Club Sale | It’s done!

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However corrupt you think the governing bodies of football are, times it by ten.

The Premier Leagues official line is that the Saudi Public Investment Fund that's chaired by the Crown Prince is completely different to the Saudi government that's led by the Crown Prince so that's Exhibit A in your argument.
The Premier Leagues official line is that the Saudi Public Investment Fund that's chaired by the Crown Prince is completely different to the Saudi government that's led by the Crown Prince so that's Exhibit A in your argument.

Well... the Scousers have always thought that Fergie had the refs and the English FA in his pocket too.
When will the penny drop that fans of every club contain exactly the same types of people. There's not a single fan base that is made of of morally just, model citizens, and there's no fan base made up of just dick heads. You may perceive it differently based on how you view online forums, but frankly online forums make up a tiny percent of an entire fan base and are mostly representative of the admins who set the rules.

Generalisation and stereotyping of other fan bases is bullshit, but it's just another way to point score. "Look at us, we use clean money to fund our players" "Look at us, we only spent £1.2bn in the last decade, you spent £1.4bn, ha ha" That's all this silly arguing about morals really comes down to. We want to look better than the rest. Yesterday Arsenal fans had banners alluding to their legit ownership. They failed to acknowledge one of their biggest sponsorships is funded by UAE. Lack of self awareness or stupidity? Not sure. But certainly another example of a pathetic and childish point scoring exercise that supporters of rival clubs love to indulge in

When it really comes down to it, the majority won't give a feck who we're owned by as long as we're spending bucket loads of cash in the summer

You are of course right, but at the same time, this is the one way I think we can make a bad situation a little less bad.

Two thoughts I have.

1. Simply, if we get Qatari owners, we don’t need to cut corners. We don’t need sponsorship money from companies that doesn’t even exist. Under the table deals with players/coaches. Etc etc etc.

We, through MUST for example, can definitely demand openness. There is talk about a seat on the board etc. But a simple thing like, as a listed entity, the Manchester United plc today reports by the IFRS standard. We announce a year end report about 2-3 months after the season ended. Others do it 18 months after the season ended. You would in January 2024, get info about the 21/22 season.

With openness it becomes harder for us to ‘cut corners’, circumvent rules. We can afford that.

Just by making this clear, you do create a counter balance for the decision makers. It’s not all ‘we must win at any price’.

2. In addition, while the fan base in theory is faceless and does not have a voice, the fan base does have spoke persons with a voice that does get heard. They can hold our owners to the same standards as we hold our club.

The answer to that could be, boy do you have hubris if you think fans of a club could impact a countries domestic and foreign policy. And why a comment like that wouldn’t be without merit — in the public space, a club like ours has an unprecedented “loud” voice. If ETH says something, it is more or less reported by media all across the world within hours.

This article for example describes the situation for the women football team of Qatar. They need support.

Protests if there are specific events.

-> All in all, I think most other clubs in the same situation, have not done anything. City, PSG and co have just been too caught up with ‘getting to the top’. We are already (barely) there. I do have a lot of faith in our fan base’s ability to the right things.

No one in the club knows what's going on. Talks led exclusively by Glazers and Raine Group. Uncertainty around Qatari interest. They will have to reduce their presence in PSG to buy Manchester United. (obviously unless brown envelopes starting making the rounds)
No one in the club knows what's going on. Talks led exclusively by Glazers and Raine Group. Uncertainty around Qatari interest. They will have to reduce their presence in PSG to buy Manchester United. (obviously unless brown envelopes starting making the rounds)
I think I read somewhere that they might keep the existing board that we have now on after the takeover. In order to show that they are not linked together. Don't know if that's true or not but keeping this board who have failed over the years not good.

No one in the club knows what's going on. Talks led exclusively by Glazers and Raine Group. Uncertainty around Qatari interest. They will have to reduce their presence in PSG to buy Manchester United. (obviously unless brown envelopes starting making the rounds)

Who, or what, is a Dan Sheldon?
The Premier Leagues official line is that the Saudi Public Investment Fund that's chaired by the Crown Prince is completely different to the Saudi government that's led by the Crown Prince so that's Exhibit A in your argument.
This is definitely relevant but you just know when it comes to us, we'll be measured by a different standard. Comes with the territory of being an actual big club.
I’ve just read this, Stone doesn’t say it’s uncertain at all?
In fact he says a bid is to be launched

Think it's more to do with the fact that there's uncertainty as to how it'll be structured and the involvement/non-involvement of Al-Khelaifi
Nowt seems to be happening at Liverpool. Surprisingly.
Our sale and theirs are completely intertwined, and many of the bidders will be interested in both. Once our bidders are shaken out, their sale process will become more public. Wouldn't be surprised if they get sold, wholly or partially, about the same time we do.
Ok this is where I am at, at this stage going into the bidding week.

