc than coke. Even if the use was equal of both in society.

Many who use it either often or more recraitionally are just using it enhance their night out. You rarely see or hear of trouble at festivals or club events in comparison to the trouble in pubs and I guarantee that 95% of people at festivals or in clubs are off their tits. The only change in recent years is the rise of cocaine use that is everywhere now whereas in the 80' and 90's it was considered a truly elite drug and only for the very wealthy.

The difference is how and who uses it and what for. As I said, dickheads will be dickheads but the vast majority are not.

Coke just allows people to drink more and stay out of up longer. The combination of both can be a factor but I absolutely believe it's just down to if someone is a violent twat or not. Those types will go off as I said, coked up, drunk, both or sober.
@4bars and @langster made some great long posts so want to acknowledge that. Just want to cover a few thkngs quickly.

1. Price. Price does not necessarily go down with legality due to taxation. In fact, here in California when cannabis was made recreationally legal the price went up. So I would not bet on prices going down with legality, I'd bet on prices going up.

2. Accessibility. Drugs are easy to get. Since the early 90s I've never seen or heard of an example where someone could not obtain a drug if they wanted a drug. Heck, many dealers will even deliver right to your doorstep. Sure legality could make things easier to get theoretically but practically, it's not really increasing accessibility much. When there is demand, supply will find its way.

3. Health issue vs criminal issue. This is the big deciding factor for me. I've seen first hand what decades of the War on Drugs does to individuals and families. People going into jail for smoking pot and coming out hardened criminals using much harder substances. Lives completely shattered because of small possession charges. I haven't seen many cases of better outcomes by criminalized and jailing, just more profits for private prisons. By decriminalized at least, it would shift the society problem of substancd from a criminal issue to a health issue where it belongs. People with actual drug problems need medical/psychological help not prison time. I've seen people have great success stories from receiving help. I've seen too many people with lives destroyed by going to jail on simple possession. It's easy to see their devastation caused by the War on Drugs and few things should be clear: it doesn't reduce demand, it doesn't produce better health outcomes, it does produce asymmetric life outcomes (privileged groups get away with things and minority groups get cracked down upon by unscrupulous authorities.

4. Morality. Substance use, to me, is not a moral issue. Reality is that people want vices. Always have and always will. Not everyone of course, but most things in moderation are okay with me morally and cause little problems while anything in too much excess has the potential to cause problems.

It's anecdotal, but I'd estimate over 66% of the worst cases of people with drug problems that ive encountered came from strict religious conservative upbringing. Not all, of course, but from my personal experience there is a very strong correlation between being raised in a religious conservative household where you are taught that being LGBT means you're "going to hell", any vice is because of "demonic thoughts" and abusing drugs & alcohol instead of using in moderation.
Haha yes I remember him saying that too. I think that's what provoked the response from Leah Betts parents who obviously were upset about her daughters death. Sadly their grief and refusal to accept it was a very tragic accident meant they went hell bent on a rage against the drug. Understandable, but completely misjudged IMHO.

I remember back in the early 90's when exstacy first became a thing Roger Cook from the Cook Report did one of his TV specials after claims in The Sun (of course it was) that it was 'Easier to get an E than a cream tea' in Torbay. This was part of the Government backed and media led attack on raves and ravers led by Maggie Thatcher as part of her fecking fun vacuum Criminal Justice Act that only resulted in the birth of large legal festivals and more clubs holding events. fecking laughable really.

The absolute best part is as part of his show he held a rave at a local car park in Brixham it was all funded by ITV. We all went and everyone and I mean everyone there was absolutely fecking off their tits. The point of the rave was to show people could enjoy music without drugs. They paid for a few DJ's and gave out leaflets and even 12" records to the crowd. Surprisingly the rave was absent from the show he aired on TV :lol: Not sure why that was. :lol:
E was a deadly drug though. And I don’t mean that in a good way
No different than drunk wankers who caused all the fights at football grounds for decades or still every single day and night in pubs, clubs and bars all around the country.

Wankers are wankers regardless they will always be that drugs, alcohol or just sober. Yes it's true cocaine can make some people aggressive but it's a small percentage and I would definitely think for the majority alcohol contributes to more aggression, spousal abuse, death by driving, assaults etc than coke. Even if the use was equal of both in society.

