City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Hang on a second, this is the key bit from the PL statement:

"Commissions are independent of the Premier League and member clubs. The members of the Commission will be appointed by the independent Chair of the Premier League Judicial Panel, in accordance with Premier League Rules W.19, W.20 and W.26.

The proceedings before the Commission will, in accordance with Premier League Rule W.82, be confidential and heard in private. Under Premier League Rule W.82.2, the Commission’s final award will be published on the Premier League’s website.

So now it all rests on the verdict of this so called independent commission. Hmmm I have no confidence in this at all now. Abu Dhabi FC will no doubt find a way to get to the commission.
Ah well, as you were folks.

Yes and the City statement references that Independent Commission almost as if they know that those people are the ones who are about to get a fat envelope of cash!
I get peoples cynicisms and thinking they’ll just get a fine etc, but I don’t think that the PL would investigate them for four years, and accuse them of breaking so many rules just to get a bit of extra cash out of them.
Price of the brick's gone up.
Said it a few weeks back, if City disappeared football would be better off. A nothing soulless entity.

You can feel it in the way they play too, i've tried watching their games once in a while, and even if they play some nice stuff, score a bunch of goals, it still just leaves me empty for some reason.
It is alleged "Roberto Mancini (ex coach of ManCity) received a “significant portion” of compensation from a “fictitious consultancy contract” when he left the club in 2013."

No doubt Pep also received a huge compensation similar to Mancini, probably on top of this £20m salary. No wonder he didnt want to leave City. "So so happy" Yes we all know why P£P.
This was obvious, they were on low contracts and heading over to the Middle East once a year and coming back with million dollar watches on their wrists, the whole team. They've been paying these dickheads under the table for years.
And I thought the tactics were our biggest problems until now.

This sounds extremely serious, way worse than the farcical UEFA case that were just as fraudulent in it's own right as they accused us of being.

Absolute c*nts in our administration if any of this is true, and it takes away most of the joy of the last 15 years

Not sure which is funnier, blaming UEFA or blaming City's admin guys now. It was obvious to everyone that City deals were fake.
Hang on a second, this is the key bit from the PL statement:

"Commissions are independent of the Premier League and member clubs. The members of the Commission will be appointed by the independent Chair of the Premier League Judicial Panel, in accordance with Premier League Rules W.19, W.20 and W.26.

The proceedings before the Commission will, in accordance with Premier League Rule W.82, be confidential and heard in private. Under Premier League Rule W.82.2, the Commission’s final award will be published on the Premier League’s website.

So now it all rests on the verdict of this so called independent commission. Hmmm I have no confidence in this at all now. Abu Dhabi FC will no doubt find a way to get to the commission.
Ah well, as you were folks.
If they do nothing the integrity of the PL will be fecked for ever.
Yes and the City statement references that Independent Commission almost as if they know that those people are the ones who are about to get a fat envelope of cash!


"The Club welcomes the review of this matter by an independent Commission, to impartially consider the comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence that exists in support of its position.

As such we look forward to this matter being put to rest once and for all."
Because that case were built around moving goalposts. It was a complete shitshow from start to finish.

This seems built on way more solid ground and the breaches presented es extremely serious. Disgusting from the people responsible, and it will be interesting to see how the club now responds to it publically. They responded loudly to the UEFA case, silence now would be worrying
No. Your lawyers used trchnicalities to keep it going for so long until it became too late. The CAS saved you by overturning the ban but it didn't‘t say you weren‘t guilty.

Payments from Etisalat were time-barred according to UEFA's own rules, and Etihad Airways' payments were partially time-barred. Meanwhile, the CAS panel was not satisfied that UEFA had properly established their case.
The panel says UEFA had a legitimate basis to prosecute Manchester City. It found that City failed to co-operate with the investigation by European football's governing body.

The Premier League club failed to provide witness statements or hand over the original versions of the leaked emails.

