if kaka is 132 million quid, what's ronnie worth? 200? i'd sell him to wipe out 1/3'rd of our debt.
I wouldn't find fault in Milan accepting 132m for him but I would have to really access Kaka's reasoning... purely financial which is a shame and would certainly lower my sentiments of him.
Milan is likely to beg Kaka to move because they need the doe.
Fox Soccer Channel is saying Milan has agreed to a transfer fee for Kaka at £132,000,000, too Man City.
Is it true?!
This is getting cringeworthy, it really is. What a sad state our once beautiful game is in. No player should even be worth a tenth of the prices being quoted. It's a big slap in the face to those thousands and thousands of people who are struggling to afford to even be able to live right now. I grow more and more disillusioned with football every day. Behind it's beautiful facade, there lies a stinking cesspool of greed, corruption, agents and co-corporate, mendacious fat cats counting their money as they milk the average hard working fan for as much as their rapacious little hands can carry.
IF and that is a big IF these rumours are true and they are going to give him £500k a week to sign for them he would be mad not to take it. It is very easy to sit behind a computer screen and say he shouldn't do this or I'm sure some will call him a mercenary. Fact is that is an incredible amount of money and playing football is his job so why should money not matter? If someone offered you much 5x your current wages elsewhere would you remain at your company even if they were the ones who gave you your first chance or been great to you would you turn it down? Most people wouldn't and I wouldn't think any less of Kaka if he went. Now if Kaka had an option between £125k at City of £100k at Milan you would say Milan is the sensible option but if someone is offering you 5x as much it doesn't matter how loyal you are you would have to think long and hard about an offer like that. Especially knowing that just like with Chelsea when the power shifted towards them after their spending spree Man City could be on the verge as well.
I am as it is becoming a bit disillusioned as to the direction football is headed, it shouldn't be like this, the Chelsea thing was bad enough but Man City might be hell bent on even out doing them.
This is getting cringeworthy, it really is. What a sad state our once beautiful game is in. No player should even be worth a tenth of the prices being quoted. It's a big slap in the face to those thousands and thousands of people who are struggling to afford to even be able to live right now. I grow more and more disillusioned with football every day. Behind it's beautiful facade, there lies a stinking cesspool of greed, corruption, agents and co-corporate, mendacious fat cats counting their money as they milk the average hard working fan for as much as their rapacious little hands can carry.
It's ridiculous to even compare the average Joe to a professional athlete. It's very rare that the average Joe ever receives a financial offer that dwarfs his/her current pay. Thus it's a useless analogy. Pro athletes are constantly receiving offers. One good year and they demand a pay rise. And it's not as if Milan is paying him peanuts. I guarantee his agent will support a move.
They are professionals and being that he's not a local lad, he's most likely to move wherever his "advisers" say is best, i.e. more loot. However, he's a self-confessed Milan supporter and why he chose them over many other clubs a few years back. What a slap in the face if he leaves them for some joke of a football club purely for financial decisions. As one former athlete stated on the radio the other day, what's another million or two to these guys now days... it's just pocket change.
What's more comical is how someone could defend Kaka for not turning down this type of wage packet yet criticize Beckham for doing the same thing.
500 thousands pounds per week?fecking Hell!
This is getting cringeworthy, it really is. What a sad state our once beautiful game is in. No player should even be worth a tenth of the prices being quoted. It's a big slap in the face to those thousands and thousands of people who are struggling to afford to even be able to live right now. I grow more and more disillusioned with football every day. Behind it's beautiful facade, there lies a stinking cesspool of greed, corruption, agents and co-corporate, mendacious fat cats counting their money as they milk the average hard working fan for as much as their rapacious little hands can carry.
Interview is on BBC - he's clearly got nothing to do with it and he seems to know less than us.Kaka deal ''close'' to happening according to City's assistant manager.![]()
City won't let this go, easily. It's scary, what if they offer £200m for Ronaldo?? we'd never turn that down. I know there's only a certain amount of players they could buy. . .but what if they're Messi, Kaka and Ronaldo???!
Fox Soccer Channel.
No doubt reporting yesterday's news.
City fans on shitty forums refuse to believe it ain't going to happen.
Sad sight the lot of them. Funny though.
No club on earth is turning down £132m cash for a player. It's as simple as that.