Need to cancel this airbnb host.

Need to cancel this airbnb host.
President Trump on Thursday said he would create a commission to promote "patriotic education" and announced the creation of a grant to develop a "pro-American curriculum." The move is largely political — a reaction to a growing push by some academics for schools to teach an American history that better acknowledges slavery and systemic racism.
In the speech, Trump decried what he said was a "twisted web of lies" being taught in U.S. classrooms about systemic racism in America, calling it "a form of child abuse."
Not sure is this goes in this thread or the George Floyd thread. Put in in here because apparently activists wanted to demonstrate outside to store to get the manager fired because he called the police on 2 black men who shoplifted.
That’s definitely not cancel culture. Maybe there should be another thread titled “People Being A Pain in The Arse to People Who Are Just Doing Their Job For Facebook Likes and Shares”
Was just based on this quote
" Activists said they were planing to protest outside the store on Wednesday afternoon and called for a boycott until the “racist manager is replaced or fired”
I thought people grouping together to get people fired who in the eyes of the extreme woke comitted a heinious sin of wrong think or wrong act was part of cancel culture.
Didn’t see that bit. Was assuming this was all the work of one idiot. Have you seen any evidence of this planned protest?
Professional critic of cancel culture Sam Harris agrees with professional critic of cancel culture Andrew Sullivan that Nikole Hannah-Jones should be cancelled.
What's the deal with the 1619 project anyway?
Honestly feel like I know less now than before.I haven't actually read it, but I'm pretty sure it's postmodern critical race theory neo-marxism.
Professional critic of cancel culture Sam Harris agrees with professional critic of cancel culture Andrew Sullivan that Nikole Hannah-Jones should be cancelled.
How does that work? If one episode of Boondocks is bad, surely all of them are? Uncle Ruckus is racist in every scene!
Adult Swim Pulls Problematic ‘The Boondocks’ And ‘Aqua Teen Hunger Force’ Episodes From Streaming
Can you sum up in your own words what these two hyperventilating clowns are trying to tell us? Or rather, what you intended to say with that video?
90% of the video is just generic stereotypes about "wokes" and plugging a cacao product.Nah it just a parody video on the subject of Joe Rogan's staff trying to get him cancelled. I understand some of the level of outrage levelled at him though regarding a particular episode where he basically laughed with a sexist pig.
90% of the video is just generic stereotypes about "wokes" and plugging a cacao product.
I'd like to ask the same I asked someone else on a similar occasion: You often claim your adversaries are too irrational for a reasonable discussion - how does that match with posting a video of two rambling idiots with zero argumentative content?
C'mon, there's more to it. It's a political video posted in a political thread inside a diverse forum. There's a message.I honestly just found parts of it funny and parts of it not. That's it.
Don't mean here on the Caf. Or rather, only by extension.I also don't claim to have adversaries nor claim they are too irrational to have a reasonable discussion. Shamans(not Shamana) clearly doesn't like me though which he's entitled to. I am not often that fond of myself either.
I don't buy that the BBC's comedy is too far to the left, but too London-centric/metropolitan I do think is a fair point.
Wonder what the "worst offending shows" are. Whatever they are they don't have anything like the zealotry and lack of humour of stuff like C4's The Last Leg or Alternative Election Night.
C'mon, there's more to it. It's a political video posted in a political thread inside a diverse forum. There's a message.
Don't mean here on the Caf. Or rather, only by extension.
What I mean is that you post several articles/videos per week which declare in no uncertain terms that the political left is tribal, disinterested in rational argument, authoritarian & identitarian. Thus claiming the counterposition of reason, tolerance, maturity, etc. pp. One such post (of the 'anti-extremist' variety) came just 2 minutes before the video in question.
So I note the gap between that and stuff whose only aim is to confirm stereotypes, heap ridicule on the opponent, and radiate a smug sense of superiority.* It's a piece of political identitarianism, ironically.
(Not that ridicule is necessarily bad or self-congratulary, just saying.)
