Chris Morris' Four Lions

Some bits were tear inducingly funny. For some reason the bit where

they were shaking their heads to make sure any surveillance footage was blurred

really tickled me. Less funny towards the end for reasons that will be obvious when you watch the film. My only real criticism was that I didn't find it especially convincing that

a couple of them would have been fanatical enough and there was nothing to show why they were.

A minor quibble.

I'd be interested to know what the reaction to the film has been from a religious perspective.
I was just walking home and I remembered a line from the film and burst out laughing in front of an old lady.

"I am the most Al Qaeda one out of all of us".
Downloaded it, but I need to get the DVD, just for the deleted scenes! Epic movie, seen it twice in the cinemas and once on a dodgy dvd rip, and it just gets me every single time. Its even better when your Muslim, as you can spot the inside jokes, and they are there in abundance, I can assure you :)
Some bits were tear inducingly funny. For some reason the bit where

they were shaking their heads to make sure any surveillance footage was blurred

really tickled me.

:lol: I loved that bit, was great.
The bit where:
Hassan has the fake bomb then says 'just because i'm a muslim you expected the bomb to be real'
made me laugh for ages.
Downloaded it, but I need to get the DVD, just for the deleted scenes! Epic movie, seen it twice in the cinemas and once on a dodgy dvd rip, and it just gets me every single time. Its even better when your Muslim, as you can spot the inside jokes, and they are there in abundance, I can assure you :)

The only thing that I feel may slightly temper my enjoyment of this film is not getting inside jokes fully.

Which I suppose was bound to happen later - I'm half Sicilian so I usually get inside jokes for mafia spoof films and lord knows there's enough of those going around.
Some of the lines are sure to become classics:

Rubber dingy rapids bro, rubber dingy rapids ---> :lol:

Has your dad ever bought a Jaffa orange? He’s buying nukes for Israel. He’s a Jew. ----> OMG :lol:

What's wrong with those rabbits? - it's a chicken bro...

Big enough for you now Barry? Am I blowing a dog in a ditch or am I a paki rambo... *firing AK-47 in the air*

just so many great lines.
Just saw this. Thought it was really good, very funny in places. My girlfriend tells me she didn't really like it, but I wonder if some of the satire was lost on her because she's not British. I can't imagine it would be viewed as very funny outside of this country, after all.
I'm not British, a Muslim and I like it. Watched this yesterday.

"Rubber dinghy rapids, bro."

And I find how Barry asking Hassan and Waz to do weird things when the others didn't know funny. Heheh.
Alice - 'ohhh I get it, I know what's going on here. I know what you lot are. You're all a bunch of Paki-bashers. . .'

Omar (looking utterly perplexed) - 'What?'

Alice - 'Mounty boys. Gays'.

Omar 'oooooh(sound of profound relief) yessssssss, we're sooo gay!'

Waj 'I'm not'.

Omar 'Yes you are, we all are, but especially those two. Innit Norman(Barry)?'.

Barry 'Yes' (not looking best pleased).

Loved the film.
I'm not British, a Muslim and I like it. Watched this yesterday.

"Rubber dinghy rapids, bro."

And I find how Barry asking Hassan and Waz to do weird things when the others didn't know funny. Heheh.

I loved it when Omar said 'Waj, I swear I may ask you blow yourself up but I would never ask you to pee in your mouth.'
Watched it again the other day, really is unbelievably hilarious.

So many genius lines in there.

"Is a wookie a honey monster?"
I watched it again last night actually. The bit where they are transporting the explosives to the allotment and are 'squat running' down the road always cracks me up.
"Why she got her hands on her face?"

"'Cause she's got a beard."

Absolutely fecking hilarious. Best film I've seen in ages.
"Aye up you unbelievin' Kuffar bastards! I'm gonna turn you to baked beans. "


"They'll pump you full of Viagra. Make you feck a dog!"


"It was definitely his knee - it had a hinge."

I could do this all day..
I loved it when Omar said 'Waj, I swear I may ask you blow yourself up but I would never ask you to pee in your mouth.'

I also like when they kept taunting Barry in Urdu in the car before leaving for Pakistan until he snapped.

And for some reason, when one of the camp trainers shouted "you floppy camel sphincters" at Waj when he was making his "I'm a Paki rambo" video i couldn't stop laughing.
I'm still looking for the feck mini-babybels scene. I keep missing it.

I think it's in the scene in the house where they talk about blowing up Boots and they're talking about Puffins and then Omar does his speech about blowing up the marathon.
Ahh, just saw it. Waj was off camera when he said that.

Barry: [car breaks down] feck, feck, feck it!
Omar: Did you fix this then, Barry?
Barry: Yes, I fixed it!
Omar: Did ya?
Barry: It's the parts... they're Jewish
Omar: What parts in a car are Jewish?
Omar: Hmm?
Fessal: Spark plugs.
Barry: Spark plugs! Jews invented spark plugs to control global traffic.
Just saw this. Thought it was really good, very funny in places. My girlfriend tells me she didn't really like it, but I wonder if some of the satire was lost on her because she's not British. I can't imagine it would be viewed as very funny outside of this country, after all.

Its a class flick, probably the funniest i've seen this year :D

Yer missus might just be racist man & coupled with no sense of humour :nono:

I'm Irish & I loved it. We get the English humour & the accents, other folk not from rounds these parts may not tho, but they should keep watching it til they get it!
I'm still looking for the feck mini-babybels scene. I keep missing it.

yeah same. Where abouts is it?

It's fairly quiet and said by Waj off camera just after Omar gives his frist talk to the group after getting back from Pakistan....Just before he makes Barry punch himself in the face