Club Sale | It’s done!

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I’ve never understood the argument that any future United success is meaningless if we have Qatari owners. Now, if they break the rules and financially dope us, then fair enough, but why would they do that when there is no need?

This. Qatar just need to operate us as a self operating club, with some help on the infrastructure, which they're allowed to do.
The irony here is how some of these oil states were founded in the first place with Britain/U.S playing a big part. Boycott United all you want but these deals were struck decades ago with the ruling families in exchange for our countries being granted access to the natural resources. Shall we boycott transportation that relies on natural gas as well? After all, natural gas is the very thing we made these deals for.
Xavi was there for many years and they sponsored Barça. This is not far fetched.
How many Spanish coaches have QSI appointed at PSG? I can only think of Emery.

Sponsoring arguably the biggest club in the world is due to their popularity.

Xavi was at Al Sadd for a period of time, and I'm assuming he was wanted in Qatar due to his standing in the world game and not his nationality.
That is what they would say naturally. They lied their heads off before the WC about work conditions.

They were the first ever shirt sponsor of Barça starting in 2011.

I was going to ask why did you mention them sponsoring Barca then I realised you were listing their evil deeds
Shock horror, exposed as a chancer, who wanted United at a cut price deal to make a profit.

I don't think most fans thought Radcliffe would end up with the winning bid, because of (a) the asking price, and (b) the depth of competitors pockets; but, to describe someone who is willing to pay 4 billion - that's FOUR BILLION - as a "chancer", is ridiculous enough to be verging on the preposterous. From a financial investment perspective, it is probably actually worth around 4 - 4.5bn. Oh the temerity of the man to want to make sound business decisions.

:lol: Christ, this forum sometimes.
The reporter got "mugged" as the security believed that he was breaking the rules that were in place. Clearly, that was incorrect and he was apologised to and things moved on. He wasn't mugged for wearing a Rolex.

"Feck Lando Norris." And my post was silly. You proved my point with that last comment. :lol:

You seem pretty obsessed by watches.
I spoke about sex trafficking. Won't say anymore on that.

And what do you mean women aren't allowed to do anything without a man's consent. Are you living there? Are you a woman who is experiencing this? I know people who have lived out there and never faced such issues.

LGBTQ, again people of that community have been out there. It's not as though they're not welcome. Terry Flewers said he saw a gay couple in a restaurant holding hands and they weren't thrown out or arrested.

Support of terrorism? Seriously? No one country can be the beacon of light on this. People in the West feel the East are terrorists, and visa versa.

A transgender Qatari woman said that after security forces arrested her on the street in Doha, Preventive Security officers accused her of “imitating women” because of her gender expression. In the police car, they beat her until her lips and nose were bleeding and kicked her in the stomach, she said. “You gays are immoral, so we will be the same to you,” she said one officer told her.

“I saw many other LGBT people detained there: two Moroccan lesbians, four Filipino gay men, and one Nepalese gay man,” she said. “I was detained for three weeks without charge, and officers repeatedly sexually harassed me. Part of the release requirement was attending sessions with a psychologist who ‘would make me a man again.’”

Another Qatari transgender woman said she was arrested in public by Preventive Security Department forces because she was wearing makeup. “They gave me hand wipes and made me wipe the makeup off my face,” she said. “They used the makeup-stained wipes as evidence against me and took a picture of me with the wipes in my hand. They also shaved my hair.” Security forces made her sign a pledge that she would not wear makeup again as a condition for her release, she said.

A Qatari bisexual woman said: “[Preventive Security officers] beat me until I lost consciousness several times. An officer took me blindfolded by car to another place that felt like a private home from the inside and forced me to watch restrained people getting beaten as an intimidation tactic.”

A Qatari transgender woman, arrested by Preventive Security in public in Doha, said: “They [Preventive Security] are a mafia. They detained me twice, once for two months in a solitary cell underground, and once for six weeks. They beat me every day and shaved my hair. They also made me take off my shirt and took a picture of my breasts. I suffered from depression because of my detention. I still have nightmares to this day, and I’m terrified of being in public.”

In all cases, LGBT detainees said, Preventive Security forces forced them to unlock their phones and took screenshots of private pictures and chats from their devices, as well as contact information of other LGBT people.

A Qatari gay man who has experienced government repression, including arbitrary arrest, said that security forces surveilled and arrested him based on his online activity.