Many who use it either often or more recraitionally are just using it enhance their night out. You rarely see or hear of trouble at to festivals or club events in comparison to the trouble in pubs and I guarantee that 95% of people at festivals or in clubs are off their tits. The only change in recent years is the rise of cocaine use that is everywhere now whereas in the 80' and 90's it was considered a truly elite drug and only for the very wealthy.

The difference is how and who uses it and what for. As I said, dickheads will be dickheads but the vast majority are not.

Cocaine is a terrible drug. I agree it's only the idiots who are a problem when they take it, but it definitely makes them a whole lot worse and a whole lot more likely to kick off.

I've never got home from London after my night was ruined by people drinking too much whisky.
@4bars and @langster made some great long posts so want to acknowledge that. Just want to cover a few thkngs quickly.

1. Price. Price does not necessarily go down with legality due to taxation. In fact, here in California when cannabis was made recreationally legal the price went up. So I would not bet on prices going down with legality, I'd bet on prices going up.

2. Accessibility. Drugs are easy to get. Since the early 90s I've never seen or heard of an example where someone could not obtain a drug if they wanted a drug. Heck, many dealers will even deliver right to your doorstep. Sure legality could make things easier to get theoretically but practically, it's not really increasing accessibility much. When there is demand, supply will find its way.

3. Health issue vs criminal issue. This is the big deciding factor for me. I've seen first hand what decades of the War on Drugs does to individuals and families. People going into jail for smoking pot and coming out hardened criminals using much harder substances. Lives completely shattered because of small possession charges. I haven't seen many cases of better outcomes by criminalized and jailing, just more profits for private prisons. By decriminalized at least, it would shift the society problem of substancd from a criminal issue to a health issue where it belongs. People with actual drug problems need medical/psychological help not prison time. I've seen people have great success stories from receiving help. I've seen too many people with lives destroyed by going to jail on simple possession. It's easy to see their devastation caused by the War on Drugs and few things should be clear: it doesn't reduce demand, it doesn't produce better health outcomes, it does produce asymmetric life outcomes (privileged groups get away with things and minority groups get cracked down upon by unscrupulous authorities.

4. Morality. Substance use, to me, is not a moral issue. Reality is that people want vices. Always have and always will. Not everyone of course, but most things in moderation are okay with me morally and cause little problems while anything in too much excess has the potential to cause problems.

It's anecdotal, but I'd estimate over 66% of the worst cases of people with drug problems that ive encountered came from strict religious conservative upbringing. Not all, of course, but from my personal experience there is a very strong correlation between being raised in a religious conservative household where you are taught that being LGBT means you're "going to hell", any vice is because of "demonic thoughts" and abusing drugs & alcohol instead of using in moderation.
Re accessibility
Yes, if you know who to ask or where to go you can get your hands on any drug. However make it more accessible, imagine cocaine shops like vape shops. There will be young lads hanging outside “hey mister can you buy us some?”. They can do that now outside off-licenses and could perhaps lead to being an alcoholic in later life whereas the other path leads to harder drugs.
E was a deadly drug though. And I don’t mean that in a good way

That's simply just not true though. The actual drug MDMA is relatively harmless if taken in moderation and the actual effects are without question absolutely the most harmless to others around you. It makes you love everyone and everything. Certainly not aggressive and tbh, if taken at the right dose, you couldn't fight even if you wanted to. It's also safer because like LSD and weed it's an alcohol deterrent whereas cocaine is the opposite.

Deaths from ecstacy were mainly found to be from bad quality or what they were mixed with. Which takes us back to legalisation and quality control again. A few were allergic reactions or from aggravating a pre-existing condition or from overdosing due to not being aware of how strong or what to take. Overall the UK has 5 times more deaths as a result from drink driving a year than from people taking e's. 63 compared to 300 and last year alone nearly 11,000 deaths were attributed to alcohol alone.

It's not even comparable.
Cocaine is a terrible drug. I agree it's only the idiots who are a problem when they take it, but it definitely makes them a whole lot worse and a whole lot more likely to kick off.

I've never got home from London after my night was ruined by people drinking too much whisky.

