Club Sale | It’s done!

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That kind of nonsense tweet shows one of three things -

1. The journalist writing it believes they have more business acumen than some of the most successful business minds in the world
2. It is utter clickbait horsecack and deserves to be ignored as such
3. The journalist doesn't have a clue what they are talking about and is making themselves look stupid by posting a scenario that is a complete non starter

Choose whichever you like, none of them paint the journalists in a good light.
Right. From the tone of the article, Laurie Whitwell seems to believe he's an investigative genius who found a hidden clause in the club's governance structure that all the experienced investors, lawyers, bankers, and other M&A advisors missed. When in reality it's one of the main issues that would've been negotiated and covered in the sale agreement.
I also don't understand why INEOS would buy a large stake but have no voting rights - makes no sense.

Really, I think this signals that INEOS don't have the clout to buy enough of the club, so it's Qatar or bust...

Feels tense. I hope we get some clarity tonight.
The two remaining siblings will never agree to a deal where they lose control of the club’s finances without extremely water tight clauses that secure their share of the clubs existing value, including minimum 8% yearly increase in existing value going forward. Not going to happen.

Selling now is by far their best option if they want to maximize their profit and not jeopardizing the future value of their shares.

No serious buyers will agree a deal involving several billions without a majority control of the voting rights and control of the club’s finances.

No serious buyer would allow a minority owner future dividends or guaranteed future value when they want to sell their shares. (let’s say one sibling dies or become short of cash and needs to sell to financially survive)

This is the reason why the Ineos/SJR rumors about a minority/majority ownership together with the Glazers don’t hold any serious credibility.
From the Glazers perspective only a deal where all 6 siblings sell 100% of ALL their shares makes sense.
That kind of nonsense tweet shows one of three things -

1. The journalist writing it believes they have more business acumen than some of the most successful business minds in the world
2. It is utter clickbait horsecack and deserves to be ignored as such
3. The journalist doesn't have a clue what they are talking about and is making themselves look stupid by posting a scenario that is a complete non starter

Choose whichever you like, none of them paint the journalists in a good light.

This is what happens when sports journalists start trying to dabble in the world of business and finance that they know nothing about!

It's absolutely obviously that rich and powerful men like Jim or Jassim aren't going to hand over billions to the Glazer spawn who want out and still leave Joel & Avram in control

Like you say, clickbait nonsense like most of the reporting on this takeover
Sure, someone will pay 4bn for a majority share of the company and leave two minority shareholders in charge. Obviously that makes complete sense.:rolleyes:
Ineos are not going to buy 51%+ of the club only to not gain overall control. Why does anyone even entertain these stupid ideas?

This is why the Glazers have spent so much energy finding the likes of Elliot who might contemplate that sort of arrangement where they loan the money for the Glazers to buy out their siblings (because they're banking on the Glazers defaulting)
There shouldn’t be any concern about that happening unless he fails to make the top 4, then you can say there’s a risk. It doesn’t make sense for new owners to come in and make a universally unappreciated decision unless there’s massive due cause for it.
Could easily miss top 4 any year - that is probably the basis of my concern
Could we have a separate 'it has to be a full sale or nothing' thread to avoid this thread hitting 8000 pages by dinner time?

Yes, we need a thread for those posters who are determined that it's either no Glazers or all the Glazers. A safe place for them to declare both their unwaivering hatred and unending love for the Glazers.
I’m still speechless that people trusted a Tory voting Brexit supporter. How many more red flags does one need?

Qataris make Tories look like the far left though, so you probably want to have a think about your support, given your dislike of conservatives :wenger:
It has to be a full sale or nothing for me. What do you think, mate?
I think that we need the leeches out and I think that Jassim is the best bid, which means that it's a full sale or nothing. I say this because I think that we need the leeches out and I think that Jassim is the best bid, which means that it's a full sale or nothing. I say this because I think that we need the leeches out and I think that Jassim is the best bid, which means that it's a full sale or nothing. I say this because i think that we need the leeches out and I think that Jassim is the best bid, which means that it's a full sale or nothing. Etc. Etc.
I think that we need the leeches out and I think that Jassim is the best bid, which means that it's a full sale or nothing. I say this because I think that we need the leeches out and I think that Jassim is the best bid, which means that it's a full sale or nothing. I say this because I think that we need the leeches out and I think that Jassim is the best bid, which means that it's a full sale or nothing. I say this because i think that we need the leeches out and I think that Jassim is the best bid, which means that it's a full sale or nothing. Etc. Etc.
You've deffo got a few Norwich scarves ready to be deployed at a moments notice.
I know it’s widely believed that the Jassim bid is from the Qatari royal family/investment arm/state so how does Jassim honestly convince those that need convincing that the 5,6 whatever billions is his if he doesn’t have that kind of money, I might be naive here but how do you pull several billion out your arse from nowhere and make that look like it was yours all along?

Or does he actually have that kind of money? From everything I’ve read, he ain’t short of a bob or 2 but he hasn’t got nowhere near what it will take to buy United.

He is the chairman of QI-bank worth 44B of assets. This is a zero problem for him to prove.
I know it’s widely believed that the Jassim bid is from the Qatari royal family/investment arm/state so how does Jassim honestly convince those that need convincing that the 5,6 whatever billions is his if he doesn’t have that kind of money, I might be naive here but how do you pull several billion out your arse from nowhere and make that look like it was yours all along?

Or does he actually have that kind of money? From everything I’ve read, he ain’t short of a bob or 2 but he hasn’t got nowhere near what it will take to buy United.
Same way all the others do it.

When the authorities ask for proof of funds, get a cheque out the breast pocket, click the pen and ask them for their favourite number
Rat or Qataris are not going to be that naive to accept A shares. They will demand B or no buyout

It doesn't work like that, though.

You can't "demand B" as it currently - apparently - stands: B turns to A when sold.

However, you're obviously right in the sense that neither Jim or the Qataris will spend a shitload of money and simply leave Joel and/or Avram in complete control of the asset.

In a scenario involving the Glazers remaining, the structure of the ownership model (and the shares-to-votes ratio) will presumably be, well, re-structured.
I think he's banned, and I think he's a cnut anyway, but that Irish/Spanish prick journalist says that Qatar are significantly upping their offer today.

So we'll see if anyone reliable hops on that
I think he's banned, and I think he's a cnut anyway, but that Irish/Spanish prick journalist says that Qatar are significantly upping their offer today.

So we'll see if anyone reliable hops on that
Absolutely no need to bring his ethnicity into things.
I think he's banned, and I think he's a cnut anyway, but that Irish/Spanish prick journalist says that Qatar are significantly upping their offer today.

So we'll see if anyone reliable hops on that
Share price is slightly up today. Not a very material change, roughly in line with where it's been all week. So the markets don't seem optimistic that the sale price will be significantly higher than what had previously been expected. Doesn't mean the market expectation is right obviously, just an interesting observation.
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