Club Sale | It’s done!

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This is a clever move. He’s always said he would be willing buy a stake with a view to a full takeover down the line. The controlling stake is key.
Don’t know if this is his Ace or his Joker but it’s an interesting move all the same.
Not so clever. The fans will hate him if he keeps the Glazers on board
That's it. It's not good, but it's not the disaster some are making it out to be.
It’s Jim taking a misstep before he even takes charge is the red flag. The club will not be settled because we will still be Glazer out. This would mean we can’t put this shot show behind us
That's it. It's not good, but it's not the disaster some are making it out to be.

Agreed and I don’t think need to demonise SJR if true either. It might just be he’s calculated this is only way they will sell, there’s no way he’d want them to stay but maybe it’s only way to big the club.

If true, way to endear yourself to the fans. The club remains in debt, two of our clueless owners retained as stakeholders and we get to enjoy potential board room battles between our new owners and the old ones. Not a bad way to screw us.

Sometimes its better to walkaway, than try anything to make something happen. This Jim guy will learn the hard way if this go through.
This Chelsea season ticket holder calls himself a Man Utd supporter - I genuinely don’t know how any so-called Utd supporter would be willing to keep these two leeches on at the club when they have continuously rinsed us dry.
I don't like them staying at all but when the other options are the Glazer's staying in charge with minority investment and United becoming a sportswashing project for a state then it's not the worst scenario in the world albeit that's because they're all shit.
If the Glazers have given feedback they are going to stay, then a compromise to keep his bid alive isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever heard.
Agreed and I don’t think need to demonise SJR if true either. It might just be he’s calculated this is only way they will sell, there’s no way he’d want them to stay but maybe it’s only way to big the club.

Its going to be a disaster of epic proportions and the fact that this Jim guy thinks its a good idea signals his competency & intention (lack of) to run the club well.
This Chelsea season ticket holder calls himself a Man Utd supporter - I genuinely don’t know how any so-called Utd supporter would be willing to keep these two leeches on at the club when they have continuously rinsed us dry.

Maybe the ones that have moral values?
It’s Jim taking a misstep before he even takes charge is the red flag. The club will not be settled because we will still be Glazer out. This would mean we can’t put this shot show behind us
He would run the club. What shit show are you talking about? The glazers would no longer own the club. It isn’t a misstep if he wants to buy the club - it is by far his best chance - weirdly enough he can’t outbid an oil state who want Manchester United for political purposes.
If SJR's master plan is to keep the Glazers at the club - he will fail.
Every time something goes wrong, the fans will be saying, "Glazers out", "SJR out" etc.
Whoever takes over needs to remove The Glazers completely. It's the only way this works.
I don't like them staying at all but when the other options are the Glazer's staying in charge with minority investment and United becoming a sportswashing project for a state then it's not the worst scenario in the world albeit that's because they're all shit.

It’s just as worse as the minority investment one. Anything that involves these leeches retaining some sort of control is a disaster. The club will still be riddled with huge debt and I couldn’t imagine the potential board room disagreements that will no doubt commence.
Absolutely no interest in the parasitic Glazer's retaining any stake. How anyone can be happy with these scumbags retaining even a small percentage is mind blowing.

INEOS and Sir Jim "put the Manchester, back in to Manchester United" Ratcliffe are well wide of the mark if true.
This is a clever move. He’s always said he would be willing buy a stake with a view to a full takeover down the line. The controlling stake is key.
Don’t know if this is his Ace or his Joker but it’s an interesting move all the same.

Why would they accept a non-controlling stake when they've, historically, been so careful to ensure control
Ratcliffe can do one. Hopefully Qataris outbid everyone & take control.
He would run the club. What shit show are you talking about? The glazers would no longer own the club. It isn’t a misstep if he wants to buy the club - it is by far his best chance - weirdly enough he can’t outbid an oil state who want Manchester United for political purposes.
The Glazer shit show. So Glazers stay on and debt isn’t paid off.
Great stuff. More protests and complete mistrust of the Board now, everything is contaminated by association. It’s Glazers out, not Glazers minority shareholders
How would that work with INEOS ownership and the two rats remaining? Would the two nepo babies still be picking up dividends from Jim's pocket? Because they don't want to stay for the love of the club.
Wouldn’t the board vote on dividends, so if Ratcliffe is true to his word, what the Glazers want is irrelevant. They are just gambling on their share value increasing. I assume they currently have more than 10% shares in the club so they’ll both take a big chunk of change in the sale and become passengers on their remaining 10% until they’re bought out fully.
Sure the only way this works is if he/INEOS are able to formally call the shots from day 1. Not my first, or even third-favoured option, compared to full Glazer buy-out by Qataris, but Glazer management (from hiring, to priorities - from investment in the ground/training/youth system through to locking players into long contracts just for the accountancy/borrowing mechanisms, to just the speed of decision-making) has cost us almost immeasurable things, from top managers to reputation with transfer-brokers, to potential player purchases that could have kept the club at least competing in a genuine sense if not at City level. Even more than the debt as a factor. For them to functionally 'silent' shareholders would solve 70% of the issues, although we'd have to see what's done with the debt and obviously no-one likes the idea of these louses potentially profiting even more.
The Glazers would have a non controlling stake according to what's being reported. So I fully expect the Qatar group to also go down the same route if it comes down to it.
Not so clever. The fans will hate him if he keeps the Glazers on board
He’ll take heat for this for sure, but if it gets him through the door he won’t care much. He can then work on turfing them out from within. It would only be a temporary situation.
Isn’t he obligated to make a takeover offer if he amassed a certain share percentage like MG did? Playing then at their own game!
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