Well as a landlord or even pub drinker I've witnessed or had to stop more fights from alcohol than coke/coke and alcohol. As a DJ and clubber who has attended clubs, raves, festivals, illegal raves, house parties, even football matches surrounded by people off their tits (don't understand that one at all) in 5 different countries and overall thousands of events over 35 years where I must have been surrounded by in total tens of millions of people who were off their tits or drunk or both. I can hand on heart say I can count on one hand how many times I've witnessed fights at any of them. I absolutely, unequivocally mean that too. I'm thinking back now and can only think of 4 times that stick out. Obviously I've heard of it happening but again it would be less than 15 l/20 times in total.

For me that shows it not only proves that it's dickheads related incidents but also very much down to surroundings too. I've had more trouble in my two pubs in the last 2 years (and we really don't get a lot compared to others in the area) than I've seen over 35 years af music events.

I've definitely seen more outside on the streets like you say. Again. Surroundings and dickhead related. The rise in lack of respect and anger in the youth as well as the definite rise in violence and attitude towards it has definitely contributed. Back again to society issues, education, etc.
For the record here, I'm not condoning cocaine use. Not in the slightest, it's absolutely a harmful drug , but the suggestion alcohol isn't close just isn't backed up by medical or criminal findings.

Drugs of any kind aren't for everyone and I completely understand that. My main point in my posts is that the hate or disgust towards many who use them is nearly always unfair, factually incorrect due to ignorance or misunderstanding, nearly always hypocritical and always completely unhelpful be it in discussion or in reporting. All that is so detrimental to the issues caused from them all ever being fixed.

People will always take them no matter what so in my eyes it's a total no brainier that what people take should always be the purest, at the safest dosage and purchased responsibility over cut street drugs with the risk of being purchased from idiots and finding hardened criminals and like cocaine, causing so much harm around the world in the countries that produce it.

Without drugs you can remove the vast majority of music ever written, played, created, performed. You wouldn't have anywhere near the amount of films or books written either as many authors and screenwriters use drugs for creative ideas or to stay awake long enough to meet targets.

Also, kids cartoons wouldn't be the same because you can't tell me most of those feckers were made by anyone sober.

One of the biggest things for me is those who are anti drugs or not understanding of them don't really understand how wide the usage is or how far the influences reach. That's because many can happily live and function as normal or go out and hide it. Sadly, there are many that cannot.

Finally TV adverts.

I don't think there's ever been a TV adverts created by anyone sober. Not ever.

Losing those might not be a bad thing tbh.

I'm off to take an edible (don't smoke anymore) and get some sleep.
@4bars and @langster made some great long posts so want to acknowledge that. Just want to cover a few thkngs quickly.

1. Price. Price does not necessarily go down with legality due to taxation. In fact, here in California when cannabis was made recreationally legal the price went up. So I would not bet on prices going down with legality, I'd bet on prices going up.

2. Accessibility. Drugs are easy to get. Since the early 90s I've never seen or heard of an example where someone could not obtain a drug if they wanted a drug. Heck, many dealers will even deliver right to your doorstep. Sure legality could make things easier to get theoretically but practically, it's not really increasing accessibility much. When there is demand, supply will find its way.

3. Health issue vs criminal issue. This is the big deciding factor for me. I've seen first hand what decades of the War on Drugs does to individuals and families. People going into jail for smoking pot and coming out hardened criminals using much harder substances. Lives completely shattered because of small possession charges. I haven't seen many cases of better outcomes by criminalized and jailing, just more profits for private prisons. By decriminalized at least, it would shift the society problem of substancd from a criminal issue to a health issue where it belongs. People with actual drug problems need medical/psychological help not prison time. I've seen people have great success stories from receiving help. I've seen too many people with lives destroyed by going to jail on simple possession. It's easy to see their devastation caused by the War on Drugs and few things should be clear: it doesn't reduce demand, it doesn't produce better health outcomes, it does produce asymmetric life outcomes (privileged groups get away with things and minority groups get cracked down upon by unscrupulous authorities.

4. Morality. Substance use, to me, is not a moral issue. Reality is that people want vices. Always have and always will. Not everyone of course, but most things in moderation are okay with me morally and cause little problems while anything in too much excess has the potential to cause problems.

It's anecdotal, but I'd estimate over 66% of the worst cases of people with drug problems that ive encountered came from strict religious conservative upbringing. Not all, of course, but from my personal experience there is a very strong correlation between being raised in a religious conservative household where you are taught that being LGBT means you're "going to hell", any vice is because of "demonic thoughts" and abusing drugs & alcohol instead of using in moderation.

