Club Sale | It’s done!

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This whole thread the last few hundred pages is posters winding each other up, I don't think singling out @kouroux is quite right, especially considering there are posters in here who have been on a constant, way worse, wind up and seem to get away with it.

I didnt single him out. The post below was reported for wumming. I thought the fairvthing to do was just ask him to stop.

Can you say it's not deliberately intended to rile and adds nothing to the discussion?

I'm rooting for the Qataris just for the sheer madness that will ensue from some posters :devil:
Threatening another member
PS - I will literally fight any mods that chat shit about me. PM me to my faces you cowards I hate you all and will endeavour to ruin your reputations on this board.

Meet me outside Lou Macaris chip shop at midnight next Friday if you dare.
Correct. Its a shame that a nation with far and away the most billionaires, can't cough up one with an interest in buying United.

If the Glazers had not mismanaged the club there would have been no issues and carried on as owners. The debate on the leveraged buyout would have been history.
I didnt single him out. The post below was reported for wumming. I thought the fairvthing to do was just ask him to stop.

Can you say it's not deliberately intended to rile and adds nothing to the discussion?
That's fair, but I do think he was singled out in my opinion.
Pages and pages and pages of the same people having the same arguments.

It’s so tedious now.
This thread is so depressing. My god! It's the same argument round and round from the same people.

Is there a way to mute the thread from the front page?
Pages and pages and pages of the same people having the same arguments.

It’s so tedious now.

It's a car wreck of a thread, made worse by the fact there is no football on to watch so people are more frustrated.
This thread is so depressing. My god! It's the same argument round and round from the same people.

Is there a way to mute the thread from the front page?

On the right side of each page, just above the first post, is a button that says ignore thread. We should all click on it and see what happens.
I think one thing the pro-Qatari lot are failing too grasp is just how sacred Man Utd is to many people (and especially the locals). The club is far more than its squad and transfer kitty. To have something that precious owned by what they consider a distasteful regime hurts.
It is analogous to religion and look how sensitive people are about that.
I made my mind up along time ago that Football is nothing linked to a philosophy or a religion.

It’s just a sport, an entertainment & ultimately now a business.
I didnt single him out. The post below was reported for wumming. I thought the fairvthing to do was just ask him to stop.

Can you say it's not deliberately intended to rile and adds nothing to the discussion?
I think someone might have got caught up in the over seriousness of this thread. Some of Dumbstars posts like this gets laughing emojis from mods.
Yes. But no-one is arguing for America to take us over. So what have american human rights got to do with anything? I agree, there is a lot of issues in America. That is definitely correct. Is there anyone in this thread who doesn't agree with that, please reply to this post.

We're all in agreement on that.

But, they aren't purchasing United. Qatar is. So that's why people are bringing up Qatar's human rights.
Ok. Let me take another route. The Qatar royal family are wanting to purchase the club if we agree Jassim is just a front. What have millions of general Qatari people done wrong to deserve this reputation? If anything the rage should be directed at the decision-makers.

Should we blame North Korea or its people for the wrongdoings of their dear leader?
I think one thing the pro-Qatari lot are failing too grasp is just how sacred Man Utd is to many people (and especially the locals). The club is far more than its squad and transfer kitty. To have something that precious owned by what they consider a distasteful regime hurts.
It is analogous to religion and look how sensitive people are about that.
Well this is very condescending.
Are you saying it’s because they care more? I’m pro Qatari and I’m anti wealth / financial cheat code.
Where do I fit in?
Ok. Let me take another route. The Qatar royal family are wanting to purchase the club if we agree Jassim is just a front. What have millions of general Qatari people done wrong to deserve this reputation? If anything the rage should be directed at the decision-makers.

Should we blame North Korea or its people for the wrongdoings of their dear leader?

No-one is blaming the Qatari people Sultan. I don't blame the North Korean people either. I'm sure there's some nice people in North Korea. No-one dislikes the people in these countries!
I think one thing the pro-Qatari lot are failing too grasp is just how sacred Man Utd is to many people (and especially the locals). The club is far more than its squad and transfer kitty. To have something that precious owned by what they consider a distasteful regime hurts.
It is analogous to religion and look how sensitive people are about that.
Which is fine. But there’s a literally a thread for the pro/anti Qatar debate. Here:

Some of us want to discuss rumours and news in regards to the takeover in here. But it’s always plagued with “Hey everyone I’m from Manchester” @Wumminator and his repeated ramblings.

Also, news flash: there are Mancunians who want Qatar. Andy Tate at Stretford Paddock is one, plus a few lads on UWS podcast who are hardcore matchgoing reds. Born and bred in Salford. Chippy tea every Friday kinda reds. And they want Qatar.
Yes. But no-one is arguing for America to take us over. So what have american human rights got to do with anything? I agree, there is a lot of issues in America. That is definitely correct. Is there anyone in this thread who doesn't agree with that, please reply to this post.

We're all in agreement on that.

But, they aren't purchasing United. Qatar is. So that's why people are bringing up Qatar's human rights.

Their human rights record will probably not be an issue since other Gulf states have bought football clubs and its hardly talked about. The bigger problem with Qatar is one of risk - such that United's brand and credibility will become tied to Qatar's foreign policy (same as the other clubs). This is true of any country owning a football club in a foreign country. So if it ends up being Qatar, unless we start winning leagues and CLs right away, they will be consistently viewed with a degree of suspicion even after they buy the club.
$60b is the revenue. Profits are in the £500m to £1.5b range.
Mcap? If you’re referring to market cap = price of shares * amount of available shares.

wow $60bn is insane.. i thought the mcap was $60bn

they can obviously borrow the cash easily

I was trying to explain it to that poster but he seems to think they wouldn't get a loan without a sound business plan for the club :lol:
Inappropriate Behavior
I’m 44 years old.

…and have you been drinking today?

I genuinely don't know how to respond to you without giving the other side plenty of ammunition, but I don't want to spend a second post speaking to a newbie with less than 50 posts. The fact I blessed you with a post in the first place has annoyed me.
Well this is very condescending.
Are you saying it’s because they care more? I’m pro Qatari and I’m anti wealth / financial cheat code.
Where do I fit in?
They probably do, let's be honest and for good reason.

Manchester United is first and foremost a club for Manchester. The clue is in the name.
Where does the anti-Qatar viewpoint get its certainty that SJ is fronting the government’s bid? Isn’t it possible/likely that this bid like almost all other bids for big sports teams is a consortium of Uber-wealthy people (Qatari and non-QatarI)? The assumption seems to be that SJ’s bid is either state funded OR SJ isn’t wealthy enough to bid. It doesn’t look binary to me.
They probably do, let's be honest and for good reason.

Manchester United is first and foremost a club for Manchester. The clue is in the name.
So what about the non locals you quoted in your post?
Or all those anti Qatar fans? They all from Manchester as well? My family loves just around the corner from OT and don’t want Jim in.
I’ll tell them to move.
No-one is blaming the Qatari people Sultan. I don't blame the North Korean people either. I'm sure there's some nice people in North Korea. No-one dislikes the people in these countries!
This is why I said direct any ire to the decision-makers. The constant use of the name of the country is disingenuous in the context of any theocracy. In democratic countries, it's different because we are ultimately responsible for voting in our governments.
So what about the non locals you quoted in your post?
Or all those anti Qatar fans? They all from Manchester as well? My family loves just around the corner from OT and don’t want Jim in.
I’ll tell them to move.

That's not my point. Everyone will have their preferences. I was just saying that many in the pro-Qatari camp seem to be surprised by the backlash against Qatar, when they shouldn't.
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