Club Sale | It’s done!

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I don't want a state owning my club... It should be enough reason. I don't think most really care about the plight of migrant workers, anywhere. Otherwise we'd be avoiding all sorts of consumer products. Folk and families who have been exploited by these pharaohs aren't protesting. Ahhh but how would I know? So please. Anyway, I'm against any state-ownership. And that's that.
I don’t think that judging other people’s beliefs is helpful in this thread, or any thread for that matter.
Profoundly ridiculous take. No beliefs are subject to judgement or criticism? Review 20 C history and have a stern talk with yourself.
I don't denounce Islam. I denounce all religion. All as equally stupid and made up as the rest.

There have been roughly 6,000 gods that have been worshiped across the globe at one time or another. Most people that are religious believe in just the one god so that's 5999 we all agree on straight away.

Well then they denounce homosexuality and think it’s ‘stupid’ too.

I’m not even really religious, but know better than to dismiss the beliefs of billions because I don’t subscribe. Especially as you have been so vocal about their own views.
Well then they denounce homosexuality and think it’s ‘stupid’ too.

I’m not even really religious, but know better than to dismiss the beliefs of billions because I don’t subscribe. Especially as you have been so vocal about their own views.

Just haven't seen any proof that any god ever existed and I stopped believing in fairytales when I was like 8.
Well then they denounce homosexuality and think it’s ‘stupid’ too.

I’m not even really religious, but know better than to dismiss the beliefs of billions because I don’t subscribe. Especially as you have been so vocal about their own views.
Homosexuality and religion can't be compared.

Religion is a choice.
Just haven't seen any proof that any god ever existed and I stopped believing in fairytales when I was like 8.

What proof would you like?

And what you believe is irrelevant. You have been preaching tolerance and understanding of conflicting views and ways of life, and vocally standing on that principle in this thread. Dismissing religion states as ‘stupid’ effectively is a bit conflicting.
Homosexuality and religion can't be compared.

Religion is a choice.

It can be compared in a conversation about tolerance and understanding on way of life.

And religion being a choice is your opinion. Those who passionately subscribe to it see it simply as truth.

Besides, those who protest against ME views on LGBTQ matters because people are ‘born gay’ - well people are also born a certain gender yet how they were born becomes irrelevant when protesting their rights to change it. The point is, the real theme and battle is for people to live and believe how they want, whether that be in terms of sexuality or religious beliefs.
7 months of this clown show now.

It's getting to the point where if it went on over the whole window I wouldn't be surprised.
This isn't a thread to discuss religion. This is a thread to discuss an individual who may or may not exist, but who many believe is the savior whilst others believe him to be a fraud.
I don't denounce Islam. I denounce all religion. All as equally stupid and made up as the rest.

There have been roughly 6,000 gods that have been worshiped across the globe at one time or another. Most people that are religious believe in just the one god so that's 5999 we all agree on straight away.
Ah the penny drops why you’re anti Qatar.
Can we get the thread back on track rather than having this stupid religious debate that has no bearing/ links to this takeover whatsoever.
Same people will have had to delete a lot of posts about City's owners already.

Funny how quick people change when their club may benefit.

It's so so transparent.
Is this the same person who was championing the Saudis buying us? Surely this must be a different person? I'm very confused, mate..

Bore off mate. How many people have we had killed over the years. America, with our help, have totally destabilised an already troubled area in the world and slaughtered thousands.

Tennis fans aren't boycotting the sport. Boxing fans aren't judging by last night either.

The world is a dirty place. Not just the Saudis.
We already have Saudi money running through the club. Saudi Telecom and we've just signed another deal with a Chinese firm of which the Saudis own a considerable chunk of.

You best go and support another club then haven't you? Surely one penny of Saudi money is too much????

People need to get real. There aren't many Bill Gates type people in the world. Some of the richest families in the world aren't squeaky clean. Abramovich n the Sheikh certainly aren't.
I want the Saudis in and everyone in the league crapping their pants again. They laugh at us now.
When Saudis take over the football world will be worried. Until then we will remain a laughing stock.
Saudis in. Then get Poch.
I'd have no issue with them being our owners. There's enough politics going on in the world to be worrying about politics in football too. I know many others feel the opposite about them. That's fair enough.

The tennis, wrestling, golf and boxing are embracing the Saudis so why not football?
Makes me laugh reading people saying they will walk away from the club....
We've had a partnership with a Saudi Telecom giant for a few years now haven't we? Why didn't you walk away then? Where is the line?
Nobody on here wants that type of ownership in the league full stop but guess what? It's already here and it's going nowhere. So what do we do?

The most successful sides of the next 2 decades in the PL will be funded by middle eastern money. It's inevitable.
Ah the penny drops why you’re anti Qatar.

Not at all. If Qatar didn't have these cruel and ridiculous practices and laws I'd not care where our perspective new owners come from. I care not about colour, race etc. I think people should be treated equally.

Having huge restrictions on women in society who have to live by their own set of rules almost compared to men I believe to be morally f**'d up. As do I on how they treat people who aren't straight.

If Qatar were trying to buy Utd with loans and didnt have a ton of sportswashing money to back it all popular would they be on this forum? Not popular at all.

This is the whole reason for the debate. You have had your eyes turned by the money and will look elsewhere because of it.
7 months of this clown show now.

It's getting to the point where if it went on over the whole window I wouldn't be surprised.
Whats almost comical is that after years and years of incompetence, every moment we’ve tried to enjoy as a fanbase ruined because of how meandering or stingy they are, every transfer window ruined because even if we have a good one they suck the fun right out of it because of their ways - and now we’re at the precipice of finally ridding ourselves of these parasites one way or another. We should - as a fanbase - be celebrating and joyous over this but instead they’ve dragged it out so long that again they’ve sucked all fun out of it and we’re all at each others throats instead, we’re tired. The most incompetent business people i’ve ever seen in my life who confirm once again they have absolutely zero love for this club other than the money it can print for them
So I've done my routinely skim of this thread, only to read about pudding and religion.

Will check in later then.
This is the End, no more to lend, the End
This is the End, Jim’s our new friend, the End

Of new stadium plans - The End
Of fixing leaks in stands - The End
No more trophies for us - The End
We won’t be winning major prizes again

Can you picture what will be?
No leeches and debt free…
Desperately in need of Al Thani’s hand
In a Brexit land

Lost in a Glazer wilderness of pain
And all Malc’s children are insane
All Malc’s children are insane
Waiting for advice from Raine, yeah

There's Glazers on the edge of town
Riding Daddy’s coattails
Weird scenes inside the dressing room
Deep in the North West, baby

Bribe the Sheikh
Bribe the Sheikh
For the club
The ancient club, baby
The Sheikh is rich
Seven billion please
Bribe the Sheikh
He's real(ish)
How much can we steal…?

The North West is the best
The North West is the best
Bid here and we'll do the rest

The sky blue bus is taunting us
The sky blue bus is taunting us
Sir Jim, where are you taking us…?

The Sheikh awoke before dawn
He put his kaffiyeh on
He took a final bid from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where Avram lived
And then he paid a visit to Avram’s brother
And then he, he walked on down the hallway
And he came to a door
And he looked inside
"Yes, Jassim?"
"I want to kill you"
"Darcie… I want to..."

Come on, yeah
Come on, Glazers, take a chance with us
Come on, Glazers, take a chance with us
Come on, Glazers, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the sky blue bus
Throw a big rock at the sky blue bus
Throw a big rock, c'mon yeah!

This is the end, no more to lend - the End
This is the end, Jim’s our new friend - The end
We like to get things for free
Cristiano unfollowed me

The end of trophies and big prize
The end of Sheikhs with close set eyes

This is the End
This is the End, no more to lend, the End
This is the End, Jim’s our new friend, the End

Of new stadium plans - The End
Of fixing leaks in stands - The End
No more trophies for us - The End
We won’t be winning major prizes again

Can you picture what will be?
No leeches and debt free…
Desperately in need of Al Thani’s hand
In a Brexit land

Lost in a Glazer wilderness of pain
And all Malc’s children are insane
All Malc’s children are insane
Waiting for advice from Raine, yeah

There's Glazers on the edge of town
Riding Daddy’s coattails
Weird scenes inside the dressing room
Deep in the North West, baby

Bribe the Sheikh
Bribe the Sheikh
For the club
The ancient club, baby
The Sheikh is rich
Seven billion please
Bribe the Sheikh
He's real(ish)
How much can we steal…?

The North West is the best
The North West is the best
Bid here and we'll do the rest

The sky blue bus is taunting us
The sky blue bus is taunting us
Sir Jim, where are you taking us…?

The Sheikh awoke before dawn
He put his kaffiyeh on
He took a final bid from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where Avram lived
And then he paid a visit to Avram’s brother
And then he, he walked on down the hallway
And he came to a door
And he looked inside
"Yes, Jassim?"
"I want to kill you"
"Darcie… I want to..."

Come on, yeah
Come on, Glazers, take a chance with us
Come on, Glazers, take a chance with us
Come on, Glazers, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the sky blue bus
Throw a big rock at the sky blue bus
Throw a big rock, c'mon yeah!

This is the end, no more to lend - the End
This is the end, Jim’s our new friend - The end
We like to get things for free
Cristiano unfollowed me

The end of trophies and big prize
The end of Sheikhs with close set eyes

This is the End
The difference between the latest and SJR’s bids is not that large. The difference is that SJ they get all the money now whereas SJR they have to wait 3 years to get it all.

What they have to ask themselves is if they got all the money now and invested it elsewhere would they be better off than if they waited for SJR to cough up the remaining amount and have their capital locked for 3 years - the guaranteed ROI you need to compare is the difference between SJ and SJR’s bids compared to the return they could get investing SJ’s money in other investments for 3 years.

It’s not as black and white as one is valued higher than the other.
This has always been my take, I take no notice of
If ineos win will the qataris head up the road and buy Liverpool? I bet nobody on here would like that
Liverpool might not be up for sale but Everton definitely would be and available at a snip...
If ineos win will the qataris head up the road and buy Liverpool? I bet nobody on here would like that
Liverpool isn't for sale but Everton would be and available at a snip... could you imagine a scenario where both the most successful clubs in Manchester and Liverpool are being outdone by their smaller neighbours?
Where was the protests when some of ME invested in the British health and clean technologies, agreeing to pump £800 million into Britain’s life sciences sector over next five years. As we goofed out of Europe, we are going to need the ME for investments more than you believe. Why don't we give them the opportunity to change like they they said.
Don't worry once the trophies start rolling, we will soon will forget who owns us.
So I've done my routinely skim of this thread, only to read about pudding and religion.

Will check in later then.
It won't have improved. My bet is systems of Government and footwear being the main themes when you return later.
I know it's not the point, but is there actually a rush for this to be done now?

Surely there's an awful lot of work to be done even when/if a preferred bidder is annouced, so the summer transfer window is going to come too soon now, and will just need to be got on with at this point.

I'd like to think they'll just stick £100 million + sales on the club credit card and get on with things whilst all this is going on in the background.
Is this the same person who was championing the Saudis buying us? Surely this must be a different person? I'm very confused, mate..

To be fair for some strange reason, western media have been more worried about social issues in Qatar than comparatively war crimes in Yemen. So it's not that surprising to see someone be in favor of Saudi Arabia while having a tough stance against Qatar.
What are the latest reports on whether the Qatar bid is state backed.
Surely majority of United fans are against it if that is the case?
To be fair for some strange reason, western media have been more worried about social issues in Qatar than comparatively war crimes in Yemen. So it's not that surprising to see someone be in favor of Saudi Arabia while having a tough stance against Qatar.
You could be right, mate.
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