City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

The thing is, outside of us United fans, no one seems to care...

Not particularly true. At least on Twitter most football fans here in Indonesia, from my observation Barcelona fans aside, seem to have a negative opinion on them. And around these parts for whatever reason (unlike Chelsea during their peak Abramovich days) they also haven't been able to amass support in high numbers.
Should Lance Armstrong have been allowed to compete in the Tour de France each year if doping scandal would have come out earlier?

If not, what's the difference between the two industrial scale corruption schemes?
He got caught and was proved to have been cheating, City have been charged but has there been a case yet where the evidence has been laid out by the PL - nope
It’s upsetting because of how bent football is.

So so many people tonight who love football who haven’t messaged or watched.
More interested in the West Ham win and the Moyes dance!

Just shows that being owned by a nation state isn’t worthwhile. Be careful what you wish for lads.
He got caught and was proved to have been cheating, City have been charged but has there been a case yet where the evidence has been laid out by the PL - nope

They have been caught too. The emails are clear and unequivocal evidence of money laundering. Proven by the UEFA investigation. Sanctions imposed were limited by self defeating time limitations. PL have no such rules so expect titles will be stripped when the same evidence used as sufficient standard of proof is independently considered.
They have been caught too. The emails are clear and unequivocal evidence of money laundering. Proven by the UEFA investigation. Sanctions imposed were limited by self defeating time limitations. PL have no such rules so expect titles will be stripped when the same evidence used as sufficient standard of proof is independently considered.
And there you said it, when this happens they'll be banned and all the rest of it, but that hasn't happened yet
Is that it then, job done? Sportswashing exercise over, Pep runs for the hills before the sh*t hits the fan, whilst Abu Dhabi slowly winds it down knowing they won't top this, and Saudi Arabia FC are about to show them who's boss.

Not sure where they go from here really.
Is that it then, job done? Sportswashing exercise over, Pep runs for the hills before the sh*t hits the fan, whilst Abu Dhabi slowly winds it down knowing they won't top this, and Saudi Arabia FC are about to show them who's boss.

Not sure where they go from here really.

The Quad is still a possibility
Please, please, please let there be something good to come out from this from this blood soaked, meaningless win. Please just leave now Pep.
It’s upsetting because of how bent football is.

So so many people tonight who love football who haven’t messaged or watched.
More interested in the West Ham win and the Moyes dance!

Just shows that being owned by a nation state isn’t worthwhile. Be careful what you wish for lads.
Ecxatcly this. That's not even a contrived argument like the ones I concocted when Liverpool won the CL. It's simply nauseating. Football feel flat and phony tonight. It's not like I don't even care, I'm just sick.

Football once was a sport of the working class, where common people could become heroes. It still kind of is like that, but the ultra rich use it for their purpose, like they do in every other area in this fecking capitalist world

And our own Club pushed exactly this development forward, while our precious neighbors put the nail in the coffin.
I'm so sick and tired.
The thing is, outside of us United fans, no one seems to care...

Yep. I had a huge argument today with my brother in law who’s a Sheff Weds fan. No interest in a shell company in Watford with a business address in a terraced house, or emails showing that Etihad were paying a small percentage of the recorded sponsorship. No care of the Manchester councillors that were rewarded for favours by being on the board. Apparently everyone’s at it
I certainly care. It hurts. I want to see my team win. Seeing your rivals sweep all whilst we wallow in mediocrity is painful.
The PL need to think really carefully about what route they take with city. If they just fine them, they essentially legalise what they’ve done, and Newcastle and every other Middle Eastern owned club (which will be most before long) will follow suit. They could set a precedent, or they could nip it in the bud.

You can be sure if we do still end up with ME ownership and broke FFP that we would actually face a severe punishment unlike them
Tell this to Mason Greenwood.
He was proven guilty in the court of "there's video evidence widely available". But seemingly his now baby momma forgave him and charges were dropped. No court justice doesn't mean there wasn't wrong doing in a case like that. Ridiculous comparison.