Spot on. Great post.
That's simply just not true though. The actual drug MDMA is relatively harmless if taken in moderation and the actual effects are without question absolutely the most harmless to others around you. It makes you love everyone and everything. Certainly not aggressive and tbh, if taken at the right dose, you couldn't fight even if you wanted to. It's also safer because like LSD and weed it's an alcohol deterrent whereas cocaine is the opposite.

Deaths from ecstacy were mainly found to be from bad quality or what they were mixed with. Which takes us back to legalisation and quality control again. A few were allergic reactions or from aggravating a pre-existing condition or from overdosing due to not being aware of how strong or what to take. Overall the UK has 5 times more deaths as a result from drink driving a year than from people taking e's. 63 compared to 300 and last year alone nearly 11,000 deaths were attributed to alcohol alone.

It's not even comparable.

Also like psychedelics is 0 addictive and you know you can't get high next days without vast amounts and even not get "lucky" trying
Haha yes I remember him saying that too. I think that's what provoked the response from Leah Betts parents who obviously were upset about her daughters death. Sadly their grief and refusal to accept it was a very tragic accident meant they went hell bent on a rage against the drug. Understandable, but completely misjudged IMHO.

I remember back in the early 90's when exstacy first became a thing Roger Cook from the Cook Report did one of his TV specials after claims in The Sun (of course it was) that it was 'Easier to get an E than a cream tea' in Torbay. This was part of the Government backed and media led attack on raves and ravers led by Maggie Thatcher as part of her fecking fun vacuum Criminal Justice Act that only resulted in the birth of large legal festivals and more clubs holding events. fecking laughable really.

The absolute best part is as part of his show he held a rave at a local car park in Brixham it was all funded by ITV. We all went and everyone and I mean everyone there was absolutely fecking off their tits. The point of the rave was to show people could enjoy music without drugs. They paid for a few DJ's and gave out leaflets and even 12" records to the crowd. Surprisingly the rave was absent from the show he aired on TV :lol: Not sure why that was. :lol:
You might need to explain what these are to the post SAF generation of fans
A friend of mine and his brother run a rehab in town. He told me the scariest addiction is gambling. Its the one that truly destroys not just you but everything and everybody around you. One guy sold his grandma's house..

The next day I see one of the most influential artists Drake promote a gambling site. Like, aren't you rich enough?

I guess the times we live in..
It's interesting to read this thread to be honest, it's also typical of what I see and hear being a current landlord of two pubs and one before over the last 20 years. Also as a DJ and raver/clubber since the late 80's and having lost LOTS of friends and acquaintances to both drugs and alcohol in my lifetime, also still having two brother in laws with serious heroin and crack addictions.

Despite having struggled myself at times in my life with issues (never touched crack or heroin though) I don't think I can add much because most of it has already been said. However, as usual the more sensible answers and ideas come from those with experience and the pushback or denial is from those with very little or absolutely no experience whatsoever. Sadly, most likel those make the laws which I feel prevent any roads from ever being made on the issue.

I remember about 11 years ago when I was going through a brutal divorce and after not handling it well I had therapy and counseling. I was at the bar absolutely off my tits on coke and one of my dad's friends, a very rich right wing millionaire was lecturing me on drugs and telling me how nice it was to see me doing so well. He was doing all this whilst drinking almost an entire bottle of Balvenie after also consuming about 7 pints of ale and completely.oblivious of my state as like many I can hide it to the vast majority of people and can function as normal or as near to normal as possible. I just sat and listened as there is no point with people like that. He meant well but was completely clueless about what he was talking about whilst at the same time being a fecking massive hypocrite too. That was made even more apparent after he revealed he was addicted to codeine after a back operation but that wasn't the same as a heroin addiction. Un-fecking-believable!

As many know I had an aneurysm about 10 years ago and nearly died. In recovery I was put on a heavy dosage of codeine and morphine and according to my brain surgeon and nurses who reduced my intake slowly over the 2 weeks I was in hospital, after being out my GP should continue reducing for 3 months and wean me off then. My GP did not do this and I was addicted to both (functioning and took purely to stop withdrawals never once used to get high) for over 2 and a half years. This is despite me continually asking for help asking for a change of doctor and being ignored, never being given appointments and only having a phone call from her once a fortnight.