The CAS panel said City were guilty of a severe rule breach for not co-operating with the investigation and should be seriously reproached. The panel therefore found it appropriate to fine City €10m (£8.96m).
City's ban overturned - A recap

City were hit with a two-year suspension from European football competitions by UEFA's club financial control body (CFCB) in February for "serious breaches" of club licensing and Financial Fair Play regulations.

The Premier League club denied any wrongdoing throughout and appealed the decision in June. CAS overturned the ban and reduced their initial €30m fine to €10m (£8.96m) earlier this month, following three days where evidence was heard by a panel.

City "welcomed" the verdict, but the decision and the status of Financial Fair Play drew staunch criticism from some Premier League managers, including Jurgen Klopp and Jose Mourinho.

UEFA president Aleksander Ceferin has also held talks with the club's chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak, following the ruling from CAS.
I am amazed the Inland Revenue have not got involved because I am sure the players wages will not be entirely what they are on the books.
"even if we are innocent..." seems to be the common theme on bluemoon. Id say you are a long way off innocence in this scenario
100 CHARGES! :eek:

I know we joke but there is no way they’re getting away with this

It was so obvious that they were paying people under the table.

Aye, just to name one example how they managed to keep Augero for the entire prime of his career.

A superstar scoring the goals he did would normally always attract loads of attention and speculation about Real Madrid and Barcelona wanting him, that was the era when it happened all the time. Ronaldo, Henry, Mo Salah gets it now. And yet there was never anything and by the time he did leave he was finished.

He was clearly getting paid an obscene wage off the record.
Arsenal fans must be really hoping this goes through as well.
Premier League will want a huge sum of money to overlook this. City "surprised", we've heard that one before.

I don't expect anything substantial in terms of punishment, just send us a load of money from the PL and keep your titles and self sponsorship. If the PL had any honesty it wouldn't have got this far to begin with. The PL outcome has been under an *asterisk for a decade now but as long as the oil money comes in and not to another league, it's all fine as long as they're paid as well
In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the first of his name, King of the Andals and the first men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I charge you to bring the King's Justice to the false manager Pep Guardiola and all those who shared in his crimes. I denounce him and attaint him. I strip him of all ranks and titles, of all lands and holdings, and sentence him to death relegation.
I get peoples cynicisms and thinking they’ll just get a fine etc, but I don’t think that the PL would investigate them for four years, and accuse them of breaking so many rules just to get a bit of extra cash out of them.

It's out of their hands, the verdict all depends on what this so called independent commission says. City's oil money has no doubt already made its way to the commissions panel members. PL will hold their hands up and say, "we tried our best, nothing more we can do".
I think we need to remember the British Government is doing reviews into all the clubs soon so basically the Premier League has to get their shit together. Chelsea will fall too. I'm hoping we have been squeaky clean.
Say for example they get relegated (highly unlikley) no player has a relegation clause in their contracts - what happens then?
Whether they get charged or not the stain is on their club and the fraud pep, I wish pundits for bt and sky sports would constantly remind everyone when city are playing and winning games, how it was achieved purely by financial doping.
City :lol:. No one in the right world cares about then anyway. Now, add this as well.

This is exactly what everyone has been saying. A nobody club trying to stay relevant by doing illegal things and got caught.
Hang on a second, this is the key bit from the PL statement:

"Commissions are independent of the Premier League and member clubs. The members of the Commission will be appointed by the independent Chair of the Premier League Judicial Panel, in accordance with Premier League Rules W.19, W.20 and W.26.

The proceedings before the Commission will, in accordance with Premier League Rule W.82, be confidential and heard in private. Under Premier League Rule W.82.2, the Commission’s final award will be published on the Premier League’s website.

So now it all rests on the verdict of this so called independent commission. Hmmm I have no confidence in this at all now. Abu Dhabi FC will no doubt find a way to get to the commission.
Ah well, as you were folks.
If it were that easy it wouldnt have gotten this far
Mourinho's statement if we get awarded the 17/18 title is going to be fecking incredible :lol: