Club Sale | It’s done!

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I think one thing the pro-Qatari lot are failing too grasp is just how sacred Man Utd is to many people (and especially the locals). The club is far more than its squad and transfer kitty. To have something that precious owned by what they consider a distasteful regime hurts.
It is analogous to religion and look how sensitive people are about that.

:lol: What are you on about!?

Most locals I know personally are part of the ‘pro-Qatari lot’, as you called them in your post.

Literally all my Utd supporting family in Manchester are in favour of 92 Foundation, and some of them have been supporting Utd 60 plus years.

Maybe update your erroneous view that the ‘pro Qatari lot’ are all young, non locals screaming for ‘aNnounCe MmbApe!!!’ because it’s not the case, at all.

Trying to make out that people who hold a different view on this subject to yourself somehow ‘don’t understand’ the club is fecking bullshit and completely ludicrous given how many long time local fans strongly prefer Jassim.

Ask @Neil67 for example.
This is why I said direct any ire to the decision-makers. The constant use of the name of the country is disingenuous in the context of any theocracy. In democratic countries, it's different because we are ultimately responsible for voting in our governments.
I'm not too happy at the idea of being held responsible for the UK government just because it was chosen by a load of Daily Mail reading pensioners rather than the monarch.
That's not my point. Everyone will have their preferences. I was just saying that many in the pro-Qatari camp seem to be surprised by the backlash against Qatar, when they shouldn't.
But you didn’t. You categorised anti Qatar posters as having a love for the club that Qatar in fans wouldn’t understand and how they could see past squads and transfer funds.
Maybe you didn’t mean it to read that way but it is what it is
No one at all is asking for the American government to buy Manchester United. I don’t know how many more times this can be said. I would be strongly opposed to any nation state owning the club. Russia, USA, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar. Want a government nowhere near the club.

No one is arguing against what you’re saying. But the option isn’t Qatar or America.
The wealth fund of sovereign nations is invested in a vast array of institutions, companies and ventures. The same as our pensions and investments.The gate has been opened for a long time in sports from team sponsors to broadcasting rights. It's extremely problematic but this us our reality for now.
Unfortunately the source of the money is inconsequential to beneficiaries. I doubt the local Manchester council or whoever oversees the area around OT and Carrington give a shite who's funding what as long as it helps themselves or the surrounding communities.
I totally agree with some of your reply the same way you agree with some of my comment.
Yet here we are, human rights v environmental responsibility. State ownership v a bankers wet dream and a couple with a couple of leeches left sucking from our main arteries. God I fecking hate the Glazers.
They probably do, let's be honest and for good reason.

Manchester United is first and foremost a club for Manchester. The clue is in the name.
Oh look another poster just like wumminator who thinks fans from Manchester are superior to the ones outside of it :rolleyes:
They probably do, let's be honest and for good reason.

Manchester United is first and foremost a club for Manchester. The clue is in the name.
And people cry about me labelling some of these Jim supporters as the Brexit Brigade.

I'm being generous over here.
I think one thing the pro-Qatari lot are failing too grasp is just how sacred Man Utd is to many people (and especially the locals). The club is far more than its squad and transfer kitty. To have something that precious owned by what they consider a distasteful regime hurts.
It is analogous to religion and look how sensitive people are about that.
You're right about it being analogous to religion to many people. Don't agree with your other opinion about the locals. They mostly want the best for the club. Not necessarily Qatar, but them and Ineos are the only choices we have.
Have we had any news this weekend? Or we just restored back to a moral argument ?
They probably do, let's be honest and for good reason.

Manchester United is first and foremost a club for Manchester. The clue is in the name.
Ask opposition fans and they'll say we have more London/Southern and Irish fans not to mention the tourists who turn up in their droves. The club is an international institution based in Manchester.
Has probably been discussed to death but I haven't actually come across the following question when briefly following this thread.

Has the quality of life for the people/immigrants of Qatar, Saudi, Abu Dhabi etc improved since their governments decided to get involved with European football clubs?