  • The current board and senior figures at the club do not and have never known the status of the sale and the details surrounding it, I also believe any of the earlier leaks over US consortiums and the summer transfer targets (Bale, Bellingham etc...) have all been provided by the current board in a thinly veiled attempt to keep their jobs. It is no secret that the board, the underlings and anyone associated with it stumbled into the appointment of ETH and it wasn't through the current custodians. They have been a shambles for a decade and will more than likely be removed with new ownership, we even had a fluff piece on Richard Arnold not too long ago...
  • The Glazers and Raine have been, surprisingly, conducting their business right under our noses. Avram in Qatar for the world cup just for a game, uhuh, also in Dubai because of his cricket team, yup. But there has also been interest from un courted individuals in SJR etc.
  • The recent confirmation of a QATAR private investment consortium matches in the exact way that Abu Dhabi and Saudi took over City and Toon respectively.
  • The news on a minority stake is an obvious tactic by the Glazers to any interested parties that if you are bidding go big and maybe even bigger than you initially wanted for the full stake.
  • QATAR have already begun their withdrawal of PSG by selling a percentage of the club, thought to be a significant percentage:
  • There have been reports from reliable people that QATAR are not interested in a minority stake BUT it may be the foot in the door to eventual full takeover as they sell off PSG.
  • In summary, I believe QATAR Private Investment will be the new owners of United, its likely they will go all in since Green Light has been received from UEFA, BUT if there was an issue the Glazers have let it be known they would take lower investment percentage up front.
QATAR will own United.
Nowt seems to be happening at Liverpool. Surprisingly.
I truly think whoever loses out on us will shift their attention to Liverpool. As soon as something concrete is announced with United, Liverpool's sale is going to smother the news.
Ok this is where I am at, at this stage going into the bidding week.

  • The current board and senior figures at the club do not and have never known the status of the sale and the details surrounding it, I also believe any of the earlier leaks over US consortiums and the summer transfer targets (Bale, Bellingham etc...) have all been provided by the current board in a thinly veiled attempt to keep their jobs. It is no secret that the board, the underlings and anyone associated with it stumbled into the appointment of ETH and it wasn't through the current custodians. They have been a shambles for a decade and will more than likely be removed with new ownership, we even had a fluff piece on Richard Arnold not too long ago...
  • The Glazers and Raine have been, surprisingly, conducting their business right under our noses. Avram in Qatar for the world cup just for a game, uhuh, also in Dubai because of his cricket team, yup. But there has also been interest from un courted individuals in SJR etc.
  • The recent confirmation of a QATAR private investment consortium matches in the exact way that Abu Dhabi and Saudi took over City and Toon respectively.
  • The news on a minority stake is an obvious tactic by the Glazers to any interested parties that if you are bidding go big and maybe even bigger than you initially wanted for the full stake.
  • QATAR have already begun their withdrawal of PSG by selling a percentage of the club, thought to be a significant percentage:
  • There have been reports from reliable people that QATAR are not interested in a minority stake BUT it may be the foot in the door to eventual full takeover as they sell off PSG.
  • In summary, I believe QATAR Private Investment will be the new owners of United, its likely they will go all in since Green Light has been received from UEFA, BUT if there was an issue the Glazers have let it be known they would take lower investment percentage up front.
QATAR will own United.

Post needs more QATAR.
Our sale and theirs are completely intertwined, and many of the bidders will be interested in both. Once our bidders are shaken out, their sale process will become more public. Wouldn't be surprised if they get sold, wholly or partially, about the same time we do.
FSG are only looking for investment.
I’ve just read this, Stone doesn’t say it’s uncertain at all?
In fact he says a bid is to be launched

Apparently, because Simon Stone is a sports journalist, he won't know anything. So, for some, not me, this report means nothing!
I’ve just read this, Stone doesn’t say it’s uncertain at all?
In fact he says a bid is to be launched

I believe the uncertainty is centered around whether the bid is for partial investment or full takeover, and if the powers-that-be will even allow the latter for one reason or another. There's absolutely no doubt Qatar are involved.
I believe the uncertainty is centered around whether the bid is for partial investment or full takeover, and if the powers-that-be will even allow the latter for one reason or another. There's absolutely no doubt Qatar are involved.
But it doesn’t even say that in the article. It honestly looks as if the headline writer simply didn’t read what was published
I believe the uncertainty is centered around whether the bid is for partial investment or full takeover, and if the powers-that-be will even allow the latter for one reason or another. There's absolutely no doubt Qatar are involved.

Qatar will have already done their due diligence and there will be no issues. Nasser Al-Khelaifi will have had his chats in UEFA.

The only way I see Qatar not taking over is, if they are outbid by another party.
Qatar will have already done their due diligence and there will be no issues. Nasser Al-Khelaifi will have had his chats in UEFA.

The only way I see Qatar not taking over is, if they are outbid by another party.

And you know how? I bet United's finances are worse than it appears.
Qatar don’t strike me as the kind who will go all in and lose out. If they want it they’ll get it unless the Saudis get involved.

which is exactly the dream scenario/auction that Raine/Glazers are hoping for. The Big Dog versus the up & coming player.
As Keegan, Ducker, Stone et al have all made clear, nobody (including Qatar) thinks the club is worth as much as the Glazers do and none of them are likely to meet the Glazers' asking price of £5bn.

One of the big unknowns is how the Glazers will react if nobody meets their price. Minority sale instead? Walkaway entirely or try to negotiate the price up? We're probably going to find out pretty soon but reports have suggested that the Glazer family themselves are split over this issue, with some more bullish on the price than others.
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