This is spot on. A large part (majority) of Middle Eastern problems currently stem Wahhabism. It's a root cause and has propped up the Al-Saud family for centuries. The problem is that they don't consider Shia Muslims as Muslims. Before Saddam was ousted, Shias were slaughtered. Before Iran backed Hezbollah in Lebanon, they were second class citizens. In Yemen, they were second class citizens. In Bahrain, they are second class citizens.
So it's only natural that they appeal to Qom for help and that Iran, as the main Shia country, offers it in the same way that the Gulf states bank roll Isis.
I'm not condoning any interference in any country, but I wish that the West and UK in particular (as I'm from there) did not share a bed with the truly totalitarian and authoritarian Arab kings and treated them in the same way that they treat other brutal countries, such as regimes like Iran.
Israel is often the excuse for the Middle Eastern problems, but in my opinion, it is the continual support for Wahabbism from the 1st world, while simultaneously spending trillions to combat it with the "war on terror" that has perpetuated the current entrenched and deepening crisis.