Maybe I am clutching at straws.
I think one thing the pro-Qatari lot are failing too grasp is just how sacred Man Utd is to many people (and especially the locals). The club is far more than its squad and transfer kitty. To have something that precious owned by what they consider a distasteful regime hurts.
It is analogous to religion and look how sensitive people are about that.
It's not a religion though and people that say it is need to reassess their priorities. Would you disown a member of your family if they were a liverpool supporter. It's a sport pure and simple, nothing more, nothing less. People like that remind me of a young woman who became extremely irate at me because I scoffed at the idea that her favorite band would be bigger than The Beatles. In my opinion it was a bit too much emotional investment in The Black Keys.
Manchester United is a huge part of my life and I have ruined many of my family's day depending on our results but in the grand scheme of how you live your life it means feck all unless your livelihood depends on the club.
We are being sold in the most haphazard way by a family that had no place in owning us. Who have made us a laughing stock of the sport. Being out from under them is more then enough for me at this point that is why I am pro Qatar. And in time, if we win the league or Champions league I bet a lot of the "religious", whether pro or anti Qatar/Ratcliffe will feel the same.
I think one thing the pro-Qatari lot are failing too grasp is just how sacred Man Utd is to many people (and especially the locals). The club is far more than its squad and transfer kitty. To have something that precious owned by what they consider a distasteful regime hurts.
It is analogous to religion and look how sensitive people are about that.
You don't think people who are in favour of the 'Qatari' (you might as well as call Jim's the Chemicals bid or the non-dom Conservative donor bid) have considered things like 'community' or sacrality? I can't think (beyond maybe the Blackpool ownership) off-hand, of an ownership that has already 'tarnished' or profaned a club more than the Glazers. And SJR is suggesting keeping them on (the)board. That's quite aside from his support of neo-Darwinist anti-communitarian political ideology (or political theology, if you like, using this idea of the sacred).

There are plenty of discussions to be had about the use of migrant workers in ME states, but Qatar, insofar as they're actually linked to this bid (something which Qatar watchers have already discussed and deconstructed; investment presence of individual actors in a consortium doesn't equal state control), are more (pre)distributive in their policies around Qatari citizens. Their economy, from what little I've read and like much of the ME, is more orientated towards integrated state investment and 'heterodox' (obviously it's also enmeshed with international investment funds which make money from other countries) than one focused purely upon nonholistic, completely privatized ( weightless, antisocial) interest of the kind that SJR espouses (Saudi, meanwhile, have UBI). This may not be 'socialism' or even social democracy, but is one of many alternative models in the world - whether you agree with them or not, and whether you call some of them corporatist or aristocratic/neofeudal or restrictive like China - which people are turning to in terms of demanding that states invest in the flourishing of regions and countris using natural resource-dividends (i.e. Norway has been doing this for a while), to create jobs and, these days, green tech along with biotech, rather than just being a vehicle for guaranteeing privatized interests at the expenses of social health, social institutions and stability.

The 92 group, meanwhile, is offering to invest not only in the club but a billion into the local area; again, some of that will be tied to 'luxury experience' real estate development to fund the club and pay dividends to investors (but from associated investments rather than extracting directly from the club's revenues like Glazers), but, managed properly - with fan and political pressure - we can ensure that this investment contributes to further regeneration alongside the jobs its already going to create in a currently stagnant economy. Jim has shown no sign of caring about anything beyond rhetorical signalling/platitudes about 'British' ownership - utterly without material import, without necessarily creating a single additional job even. He's a non-domicile who's happy for polices that have caused spikes in illness and death , including in his home region, to be enacted and carried out, even in the face of outcomes and even as they harm the 'normal' economy eventually, because they suit his bottom line (as well as possibly affirming some narcissistic sense of 'having made it through my own merits', despite benefiting largely from pre-Thatcherite policies around social uplift aimed at working-class youngsters like the young Jim)....
wow $60bn is insane.. i thought the mcap was $60bn

they can obviously borrow the cash easily

I was trying to explain it to that poster but he seems to think they wouldn't get a loan without a sound business plan for the club :lol:
It’s a huge amount of money. What a lot of people are ignoring and what the banks won’t be ignoring is the difference between revenue and profit, how sensitive INEOS are to gas prices.

Banks won’t lend billions without a sound business plan. Based on the fact INEOS have, we can assume, been told that they will get that financing that they are bidding. It’s very likely that they have given a business plan for Man Utd.

