Cancel Culture

What would you think if the "private property" excuse was given to deny access to Biden, Kamala Harris or Sanders?
Would a university be so kind to it's students in stopping them hearing a Joe Biden or Harris speech ?

In all honestly I would have the exact same line and it would be all the more reason to push for this

Agree with you that university should be an open discussion(Which mean they would need to publicly owned, although really I would get rid of them).
I'm sure the right rallied to Norman Finkelstein's defense when he was denied tenure at DePaul university for expressing his views
Would a university be so kind to it's students in stopping them hearing a Joe Biden or Harris speech ?

In all honestly I would have the exact same line and it would be all the more reason to push for this
i dont get it, and it may be my fault, but if Biden or Harris or Sanders were denied entrance to the university you would:
accept is a private property but also say that university should be an open discussion(Which mean they would need to publicly owned, although really I would get rid of them).
I'm sure the right rallied to Norman Finkelstein's defense when he was denied tenure at DePaul university for expressing his views
for what i read it's from sooner, something with Milo Gianopulous

edit, i seem to have missunderstood what you said

edit 2: Alan Dershowitz a rightie?
i dont get it, and it may be my fault, but if Biden or Harris or Sanders were denied entrance to the university you would:
accept is a private property but also say that university should be an open discussion(Which mean they would need to publicly owned, although really I would get rid of them).
Yeah it does sound pretty confusing tbf.

I would just use Biden, Harris or Sanders getting denied entrance as way to criticise the system rather one particular university. The problem isn't individual universities or individual actors but the power private property has over free speech.

Ideally I would like to get rid of universities because as a socialist I viewed them as nothing more than institutions holding up class society(Biden might be the first modern US president not from Harvard or Yale). But this seems like a bit of a pipe dream, so the more "realistic" alternative should be having as many publicly owned universities as possible.
that's so absurd, so stupid
those schools would have burnt copernico

It reminds of this speech. While I disagree that some parts of it such as offense in itself is good, I agree with the notion that sometimes controversial views can sometimes contain truth that the orthodoxy finds offensive, but that these views need to debated, examined and scrutinized in order to know whether these views contain worthwhile truth within them and whether the ideas are any good.

One example, was kirk and owens being harrassed in a restaurant for what they think
The other was ben shapiro being denied to give a lecture in a university for what he thinks
The last was a teacher at an ivi league university being harassed by students for what he thinks

in my book, that is cancel culture: the idea that someone has the power to denny others to think differently and express it

This whole thing about right-wing voices being deplatformed at Universities is just a set-up. Right-wing groups and think tanks pay for the likes of Shapiro and Charles Murray to go and speak at some campus knowing full-well what will happen.

Either the Uni will turn it down or the students will protest, because many University students don't like these people or their views - especially the racist ones.

And then the media can print their stories about their culture war against “political correctness”, “wokeness” and “identity politics” and how the left is shutting down free speech.

The entire thing is just a massive grift to stoke up this culture war and people on the right lap it up.
This whole thing about right-wing voices being deplatformed at Universities is just a set-up. Right-wing groups and think tanks pay for the likes of Shapiro and Charles Murray to go and speak at some campus knowing full-well what will happen.

Either the Uni will turn it down or the students will protest, because many University students don't like these people or their views - especially the racist ones.

And then the media can print their stories about their culture war against “political correctness”, “wokeness” and “identity politics” and how the left is shutting down free speech.

The entire thing is just a massive grift to stoke up this culture war and people on the right lap it up.
ok, i wont dispute that about Shapiro, but cancel culture doesn't apply only to him or his likes

and even if some students don't agree with him or his ideas, what gives them the right to stop him from speaking?

and also I wont dispute is a "massive grift to stoke up this culture war and people on the right lap it up"
but still, if they are spot on, they are spot on
let's see what happens when someone from the far left tries to speak in some of their venues
Yeah it does sound pretty confusing tbf.

I would just use Biden, Harris or Sanders getting denied entrance as way to criticise the system rather one particular university. The problem isn't individual universities or individual actors but the power private property has over free speech.

Ideally I would like to get rid of universities because as a socialist I viewed them as nothing more than institutions holding up class society(Biden might be the first modern US president not from Harvard or Yale). But this seems like a bit of a pipe dream, so the more "realistic" alternative should be having as many publicly owned universities as possible.
i agree with most of what you say

BTW, Trump went to Harvard or Yale????? :eek: that`s a new low for the Ivy League
It reminds of this speech. While I disagree that some parts of it such as offense in itself is good, I agree with the notion that sometimes controversial views can sometimes contain truth that the orthodoxy finds offensive, but that these views need to debated, examined and scrutinized in order to know whether these views contain worthwhile truth within them and whether the ideas are any good.

i'll watch it later
thank you
ok, i wont dispute that about Shapiro, but cancel culture doesn't apply only to him or his likes

and even if some students don't agree with him or his ideas, what gives them the right to stop him from speaking?

they have the right to protest things like they don't like, its called freedom of speech
protest? of course, but not to impede, as they do

well, they are getting force fed views they find abhorrent.. like I said these think tanks know exactly what they are doing, and they get the reaction they want

they are not sending the likes of fecking Charles Murray to speak on a campus in good faith

I obviously agree that impeding is going too far
BTW, Trump went to Harvard or Yale????? :eek: that`s a new low for the Ivy League
My bad Biden would be the first president to have not gone to a Ivy Leage university since Reagan.

