City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Say for example they get relegated (highly unlikley) no player has a relegation clause in their contracts - what happens then?
No relegation clauses but I wouldn't be surprised if the bigger names with the smarter agents probably have some sort force majeure clauses to cover this sort of thing.
What gets me is that everyone knew how City could bend the rules. Yet anyone who followed the money was branded senile or jealous.

They pay their best players two salaries. quelle suprise !
Next up should be the investigation into how much their players/staff are being paid off the books.
Think that's actually part of this investigation already.
Replay matches? Dunno what the hell that is supposed to achieve.
If they get feck all - the rest of the PL should make a stand against it. Makes a mockery of FFP even more otherwise
City has been blatantly doing all these for years and enjoying their "well earnes successes", disrupting the whole integrity of the league. It is time for them to pay back.
I believe relegation and stripping past titles off should be a minimum punishment as they have impacted way too many clubs through their actions. Without those flouting of rules, they can never achieve those titles within this short period of time. Letting them go is extremely unfair to other clubs that comply strictly to the rules to survive in the league.
This is a disaster for them. With over 100 breaches there doesn't seem to be a happy ending for city in this case.
If it goes from 2009-2022.

2009/10 - Chelsea
2010/11 - Manchester Utd
2011/12 - Manchester City Manchester Utd
2012/13 - Manchester Utd
2013/14 - Manchester City Liverpool
2014/15 - Chelsea
2015/16 - Leicester
2016/17 - Chelsea
2017/18 - Manchester City Manchester Utd
2018/19 - Manchester City Liverpool
2019/20 - Liverpool
2020/21 - Manchester City Manchester Utd
2021/22 - Manchester City Liverpool

Amazingly it would only affect Utd and Liverpool and give both 3 titles each.

New standing would be

Manchester United - 23 times
Liverpool - 22 times
Sanctions stop after the 17/18 season
If they get relegated, I am sure all the recent City fans on YT will disappear and go back to supporting Stockport or PSG.
Hang on a second, this is the key bit from the PL statement:

"Commissions are independent of the Premier League and member clubs. The members of the Commission will be appointed by the independent Chair of the Premier League Judicial Panel, in accordance with Premier League Rules W.19, W.20 and W.26.

The proceedings before the Commission will, in accordance with Premier League Rule W.82, be confidential and heard in private. Under Premier League Rule W.82.2, the Commission’s final award will be published on the Premier League’s website.

So now it all rests on the verdict of this so called independent commission. Hmmm I have no confidence in this at all now. Abu Dhabi FC will no doubt find a way to get to the commission.
Ah well, as you were folks.
What a joke. City will get them on their payroll.
Where's all the posters coming to tell us how well run City are? Go on. I know you're reading this thread.
Ole would get one too, and Fergie would get another.

Ole wouldn't, the charges only go up to 17/18. Fergie would but he's not likely to make a big deal of one extra title. Mourinho is likely to call a press conference to publicise how great he is if he gets it
Hang on a second, this is the key bit from the PL statement:

"Commissions are independent of the Premier League and member clubs. The members of the Commission will be appointed by the independent Chair of the Premier League Judicial Panel, in accordance with Premier League Rules W.19, W.20 and W.26.

The proceedings before the Commission will, in accordance with Premier League Rule W.82, be confidential and heard in private. Under Premier League Rule W.82.2, the Commission’s final award will be published on the Premier League’s website.

So now it all rests on the verdict of this so called independent commission. Hmmm I have no confidence in this at all now. Abu Dhabi FC will no doubt find a way to get to the commission.
Ah well, as you were folks.

This guy is on his way to the PL offices as we speak

Ole wouldn't, the charges only go up to 17/18. Fergie would but he's not likely to make a big deal of one extra title. Mourinho is likely to call a press conference to publicise how great he is if he gets it
That press conference would be box office, we all deserve to see it!
If nothing happens, the rest of the league has to make a stand. Threaten to leave, whatever it takes. The integrity of the organization is already shot to bits.
It's all good banter to talk about who gets titles when City are stripped of them, but that's not the extent of the conversation, is it?

It's also what happens to the teams who finished 5th and missed out on CL revenue. Or finished 7th and missed out EL revenue. Or lost to City in cup ties and were denied routes to silverware in any format. Or had players lured away by City's ill gotten wealth and struggled to replace them. Or how the effects of these things compounded on those missed out, year after year. An entire ecosystem of the sport has been allowed to rot and fester - everyone has suffered to a different extent.

We know they cheated. Every man and his dog knows they cheated. The conversation is about the integrity of football, and the punishment should be a dismantling of the entire club so that a marker is set. This is truly an opportunity for the PL to save itself from the decay that has infested it since the Roman era.

I don't care if they're awarded to the next in line, their titles must be stripped, they must be disgraced, and relegated tiers below and hit with enough financial sanctions that they struggle to come back for the next decade.

Of course, what will actually happen is that some people in important places will get richer and City will get away with a fine and a transfer ban for a minor charge that is allowed to stand for saving face. That's the way things work.
Hahaha, finally they're going to get the punishment that they deserved years ago. Exact same thing will happen to Chelsea in next few years.
Do the PL have the option of stripping titles? From my reading of their options that isn't one. The biggest punishment they can get is relegation.
If nothing happens, the rest of the league has to make a stand. Threaten to leave, whatever it takes. The integrity of the organization is already shot to bits.

Not really sure how Chelsea would be able to do that!