Also, I’m not sure about the structure of the financing but have heard on news it’s a mix of loans and bonds.
I genuinely don't know how to respond to you without giving the other side plenty of ammunition, but I don't want to spend a second post speaking to a newbie with less than 50 posts. The fact I blessed you with a post in the first place has annoyed me.
Feck sake :lol:
@Rood @711 @moses come on folks, this Staff and Scout fighting in the mains is giving the weaklings too much entertainment. We should all go back to the secret scout thread where we send each other death threats and knob shots.
Still talk of further interest rate hikes here in the UK. There has to be a limit to what an asset is worth to any business.

I assume the club is valued in sterling and the Glazers are going to turn that into $ after the purchase. So a rising pound is very good news for them and potentially bad news for US share holders. Sterling is rising because our interest rates are viewed as much more likely to rise than the U.S ones which may have peaked.
That came at around the same time as an agency report saying that the Qatari bid had been granted exclusivity over further negotiations with the Glazers. Again, those close to the process played down the suggestion. So on we go.

UK media needs a clear out, it really does

The whole sale thing has meant job security for a lot of hacks. Print any old junk, get hits by the thousand, and do the same the next day.
PS - I will literally fight any mods that chat shit about me. PM me to my faces you cowards I hate you all and will endeavour to ruin your reputations on this board.

Meet me outside Lou Macaris chip shop at midnight next Friday if you dare.

I find this antagonistic.
@Rood @711 @moses come on folks, this Staff and Scout fighting in the mains is giving the weaklings too much entertainment. We should all go back to the secret scout thread where we send each other death threats and knob shots.

Nobody is fighting?

I think we should be able to debate things. Myself and @Rood are at polar ends of this discussion and that's fine. We have been at odds since before the World Cup. Rood is able and articulate so it's easy to see when he side steps and disengages, so I'll say that.

If I think he's being disingenuous I'll say it. And not because we disagree, because we always have.

I have zero clue why other posters like @711 need to weigh in with vague inaccuracies with a stench of victimhood. It's silly and needless.
Nobody is fighting?

I think we should be able to debate things. Myself and @Rood are at polar ends of this discussion and that's fine. We have been at odds since before the World Cup. Rood is able and articulate so it's easy to see when he side steps and disengages, so I'll say that.

If I think he's being disingenuous I'll say it. And not because we disagree, because we always have.

I have zero clue why other posters like @711 need to weigh in with vague inaccuracies with a stench of victimhood. It's silly and needless.

@Rood was pro INEOS for a long time. He has said numerous times on the podcast that he keeps changing his mind.
Is this the worst thread redcafe has had ever?

It just goes around and around and around in circles with a sprinkle of absolute drivel and pointless side arguments ad nauseam.
I think one thing the pro-Qatari lot are failing too grasp is just how sacred Man Utd is to many people (and especially the locals). The club is far more than its squad and transfer kitty. To have something that precious owned by what they consider a distasteful regime hurts.
It is analogous to religion and look how sensitive people are about that.

Do we know if it's actually going to be owned by the regime, because so far it's been said this is a bid for a group of private individuals. Maybe that's head in the sand...
@Rood was pro INEOS for a long time. He has said numerous times on the podcast that he keeps changing his mind.

OK. Rood likes both bidders. Noted.

There is a common thread in his posts about Qatar since before and especially during the world cup.

I'm engaging with what I'm reading.
Do we know if it's actually going to be owned by the regime, because so far it's been said this is a bid for a group of private individuals. Maybe that's head in the sand...
That's ostrich level head in the sand
OK. Rood likes both bidders. Noted.

There is a common thread in his posts about Qatar since before and especially during the world cup.

I'm engaging with what I'm reading.

Or you are imagining things.:)
Nobody is fighting?

I think we should be able to debate things. Myself and @Rood are at polar ends of this discussion and that's fine. We have been at odds since before the World Cup. Rood is able and articulate so it's easy to see when he side steps and disengages, so I'll say that.

If I think he's being disingenuous I'll say it. And not because we disagree, because we always have.

I have zero clue why other posters like @711 need to weigh in with vague inaccuracies with a stench of victimhood. It's silly and needless.
So are you guys taking it down to Lou Macaris next Friday or wot? If it's all kicking off I want TikToks of wumminator taking or giving a body slam on to a stained pavement covered in walked on chips.
OK. Rood likes both bidders. Noted.

He has said in numerous occasions that he dislikes both. As pretty much most sane people do. The reality is that we all want the club to be fan owned, which for some reason is not part of the debate.
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