If elected, Biden would not become the first U.S. president without an Ivy League education to hold office in 80 or 90 years.

However, he would become the first in four decades, since Reagan's election in November 1980. Moreover, Biden and Harris would become the first complete presidential ticket without an Ivy League degree in 44 years.

Although Bush Jr did go to Yale.
well, they are getting force fed views they find abhorrent.. like I said these think tanks know exactly what they are doing, and they get the reaction they want

they are not sending the likes of fecking Charles Murray to speak on a campus in good faith

I obviously agree that impeding is going too far
well, we agree
i'm still shocked that Trump went to a prestigious university
Wikipedia says that he went to Wharton school
Thought the same but Wharton is the business school of the University of Pennsylvania(Pennsyvania is an ivy league).

Can't imagine he did a lot of studying.
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You should probably know in advance that the guy speaking in that video is a festering arsehole. I’m exercising my own freedom of speech to point this out.


  • O'Neill has opposed efforts to combat climate change through reductions in carbon emissions, and instead advocates for "technological progress". He criticised the environmentalist activist Greta Thunberg in his 2019 article "The Cult of Greta Thunberg" in which he describes her as a "millenarian weirdo" and criticises the allegedly "monotone voice" speech patterns of the Swedish environmentalist who speaks English as a second language. O'Neill has described warnings over overpopulation as a "Malthusian" interference in women's right to reproductive freedom.
  • In a 2012 Huffington Post article O'Neill argued against victims of sexual abuse by high-profile individuals coming forward publicly, stating: "I think there is more virtue in keeping the abuse as a firm part of your past, rather than offering it up to a scandal-hungry media and abuse-obsessed society that are desperate for more episodes of perversion to pore over".
  • He considers efforts to combat racism in football to be "a class war" driven by "elites' utter incomprehension of the mass passions that get aired at football matches". Referring to high-profile cases of racial abuse and alleged racial abuse, he argued, "these incidents and alleged incidents are not racism at all, in the true meaning of the word", due to the levels of passion involved, describing anti-racism efforts as "a pretty poisonous desire to police the ... working classes".
  • O'Neill has described himself as "an atheistic libertarian". He is opposed to the legalization of same-sex marriage in Australia, arguing that it has been "attended by authoritarianism wherever it’s been introduced" and criticised opposition to Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the United Kingdom as intolerant and fearmongering.
  • In September 2019, he said on the BBC's Politics Live that British people should be rioting about delays to Brexit. He said: "I'm amazed that there haven't been riots yet." When asked by guest presenter Adam Fleming: "Do you think there will be riots?", O'Neill responded: "I think there should be." In October 2019, 585 complaints about him calling for riots were dismissed by the BBC's executive complaints unit.

I think festering arsehole is far too kind a term for him tbh.
He’s such a loathsome turd. And nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is. Him and Shapiro are cut from the same cloth. Complete inadequates, with the charisma of a wet fart. Mind-blowing that anyone could be impressed by them.
No doubt he's managed to get a bunch of young men to believe he's some super intellectual worth of monthly Patreon donations or something.
Employees at Penguin crying about Penguin Random House Canada publising Jordan Petersons newest book and want it cancelled. I havn't actually read any of his books so I don't know really know what all the fuss is about.

I love it when hatemongers whine about people wanting them cancelled. Making people hate others is your business model, stop your fecking whinging bunch of Hitlershaped snowflakes.

Everyone's entitled to his opinion, but that doesnt mean your opinion cant make you a shite person who should be taken out back and shot. Let alone lose some ad revenue. I try to argue with these people sometimes, but I can barely make out a word they say towering above them from the high horse on top of my moral high ground.
Only in 2020 could a self help guru who ended up in a Siberian rehab centre bring out a new book called 12 More Rules For Life.
Tbh I was laughing at the idea of Jordan Peterson asking why women don't watch his videos in and of itself.
Director of AI research at Nvidia, ladies and gents:

Publicly making cancel list, posting to her tens of thousands of followers, calling them dangerous alt-right influencers.

What did they do? Liked a post of some other professor with whom she had a twitter fight. Of course, the list is not meant to be 'punitive', might contain false-positive (for example some poor student who might want to do an internship there, good luck with it now), and she will remove them if they reflect and self-improve.

And here I got told that cancel-culture does not exist and it is just right-wing media propaganda.
Blocking someone on Twitter = proof cancel culture is a thing?
Posting lists of hundreds of people that she blocked in a single day to her 40K followers, calling it a cancel list and urging her followers to help those people to change their views (while also calling those people alt-right) while you're a professor at Caltech and a director in one of the most important Silicon Valley companies? Yes, that is cancel culture.
Posting lists of hundreds of people that she blocked in a single day to her 40K followers, calling it a cancel list and urging her followers to help those people to change their views (while also calling those people alt-right) while you're a professor at Caltech and a director in one of the most important Silicon Valley companies? Yes, that is cancel culture.
Doesn’t she refer to it as a block list? And not a cancel list? Or are you making things up to try and prove some sort of point? Genuine question by the way.

Regardless though, one person blocking people and encouraging others to do so = cancel culture is without a doubt a thing?
Blocking bots and people she doesn't want in her feed. She should be quartered.