* And plugging cacao, of course.
I'm aware of that facet, and I acknowledged it in the part you bolded ('of the anti-extremist variety' = a self-understood centrist position). Doesn't make specific criticisms less prejudiced and self-congratulatory, especially since Mr. Cleese (like most liberal 'anti-extremists') forgot to look in the mirror there.Which again was comedy that makes fun of the hard left as well as the hard right which i also thought was funny and with a few changes would have a been more spot on for our times. You might also have noticed that I put have up video's of Brent Tahone who is a parody of Trump supporters which these days constitute the hard right in America at least.
I'd say most of the pieces you post are bang on part of the 'culture wars'. Its authors only fail to understand it.In the general i'm more contrarian to some of the things that the going on now(mainly the "culture wars") than most people on the Caf, but I have honestly have not claimed I feel anyone here on the caf is beyond rationel dicussion. Some people in the real word clearly are beyond rationality whatever political spectrum they may claim to belong.
That's certainly true. But note that I didn't say you acted smug, it was part of my description how the video works as identitarian backslapping instead of being an insightful parody of anything.I'm sorry, if some of my posts come across as smug, but I certaintly can't be the only sinner in that regards on the Caf.
Well, the context of the stuff you post is mostly the politics of Western societies. To understand the deep-seated contempt for right wing politics (mainstream and fringe), you have to understand in which ways these politics, ideologies, and everday practises marginalize, threaten, and harm actual people.If you knew my voting history, you'd know that for the last 12 years I've voted for the most left wing party in my country, but i've grown up in a classical liberalist and conservativehousehold with a father who 1st hand witnessed and suffered directly at hands of Mao's cultural revolution, so I don't hold the same contempt for right wingers as some do here on the caf and I don't consider it a smear. But that's probably also because the definition on the social media has become so simplistic that it's equated with the far right or maga supporters.
I'm aware of that facet, and I acknowledged it in the part you bolded ('of the anti-extremist variety' = a self-understood centrist position). Doesn't make specific criticisms less prejudiced and self-congratulatory, especially since Mr. Cleese (like most liberal 'anti-extremists') forgot to look in the mirror there.
I'd say most of the stuff you post is bang on part of the 'culture wars'. Its authors only fail to understand it.
That's certainly true. But note that I didn't say you acted smug, it was part of my description how the video works as identitarian backslapping instead of being an insightful parody of anything.
All of this is a good illustration of how this kind of hostility to the 'hard left' usually involves identitarians painting themselves as crusaders against identitarianism. That lack of self-awareness is astonishing. Gonna write something in the same vein about Douglas Murray.
Well, the context of the stuff you post is mostly the politics of Western societies. To understand the deep-seated contempt for right wing politics (mainstream and fringe), you have to understand in which ways these politics, ideologies, and everday practises marginalize, threaten, and harm actual people.
Having read a chunk of one of Murray's books after you posted him on here, this unwillingness doesn't surprise me one bit.On the subject of Douglas Murray, I have actually tried to contact the currently most well-known(or at least online active) and articulate contrarians such as Douglas, the writers on Spiked-online, James Lindsay, Coleman Hughes and Inaya Folarin Iman and urged them to share a platform or a stage and have a long debate with an articulate opponent from the "other side" who actually disagrees with them, but they have told me that they have tried many times and havn't found anyone willing to do so. Personally I would love them to have a long debate shared on youtube or on a podcast with an opponent who disagree's with them, so they can be challenged on their views and their followers as well. Most of the interviews or debates they engage in is mainly with people who agrees with them and it becomes an echo chamber. It would be far more stimulating to seem them debate, when they are being thoroughly challenged on their views, on both sides.
To understand the deep-seated contempt for right wing politics (mainstream and fringe), you have to understand in which ways these politics, ideologies, and everday practises marginalize, threaten, and harm actual people.
Free speech doesn't meant freedom from consequences
Free speech doesn't meant freedom from consequences