Celebrity Allegations, #MeToo etc

I don’t see much wrong with Spacey’s statement either, assuming a) this is the only time this has happened, and b) he’s telling the truth about not remembering. Seems fair to address his sexuality too, seeing as he’s pretty much been outed, and questions were going to get asked anyway.

If a and b are true I don’t think he deserves to have his career ruined either. Polanski did much worse and the hypocrites in Hollywood haven’t hesitated to work with him, with many of them even signing a public letter of support to him a few years back. Or that creepy fecker Woody Allen.

I got to agree with this.

Edit: then I read the article about his stint at The Old Vic. Yikes!
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On the Victoria Derbyshire show this morning they had someone who anonymously alleged that when he was 17 and staying at Kevin Spacey's home he was offered the chance to sleep in his bed, with the only alternative being the sofa, and declined. Slept on sofa and woke up and Spacey was hugging him with his head on his stomach.

Am I wrong for thinking that's the 'creepy' side of the fence and not 'sexual harassment'?

Spacey was 26 or there abouts at the time.
Yeah this is what I was thinking of, it happens all the time - people use whatever influence they can to help them get in a better position than otherwise.

True. But there's not much to be done about the old school tie, or people exploiting friendship and social connections. Women trading sexual favours for advancement is a bit more akin to bribery though.
A certain ex US President also took multiple flights on Epstein's plane and refused to take his secret service protection with him on some of those flights.
Not sure if that's real ornot but if it is another passenger on that plane was Kevin Spacey.....
Two more men accusing Kevin Spacey of sexual assault. He has been a paedo for a while now.
The Usual Suspects is going to be weird to watch in future.

How many more names are going to come out?
The Usual Suspects is going to be weird to watch in future.

How many more names are going to come out?

Literally every character he plays is a creep.
You alright mate?

Yeah not too bad but there was a skit on family guy a long time ago about kevin spacey...If that is the case it don't seem much like a shock to people in hollywood and we're talking about pedo here. We're not even talking about him being gay. It's right in peoples face and they don't even know what they're laughing at. How you doing...

Even in this or another thread, you had letterman doing the same thing (making people laugh when they had absolutely no idea he could quite conceivably have been serious) and people seem blissfully unaware or maybe just don't give a shit. They would rather fink dare funny.
True. But there's not much to be done about the old school tie, or people exploiting friendship and social connections. Women trading sexual favours for advancement is a bit more akin to bribery though.

If there's not much to do about people exploiting friendship and social connections, then what can we do about people exchanging sexual favours?
I rarely venture into current affairs forum but feel this is an issue that is presently near impossible to speak openly about in real life. Like so many things it's intentions are good, but it has many flaws and has been taken too far. I should not have to point this out, but such is the world we live in...sexual harassment and its many forms is abhorrent. This campaign and the entire recent portrayal of this problem has many flaws.

Firstly, the metoo hash tag boxes women who have been raped into a category with ones who are offended by a dirty joke at work. I personally don't find it brave or admirable to make a Facebook status about the time some drunk idiot in a club made a sexual comment or unwanted approach.

I have spoken to one girl who said she feels pressured to have a metoo story also, even though she has never been outwardly offended by what many others feel is harassment.

The double standard of the campaign is staggering. If we lived in a period drama where women are genteel fragile beings then fine, but in actual fact some of the most crass, outwardly sexual, inappropriate people I know are women. By these standards I have been sexually harrassed aggressively in every job I have worked. I have sat among incredibly explicit sexual conversations women are having, had to laugh off when mocked if it was making me blush, asked about my own sexual proclivities and had numerous unwanted drunken contacts and approaches. I have heard countless stories of women after hen parties including the laugh fest that was a group of colleagues taking turns fingering a strippers exit wound. For a split second, consider what would happen if I told a similar story at work, as a man. I would almost certainly be out of a job.

The line is so blurred now that this campaign is leading to huge revisionism. If a man a woman happens to be attracted to approaches her at work, initiates a contact such as touching her arm or something non threatening, she may well welcome it and go out with the interested man. If a man she is not attracted to does the exact same thing, this can be judged to be sexual harassment. Now I know many women would just politely decline an approach from a man she is not interested in, but as I said regarding my friend above, there is a heightened sense of pressure to be outraged. Where does a man stand, honestly, in this day and age if he wants to ask a woman out. If he does it to s stranger in a coffee shop is that harassment, a colleague at work, will he lose his job over this? I should point out that I am in a long term relationship and thankfully not in the absurd world of dating but I lose count of the times I hear women speak about how they're not interested in a guy because he was too nice or too soft and how they can't help want a guy who'll hold the door open but slap their ass on the way through. If I was single now I would genuinely be at a loss at how to approach a woman, given that it seems any advance that is unwanted is now under the range of harassment.

In terms of the sexualisation of women, I could talk all day about the role women play in this. You could line up a room of twenty men who would each have different interests in shapes size hair colour, personality and so on. Women themselves with their neurotic obsession with eachother and vanity project that is social media, choice of female role models and way they treat each other are largely responsible for propagating a supposed standard women are expected to meet. Most men I know couldn't give two shits if you squat or get your eyebrows done or about any of the other absurd female aesthetic demand. Literally today a girl I know has posted a double picture on instagram of her in what is essentially lingerie, front and back, like a picture from any lads mag. Now how, please tell me, is a man appropriately supposed to receive this picture, given that the sexualisation of women is now a deadly sin.

Somebody talk sense into me, as I find the thing quite frustrating given that almost every man I know is actually a decent guy. Many of the idiots I know probably have made inappropriate advances and comments to women, but must we sanitize the world against them?
If there's not much to do about people exploiting friendship and social connections, then what can we do about people exchanging sexual favours?

Not a lot, I guess. Adexkola wrote a good post on the subject. You can see why all sexual interaction between people at different levels in an organisation is problematic.
New allegations have emerged from a number of men accusing Kevin Spacey of sexual misconduct.

US filmmaker Tony Montana claims he was groped by the actor in a Los Angeles bar in 2003.

Montana says he was left with PTSD for six months after he claims Spacey "forcefully" grabbed his crotch.

PTSD because Space grabbed his crotch? PTSD, really? Really?
Thats the problem with social media/internet opinions, making declarations with no solid facts

There can be no solid facts. Most such incidents happen only when the people involved are present, or if at all very few witnesses. If multiple random people accuse a person, per law of probability it's not really unfair to suspect him of wrongdoing.
Spacey seeks treatment. For what? How do you get treatment for stuff you did years ago? :wenger: Or is it a tacit admission that the issue is ongoing...

Seems quite clear that he is a sex addict. If he really wants to change or is doing it tactically is another question. It will be treated in the same way as any other addition therapy wise.
There can be no solid facts. Most such incidents happen only when the people involved are present, or if at all very few witnesses. If multiple random people accuse a person, per law of probability it's not really unfair to suspect him of wrongdoing.

This is not how probability works. Otherwise UFOs would be a thing.
I once saw a guess a skit with hanks playing a father of a girl entering a beauty pageant and (people can say what they say), but calling a child sexy etc....it's clear as day what was going on.
So, you're saying that Tom Hanks is obviously a paedo based on the fact that he played the father of a child beauty pageant contestant in a skit mocking child beauty pageants? That's some first class crazy there, friend.
Is there anyone not involved in Hollywood? Victims, abusers and people who must have known about it for years and kept quiet, letting it happen to more people.