Club Sale | It’s done!

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Off course it's state backed this has been known all along. Shiekh Jassim and his dad do not the money for this and that surely just be obvious to annoying who does even a little research

The money has to come elsewhere.

At least we now know we have a potential owner with literal blood on his hands accused of kidnap and torture plus numerous human rights abuses.

Still in sure a lot of fans couldn't care less about that so long as we get their blood money to spend on players.

This will open a can of worms

I'm as anti Glazer as anybody here. I desperately want them out of the club, preferably into prison or a hospital.

But the sight of so many fans literally cheering for Qatar to buy the club is possibly even more of a let-down than the apathy showed by the majority 18 years ago when we were warning about the Glazers.

I'm literally frightened that Qatar will win. It will stain our club forever. And there's people cheering for it? Disgusting.
Some of us support sports teams to escape our mundane work lives and have some fun on a weekend. I just want to enjoy that and be successful. Nothing more nothing less. Fair play to those moralising but it’s not for me.
Dig bay dotay

Today we learn whether Howard Nurse has heard anything new about the terms of our contract offer to Sneijder.
These two paragraphs of the article contradict themselves:

'All parties in the takeover talks, including the Glazers, have been aware of these concerns from the outset, which is one of the reasons why many observers have speculated that Ratcliffe’s bid would pose fewer regulatory concerns.

That said, Ratcliffe already owns French side OGC Nice, a team that has often played in European competitions in recent seasons and has the stated ambition of becoming a Champions League regular. If his bid for United is successful the 70-year-old will most likely have to sell Nice or reduce his stake in the club.'
Really worrying that our potential new owner seems to be a puppet of the PSG owner. So PSG owner will make all important decisions on the running of both PSG and United. That will obviously end well.
You’d forgive the INEOS posters for being a bit quiet at the moment.

A moment of silence for them
You are going to get posters banned by reacting to your celebrations If we are taken over by Qatar
I’d set the over under at 4
How old are you out of interest?
I get what you're saying but it doesn't work like that. There are people who are in their 40's and 50's who have been going to OT for decades who want the Qatar bid to win, even if they aren't in a majority. And yes, I appreciate the idea of Sheikh money and billions is likely to be more appealing to 10 year olds who want to see United signing the likes of Mbappe

The "How old are you" thing is pointless because it doesn't prove anything

And before you turn the spotlight on me, I think both Qatar and Ineos would be shit in many ways.
Some of us support sports teams to escape our mundane work lives and have some fun on a weekend. I just want to enjoy that and be successful. Nothing more nothing less. Fair play to those moralising but it’s not for me.
Does this fun necessarily involve oil money?
Just take the L gracefully. I was fully prepared to if Ratcliffe came out on top.

I told you I wouldn't be tweeting aggressively at Qatar if they won. It is what it is.

I still don't think many of you fully understand just what it will mean. Too busy dreaming of new players.
You're celebrating becoming a marketing and sportswashing tool for Qatar. It says a lot about you mate.

Eventually when you grow up a bit you will see the other side to the argument.

It’s just about the football mate and what’s best for United and Jim certainly isn’t that
looking forward to seeing it @JagUTD is still a smarmy wanker after this news
Some of us support sports teams to escape our mundane work lives and have some fun on a weekend. I just want to enjoy that and be successful. Nothing more nothing less. Fair play to those moralising but it’s not for me.

How easily the masses are distracted.

I guess you don't care for politics? Or injustice? Are there any limits to the amount of abuse the owners can get away with before you'd pay attention?

Sorry, but this is an irresponsible position to take.
I'm as anti Glazer as anybody here. I desperately want them out of the club, preferably into prison or a hospital.

But the sight of so many fans literally cheering for Qatar to buy the club is possibly even more of a let-down than the apathy showed by the majority 18 years ago when we were warning about the Glazers.

I'm literally frightened that Qatar will win. It will stain our club forever. And there's people cheering for it? Disgusting.
Blame the Glazers for fueling that much hatred in the fans, then.
How easily the masses are distracted.

I guess you don't care for politics? Or injustice? Are there any limits to the amount of abuse the owners can get away with before you'd pay attention?

Sorry, but this is an irresponsible position to take.
Shut up and let the fanboys wank over their Mbappe fantasies, killjoy.
You're celebrating becoming a marketing and sportswashing tool for Qatar. It says a lot about you mate.

Eventually when you grow up a bit you will see the other side to the argument.
I'm curious if you watched the World Cup?

By the level of condescension here, I'd only take your seriously if you didn't watch the WC and make a decision to stop watching United or at least stop buying kits, etc basically giving up something in the name of values. Otherwise you're just virtue signaling online in a petulant way.
How easily the masses are distracted.

I guess you don't care for politics? Or injustice? Are there any limits to the amount of abuse the owners can get away with before you'd pay attention?

Sorry, but this is an irresponsible position to take.
It’s just daft to take some moral stance when the money they have is literally everywhere, in everything you do in day to day life. Supporting the club doesn’t mean you support their views on any given topic. Relax.
It’s just about the football mate and what’s best for United and Jim certainly isn’t that

Not for some of us it isn't. I think for people who aren't fully connected to the club and city and live further afield and also people who are quite young and naive to the rest of the world it probably isn't a big thing.

These countries need to get on with modernisation and abandon these awful and cruel practices and laws all in the name of a man up person in a book.

I'm delighted we are finally getting rid of the Glazers. I just hope we are not entering into a different problem now.

Qatar certainly don't align with my morals and beliefs.
Off course it's state backed this has been known all along. Shiekh Jassim and his dad do not the money for this and that surely just be obvious to annoying who does even a little research

The money has to come elsewhere.

At least we now know we have a potential owner with literal blood on his hands accused of kidnap and torture plus numerous human rights abuses.

Still in sure a lot of fans couldn't care less about that so long as we get their blood money to spend on players.

This will open a can of worms

They’re all state backed City, Newcastle and possibly us let’s not pretend we’re doing something the other clubs aren’t

Newcastles owners openly murdered a journalist within the last 2 years but because it’s Newcastle and not United or Liverpool there wasn’t much of a stink
I do. But i also blame the fans who are thinking so short term as to be literally happy to sell our reputation to the Qataris.
They are not quite celebrating for the Qataris but rather for the Glazers's departure. You blame people for being that happy, but it's the Glazers's fault for fueling so much hatred that driving them out is now all that matters.
I can't believe anyone seriously believed Brexit Jim would be able to seriously compete with Qatar. IF Qatar want United they will get United.
I'm as anti Glazer as anybody here. I desperately want them out of the club, preferably into prison or a hospital.

But the sight of so many fans literally cheering for Qatar to buy the club is possibly even more of a let-down than the apathy showed by the majority 18 years ago when we were warning about the Glazers.

I'm literally frightened that Qatar will win. It will stain our club forever. And there's people cheering for it? Disgusting.
Plenty of other clubs to support if you are so fully against it.
I do. But i also blame the fans who are thinking so short term as to be literally happy to sell our reputation to the Qataris.
Honestly, what reputation do we have? A Glazer, banter shit show?
It’s not done yet but there’s a reason rival fans were laughing their asses off at Jim and Glazers teaming up last week and there’s a reason why other teams are protesting Qatar and not Jim
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