I agree with this but there is one difference in this situation. She even after being creeped out multiple times by him, continued to stay in his apartment. The instance you referred to, even after that she did not immidiately leave. Now if they had a professional relationship or were already in a relationship of some months, then it could make sense as to why she would continue to stay there. But for a first date it doesn’t make sense. It is perfectly logical that since Ansari had made abundantly clear that he was trying to veer the date towards sexual inter course, he took her continous stay in the apartment as a non verbal cue as someone hesitant but willing to engage further. I am sorry but I can’t buy into all the talk of his status pressuring her into this situation. That’s very much a case in a working environment and even in married life at times. But in this case she as an adult needed to show some agency and not only say no but leave the place all together if she was finding his behavior inappropriate or creepy. Her own fantasy of what he should be like given his comic roles, led to this situation. Otherwise it would have been a normal- boy makes a move after date, girl says no, makes another move, girl leaves - date.