After two years I realized this couldn't continue so in the end I went to my pharmacist and explained to them and we came up with a plan so I could wean myself off which I eventually did but only after about 6 months and at the very end despite going from 100ml of auramorph and 120ml of codeine a day down to 10ml of each 5 in the morning and 5 at night I still had to endure a week of hell and went cold turkey. If I hadn't I have no doubt I would still be on them both now. Medicinal drug addiction is a huge issue and absolutely needs to be addressed sooner rather than later, but won't because it's not in anyone's best interest to do so.

Personally I think any drug is dangerous in certain quantities and alcohol being legal gives a very false impression of it's safety and so many are ignorant of the damage it causes while at the same time decrying or looking down on at users of other drugs. I also feel that ultimately drug problems will only get much worse and will only ever be combatted by full legalisation.

Everything I think of on this issue has been posted by others in the thread here, mainly it could be monitored, controlled,.kept far safer due to purity and quality control as well as the huge reduction in health issues and crime and the vast amount of money to be made from taxation.

The tax part is especially ironic given that despite weed being illegal in the UK, the UK THE LARGEST GROWER AND EXPORTER OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!

To me, that just says it all considering there has NEVER been a recorded death from smoking weed. Maybe stupidity from smoking it or being crushed by blocks while unloading, and given it's growing legality or decriminalization around the world, especially considering the admittance of the huge medical benefits of the PLANT!

Anyway, without getting lost in the weeds, legalisation isn't going to work by itself. For it to work you have to look at and understand why people take drugs, especially the harder more addictive or destructive drugs. The more harmless recreational drugs like weed, lsd, mushrooms, ecstacy etc people just take because they like getting fecked up or to enjoy with friends or at concerts or festivals etc...

You have to help educate people better and especially from an early age and stop the fear mongering and be honest about them. You have to provide better treatment centers for addicts and stop treating them like criminals and on top of that you have to combat the many social and economic reasons such as poverty and housing, mentally illness, stress, grief counselling the lot. And that for me is why they won't ever be legalized in my lifetime because it's admitting a war can't be called a war if it can never be won and they need to stop fighting it like it's a war and a new and complely different approach to society as a whole needs to happen before anything changes.

Back in 2007 the Labour party decided a complete overhaul of the drug classification system was needed. We all know how the dangers of each drug to a person consuming them but they wanted a fresh approach and wanted to class drugs on the harm they caused not only to the individual concerned but also others around them such a partners, friends etc but also society on a whole so they looked at drink and drug driving and vandalism and other crime and economical related issues caused.

To lead the project the Labour party commissioned the highly respected and experienced drug expert Professor Nutt (also the guy who has now made a fortune from his invention of the alcohol free drinks that get you drunk and don't give you a hangover either)

The only trouble was when he was about to announce and publish his findings they didn't like it and were petrified of how it could seriously change things, especially the tax made from alcohol and also how many who didn't know or understand drugs would have to completely reevaluate their thinking. It completely contradicted the long standing drug classification system that has been in place in the UK for years. What made it worse was not only alcohol coming out top, tobacco was higher up than amphetamines (speed) and LSD and Ecstacy were found to be near harmless with most deaths associated with bad luck, allergic reactions or accidents that often weren't a result from the drugs themselves.

Obviously Labour couldn't be seen to be supportive of this so the quicky fired him then set about destroying his findings and personal reputation that resulted in completely discrediting the poor man, his research and findings. They helped start and run a huge media led smear campaign against him. He was threatened, sent death threats, abused in the street, destroyed by the media and online and even people like the parents of Leah Betts, the young girl who sadly died from taking ecstacy came out against him and his report and his 'poorly researched crackpot theories'

Not to be defied he took it upon himself to continue the research with extra help and have a more comprehensive, forensic study that went even further than the report he had been originally asked to carry out. His findings were just the same and he released his independent report in 2010 but due to the public image of him and his research and findings it was mocked and went pretty much under the radar and ignored.

Here's the table of his findings where alcohol is NUMBER 1.

For the coke heads with a short attention span here is a Tweet with the chart.

For those who actually want to be educated or maybe are more interested here is a link to the official report and findings. It's 8 pages long and an amazing and incredibly comprehensive study and a great read. Just remember poor stoners, it's 8 pages. Which is more like 80 for you lot because the trouble with weed smokers is they can never remember what they have just read. The trouble with weed smokers is they can never remember what they have just read.

If you were as good at music as you are with words, I bet your sets were ace.