Not the same at all and I thought nonsense mentions of Greenwood were not allowed for this exact reason?
Let justice be done, get them face all their charges and forfeited the treble they had just won.
Didn't watch the final. Hope book will be thrown at them although I doubt it.
Silver lining it's them instead of Liverpool, but on the other hand as much as I hate Liverpool I respect them unlike City with which it's all so hollow cause it was won by massive cheating.
Didn't watch the final. Hope book will be thrown at them although I doubt it.
Silver lining it's them instead of Liverpool, but on the other hand as much as I hate Liverpool I respect them unlike City with which it's all so hollow cause it was won by massive cheating.

Yeah no hope the book ever gets thrown
Didn't watch the final. Hope book will be thrown at them although I doubt it.
Silver lining it's them instead of Liverpool, but on the other hand as much as I hate Liverpool I respect them unlike City with which it's all so hollow cause it was won by massive cheating.

I feel the same. I once even had a Liverpool supporting mate grudgingly admit that he'd prefer us to win the 2008 CL final over Chelsea (cancelling the whole competition being his first preference). It's my turn now to painfully admit the same about them and City.
The thing is, outside of us United fans, no one seems to care...

Fans care when it affects their club.
Obviously United have it on 2 levels, Derby rivals and trophy denial. Liverpool have experience it recently and now Arsenal have started to realise.

Other clubs are so far our of the hunt it's just another rich club winning in their eyes.

But it's pretty dim of fans to not realise there's a huge difference between rich clubs winning stuff and then there's what City are doing.
This feels worse than 2012.

Nowhere near. We were barely involved in any of this (FA cup aside)

2012 we literally lost the league to them in the dying seconds. This is nowhere near as bad as that. If we were in the CL final or something then maybe.
Didn't watch the final. Hope book will be thrown at them although I doubt it.
Silver lining it's them instead of Liverpool, but on the other hand as much as I hate Liverpool I respect them unlike City with which it's all so hollow cause it was won by massive cheating.

Blasphemous on a United forum, and I probably don't really mean it,
but it would have been 'better' if it was Liverpool or Arse who won it.
Would have been horrible, absolutely gut-wrenching, but it would feel real.
Just read a stat saying our bet spend is £300 million more and total spend is £3 million more since 2017.

If we are shit and can still outspend City and mismanage our finances to the point of near failure, it actually appears that city are run better than us, whats the point of these rules.

We need financial fairplay but surely whats the point of financial fairplay if Man Utd can keep spending millions whilst being shite, isn't that unfair on the smaller clubs. Surely city challenging a club like man utd is good for football.
Just read a stat saying our bet spend is £300 million more and total spend is £3 million more since 2017.

If we are shit and can still outspend City and mismanage our finances to the point of near failure, it actually appears that city are run better than us, whats the point of these rules.

We need financial fairplay but surely whats the point of financial fairplay if Man Utd can keep spending millions whilst being shite, isn't that unfair on the smaller clubs. Surely city challenging a club like man utd is good for football.

Because you're innocent until proven guilty, the latter hasn't happened yet in any legal sense and only the PL can tell us why they haven't done whatever it is they're supposed to do to show that
Plus city have a state backing them and endless supply of expensive lawyers to tie up the process for years to come.
Genuinely want to walk away from football

What even is the point when you can cheat as much as you want and still be the darling of media and every journalist out there haves wet dreams about Pep’s bald head. Literally no one except us give a feck about the allegations and with so much success there is no way PL will punish them now.

Oil clubs have fecked the game
Just read a stat saying our bet spend is £300 million more and total spend is £3 million more since 2017.

If we are shit and can still outspend City and mismanage our finances to the point of near failure, it actually appears that city are run better than us, whats the point of these rules.

We need financial fairplay but surely whats the point of financial fairplay if Man Utd can keep spending millions whilst being shite, isn't that unfair on the smaller clubs. Surely city challenging a club like man utd is good for football.
For me Pep is the best, city are incredible we have to admit that. Never have I seen a united team this good. 99 was brilliant but if Pep does this it eclipses what we achieved.