All those interviewed provided strikingly similar accounts. The repressive climate around free expression in Qatar, including around the rights of LGBT people, has made many people who may have experienced mistreatment afraid to be interviewed because of the risk of retaliation, Human Rights Watch said.

Say you don't care, say you're fine with it, talk about the US, anything, but please don't downplay and deny the persecution of people.
If SJR end up buying us I genuinely hope his ties with JP Morgan Chase comes under as much heavy scrutiny as Qatar regime would. They have willingly been destroying people's lives for profit since the Civil War all up to funding Madoff's Ponzi scheme. Same can be said for Goldman Sachs.
No to being robbed. I know people who have. Even being taken from their car and taken home to give over their possessions.

Not been to Qatar, but I have been to Dubai with my Rolex. However, my bro-in-law has been to Qatar with his Rolex on. He felt very safe and not threatened.

Also, to add weight to the broad point I'm making about safety, did you hear of any crowd trouble at the world cup in Qatar? Compare this to the trouble at the Euro finals at Wembley, where my wife was at, and was very scared. Also, poor Lando Norris, got his watch stolen at the final.
Wow. How gauche.
UAE aren't worse than Qatar at all. They are actually way longer in the progressive race towards acceptance in the Western world.
I doubt that. A quick scan of human rights doesn‘t look like it is any better.

I was wrong about beheadings. They prefer the firing squad and stoning.

Saudi-Arabia likes to remove heads from bodies. Another upstanding country moving towards acceptence in the Western World
I doubt that. A quick scan of human rights doesn‘t look like it is any better.

I was wrong about beheadings. They prefer the firing squad and stoning.

Saudi-Arabia likes to remove heads from bodies. Another upstanding country moving towards acceptence in the Western World
They're only 40 odd years behind the French in that respect, 1977 was the last time the French chopped a head off
What do you mean by money "going into the team"? As in money from where?

If you mean the club's money, you are incorrect. If you mean INEOS' money, it's rather irrelevant.
Im onb about if you borrow money it has to be paid back and so the team doesnt get all the monies you could put into it.
I don't think it's really sunk in for me that United are being sold. Think I'd given up hope a long time ago

I'm still not buying it until it actually happens. Knowing the Glazers, they'll sell equity to some hedge fund and pocket the money themselves.
Not when it’s INEOS debt. That’s the whole point otherwise why refinance it?
The debt will pass from the Glazers to the new owner whoever that is anyway as part of the sale as it is currently United’s debt, not the Glazers. I wouldn’t be surprised if INEOS got some sort of tax incentive from taking on the debt too.
Debt isnt necessarily a dirty four letter word we should all fear.
Yes I know the glazers debt will pass on and hopefully cleared by whoever owns us, but if you are having to take on more borrowing to buy the club as Ratcliffe has, he's had to go to two banks to help finance his bid, it looks ominous from the start.
I doubt that. A quick scan of human rights doesn‘t look like it is any better.

I was wrong about beheadings. They prefer the firing squad and stoning.

Saudi-Arabia likes to remove heads from bodies. Another upstanding country moving towards acceptence in the Western World

Well if you say so. I suggest you travel to the countries and form an opinion on that. Not trying to defend their issues with human rights but UAE are way further than Qatar when it comes to being progressive by Western standards. You have some Emirates in UAE which are more conservative but the main ones like Abu Dhabi and especially Dubai are slowly (or fast depending on expectations) progressing into a Western liberal world.
I'm not downplaying anything.


LGBT+ people in Qatar are being followed, harassed, assaulted and tortured by state actors. When you said that "it's not as though they're not welcome" I thought it might be relevant that they're very much not. Some specific LGBT+ people are very partially tolerated at certain times in certain contexts, for image reasons.
I doubt that. A quick scan of human rights doesn‘t look like it is any better.

I was wrong about beheadings. They prefer the firing squad and stoning.

Saudi-Arabia likes to remove heads from bodies. Another upstanding country moving towards acceptence in the Western World
Since you have been saying a lot about Qatar and UAE, can you tell us when was the last time capital punishment was carried out in these countries and what was the crime?
Im onb about if you borrow money it has to be paid back and so the team doesnt get all the monies you could put into it.

That doesn't really answer my question. Whose money would be impacted going into the team in your mind? The club's or INEOS'?
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