Good question. That state has shitloads of armed militias, and so I really doubt I can say who based on what you described. If you were in North Eastern Shan State and they were well equipped, they were likely to be from those groups. Government or junta forces usually don't stay in houses in towns. There are a few militia groups in Southern Shan State that are mostly natural to every other group, including the government forces for now. All those groups just collaborate with either the Chinese or the Junta, selling stuff that came out of their lands and funding money for their equipment, which is mostly Chinese-made. Areas with better and more valuable stuff would be controlled by groups that had more influences from China, for obvious reasons. Everyone and their bosses, except ordinary people, there get rich. The Burmese side of the infamous 'Golden Triangle' area was /is controlled mostly by Chinese-backed groups. The previous and current junta stated that their force could not go there and do anything about it without fighting those groups to death whenever they got pressured from outside and they were afraid to deal with the Chinese if they had to fight those groups. The Chinese know but don't care as long as the heroin does not come into their land. Pretty much the same with fentanyl and methamphetamine stuff too.
I am not sure when you traveled there. It was like hell, especially in the north-eastern areas awhile ago. The Junta forces were using ammunition and fighters made by Russians to bomb whatever they saw, including villages, while the militias were trying to take them down with Chinese-made anti-air weapons, etc. It has calmed down a bit because the Chinese forced the Junta to withdraw their forces from those areas, and they had to because they kept getting their butts kicked. But if you are an ordinary citizen living there, you are at the mercy of everyone who has a weapon. If you are a visitor, you can be a spy for whatever side they accuse you of.