Club Ownership | INEOS responsible for the football side

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Last time United were well managed and football focused they were extremely successful

Looks like Ineos are determined to make the club well managed again

Are you confident the beast will wake up and the club will be successful again under Ineos?
Confidence is high - I think it will take a bit of time though, the club has been shocking at so many levels.
It’s literally their brand colours.

Page 43
If they are witty enough to call the holding company ’Trawlers Ltd’ I can believe they would also include this colour on the announcement as a pointed reference to their bid rivals.
‘Toto Russo’ certainly isn’t the main brand colour - which is Britannia blue as already pointed out.
OK the brand guidelines document I shared with you and linked to page 43 which literally has Toto Russo listed as a brand colour was sneakily published ahead of that tweet for credibility.
Toto Russo = Total Red
Total red can be re-arranged to….
Troled At

He’s a genius he created a brand document to sneakily publish ahead of a tweet to troll and even called the colour trolled at.

That’s the spirit.
Don't bother. If Muppetiers man says it's trolling Qatar and it's all some 4D chess trolling attempt then you might as well believe it too.
Exactly. It’s jeaneus from INEOS.
I just hope this leads to the Glazers selling up once and for all to allow for a full takeover.

Welcome, Sir Jim and INEOS!
I really want SJR to make a massive and reasonably quick change to how our club is run....but I think it will take many many years to fix the mess and really challenge Citeh.
Counting down until another stint of bad results ensue and people start taking aim at Ineos. Change will come but it will take several years for this to pay dividends both on and off the pitch.
Big day, although it's been effectively done for a while with INEOS already making moves. Still very excited to see what they can do with us now that they're running the show and already starting to put people in places that look like they fit. You've never truly got a sense that the right people are running us for a long time now, so all these upcoming changes feel like a breathe of fresh air.

And that's not even getting into the infrastructure plans.
What will happen to him?

He will retire his @Berbaclass ID and lie low.
Imagine having the clout to buy 13.5m shares at $33 a pop, and throwing in an extra £200m rising to £300m. Those figures stagger me, unless I have got it wrong.

And could someone please explain to me, in simple terms, what this whole £20m " gardening leave" is about? Surely if we pay that amount Ashworth is a free agent? Or is he under house arrest and electronically tagged for 9 months? Jewell can apparently start work in November at Chelsea - not a hint of compensation.
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The most major change they could make would be to stop announcing the line ups in numerical fecking order.
Counting down until another stint of bad results ensue and people start taking aim at Ineos. Change will come but it will take several years for this to pay dividends both on and off the pitch.

Seems a weird thing to be counting down to. Do you have a special calendar to cross off the days?
Imagine having the clout to buy 13.5m shares at $33 a pop, and throwing in an extra £200m rising to £300m. Those figures stagger me, unless I have got it wrong.

And could someone please explain to me, in simple terms, what this whole £20m " gardening leave" is about? Surely if we pay that amount Ashworth is a free agent? Or is he under house arrest and electronically tagged for 9 months? Jewell can apparently start work in November at Chelsea - not a hint of compensation.

Jewell probably has a standard "can't work for other clubs for 6 months if you leave early" clause in contract, AKA a gardening clause, because it leaves more time for gardening. Ashworth probably has a more intense "can't work for other clubs until contract would have expired" meaning he wouldn't be able to officially join til 2026. Newcastle want £20 mil to let him start right away as far as I see it.
Jewell probably has a standard "can't work for other clubs for 6 months if you leave early" clause in contract, AKA a gardening clause, because it leaves more time for gardening. Ashworth probably has a more intense "can't work for other clubs until contract would have expired" meaning he wouldn't be able to officially join til 2026. Newcastle want £20 mil to let him start right away as far as I see it.
Thanks for that. It makes a bit more sense
Is it bollocks. They are blue and white usually.

They know exactly what they are doing here trying to sheikh things up a bit.

Google Ineos tweets. One of the first results is then using the same colour on an update about Nice and Lausanne. It may be their football branding. They do have a similar colour used on the Mercedes F1 air box as well.
Should be good news this then! Let’s hold Sir Jim to account and hope he works ethically to help get us back to the top.

Very happy I haven’t spent the last few years embarrassing myself begging for different owners.
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