Financial doping and using that as a claim that they are cheats makes me cringe. It's not even been proven yet. Everyone now spends a shed load of money, we have also just very very badly. You have to spend money to buy good players to win leagues.
I've no problem with rich people injecting money into the beautiful game in England, obviously within the rules.
He has revolutionised football, completely changed it, they are extraordinary. 3 champions league now, regardless of money he is the GOAT.
So cringe, money is apart of football, they have been exceptional. Madrid brought superstars year after year after year. Having money is great but spending it wisely and still having the togetherness is a huge achievement, he is the GOAT.
Just read a stat saying our bet spend is £300 million more and total spend is £3 million more since 2017.

If we are shit and can still outspend City and mismanage our finances to the point of near failure, it actually appears that city are run better than us, whats the point of these rules.

We need financial fairplay but surely whats the point of financial fairplay if Man Utd can keep spending millions whilst being shite, isn't that unfair on the smaller clubs. Surely city challenging a club like man utd is good for football.
Who do you support?
Blasphemous on a United forum, and I probably don't really mean it,
but it would have been 'better' if it was Liverpool or Arse who won it.
Would have been horrible, absolutely gut-wrenching, but it would feel real.
Dont mind arsenal winning it. Liverpool? That would be horrible.
Just read a stat saying our bet spend is £300 million more and total spend is £3 million more since 2017.

If we are shit and can still outspend City and mismanage our finances to the point of near failure, it actually appears that city are run better than us, whats the point of these rules.

We need financial fairplay but surely whats the point of financial fairplay if Man Utd can keep spending millions whilst being shite, isn't that unfair on the smaller clubs. Surely city challenging a club like man utd is good for football.

Jesus, has there ever been a more obvious City fan pretending to be a United fan than this Dal character?!
Just be honest and get back to blue moan
I was worried that we were going to get Royal Family levels of reporting this morning. Ten page spreads on City's glorious and legendary achievement in every major newspaper, wall to wall coverage on every TV station, home page news on the BBC, Guardian, etc websites.

I'm glad that almost every single one of them has gone back to reporting Boris Johnson news. But it was to be expected. It's City. Nobody really gives a shit. They win the treble and even that isn't enough to make them relevant.
Will anyone ever have the marbles to demote City and strip them of the 'titles' won for their Financial 115 Doping?
I was worried that we were going to get Royal Family levels of reporting this morning. Ten page spreads on City's glorious and legendary achievement in every major newspaper, wall to wall coverage on every TV station, home page news on the BBC, Guardian, etc websites.

I'm glad that almost every single one of them has gone back to reporting Boris Johnson news. But it was to be expected. It's City. Nobody really gives a shit. They win the treble and even that isn't enough to make them relevant.
Doing it first time round was the big achievement. Plus there was all the drama around it. Giggs goal in FA cup semi final, the extraordinary way Utd won the CL against Bayern.

City just dont have the history (at the moment). That will take decades to build.

Plus the charges of financial doping do take the shine off it.
Will anyone ever have the marbles to demote City and strip them of the 'titles' won for their Financial 115 Doping?

I was thinking about this yesterday during the match. The PL is at something of an impasse here. I think we can all agree that marketing and the prestige of 'the brand' is huge for the PL. "Best league in the world, anyone can beat anyone" etc etc. and in the last few years how much they have hyped up City, the Pep vs Klopp clash, the close title races between them and liverpool etc.

With these charges, any serious punishment to City is basically the PL officially admitting that they sat by and watched their league be tarnished for over a decade. Would they be willing to take that hit to their own reputation and have a decade of results have a huge asterisk next to it?

The counter point to this is that they have brought forward these charges, but I can't help but feel like they're hoping for an outcome like the UEFA one, where city got off on a technicality, so they can occupy the middle ground where they say that they tried to do something about it but couldn't, so their hands are tied, and the status quo continues. This is just my assumption of course, that they would prefer if this can just fade into the background rather than to have a line drawn through everything that happened in the last decade.
Retrospectively stripping of honours is pointless. Winning trophies is about the feeling and emotion of the time. Nobody's punching the air or starting an impromptu street celebration finding out that they've retrospectively been awarded the FA Cup several years ago.

It would be the same feeling a young fan researching their club discovering the honours they won in the 1950s on Wikipedia.

"Oh. Right" would be the extent of the impact