......Now is the the time to build momentum and start another big movement to hopefully finally get rid of these parasites. If they ever attend a game again we need to make it clear they are not welcome inside the ground.
They don't care, dude.......
OK, so we'll just sit and accept mediocrity, whilst the club is driven to the brink shall we?.......
Frustrating, isn't it? Every time a group of fans tries to protest or otherwise take action, no matter how small, lots of posters immediately pop up here to countersignal and ridicule their efforts.
People need to get real.
The Glazers don't give a toss about protests.
They won't lose out financially in any scenario.
It's the club that'll suffer and we'll end up in a far worst mess.
These leeches currently don't take anything out of the club anyway, because of the pause on dividend payments.
As they paid feck all to acquire Utd, whatever the sale value of the club, if they sell their shares, they make a fortune.
The only question is, will it be a huge fortune, or a smaller fortune because the value of the club crashes ?
For the Glazers it’s not a Win Win situation, it's a Win Win Win !
At the end of the day, the bottom line, the reality, is that Utd belongs to them and the other shareholders.
It doesn't belong to you or me, the fans.
We only have one way out of all of this and it's not just down to a dramatic change on the pitch.
Utd need an immediate major financial overhaul, which involves drastic action to stem the losses and trying to get the club on a sustainable footing, before anything can move forward.
Without that, there's no way back.