I was debating for a few days now whether I want to weigh in on this because it will inevitably be a very tedious discussion and I feel somewhat strongly about this whole affair, especially when people are forming ill-informed opinions or simply look at a single facet of an issue. I will try to just state my opinion here and refrain from a full on discussion for my own sanity
Let me first state that I am not really a fan of insulting people when trying to get (potentially valid) points across and feelings of all involved should be respected. I am however also aware of the reality that not everybody will always be 100% appropriate in voicing their grievances, especially in a matter as passionately followed as football. It is a reality that people are abusive at football games, be it towards players, opposition fans, the ref or members of the opposition club. I don't think that is a good thing but I think if we want to achieve change that will probably only work gradually and only to a certain extent.
There are a few things that should be cracked down upon such as racism, sexism, homophobia and antisemitism. These are also issues and the stadium is not a separated place where these issues are present, it reflects issues within society. Additionally I think insults towards singular people are worse than insulting a group of people (in the sense of supporters, not racial groups etc. of course!), I am sure that it feels a lot worse to be singled out to be insulted by a group of people than I feel when I get called a Hurensohn for being a Dortmund supporter - I don't give a shit.
So let's get to the Hopp topic. I have stated my opinion about clubs like Hoffenheim and Leipzig (and yes, to varying extent Wolfsburg and Leverkusen as well) before. I will just state that they are to me the distillation of everything that is wrong with modern football. That does not mean that I will always condone what my club does or that everything is black and white. I am not a fan of the domination of money in football, but I lieve with it as we all do. That does not mean I can't criticize things or people or clubs that to me further erode my enjoyment of the professional sport.
That being said, Hopp and his club have been antagonized quite early on. Not as harshly as Leipzig have and I think that was the case for a few reasons. For one thing I do believe that Hopp is genuinely a football fan and wanted to do something good for his hometown club. Secondly Hoffenheim was the first club that was bought up from the lower leagues to be this successful and I think fans needed a while to understand what exactly was happening.
So how did insults against Hopp start? Basically how I just described it. I mentioned he wanted a Bundesliga club from his home town. To me he put his own interests before those of others (I'd wager there are more people that would want Hamburg in the league than there are fans that want to see Hoffenheim and no, people that hate HSV are not subtracted

) and peole were within their right to criticize him for it. Personally I don't know the guy, so he might be a swell person (maybe aside from downplaying his family's nazi past), but I don't like his involvement in football. What he does with the rest of his money - apparently he gives a lot to charity - I couldn't care less about, it does not change my opinion in this matter.
The way the criticism was handled in the stands was unsurprisingly mixed. There were some witty and clever banners and of course some that went over the top and beyond. Especially threatening Hopp was not okay and I understand it, when people are criticizing it. This was the point where Hopp made his first mistake in my opinion, he sued fans from the stands. He was within his legal right to do so (I don't know how those lawsuits ended) and I can somewhat understand it from his point of view but it definitely escalated the situation. I believe if he hadn't taken legal action the criticism of the club would have focused a lot less on him. He is not the owner of the club which he is being described here a lot, he even reduced his financial involvement a few years back. The fans fixation on him stems from his own thin-skinnednes (again, understandable but not very clever) and that is what is being escalated now.
The situation now stems from a sanction that was imposed on Dortmund in the end of 2018, they were put on "parole" and if they were to insult Hopp again they would face match bans. Now new banners have appeared and Dortmund supporters are banned from away games in Hoffenheim for the next two years. This is in direct violation of the DFB's promise of not imposing collective punishment anymore. This is what most of the outrage stems from, it is not about Hopp, at least not at the core.
So what do I think about the discourse these days and the people involved?
The fans in the stands: I agree with their criticism, not necessarily with the way it is being carried out. I dislike Hopp's involvement and it should be possible to voice the opinion that you want him to end his involvement. I strongly disagree with the DFB's actions, collective punishment is almost always a bad idea and it just seems a little telling that they employ it when a billionaire speaks up but not when players of color do for example. I think the banners at the Union game today are a good example of my views here, there were two instances where banners were shown. In the first instance it said "You abolished collective punishment, but then you wanted to please Hopp and took two steps back. feck you DFB!" (roughly). I can fully support this message, nobody was threatened and the message was clear. I don't mind the "feck you" part either because it was towards a legal body and not a particular person. In the second instance it was again Hopp in crosshairs and a banner that just said "Son of a whore". That I don't agree with because it simply does not help the discussion and devalues the point made before.
The media (mostly Sky)/the DFB: I am lumping these two together because my opinion is basically the same. Neither seem to be willing to even try to understand what the underlying issues are in this matter. Fans are demonized and people call for a zero tolerance policy. Why now, why here? I don't know but I think some of the opinions and the knee-jerk calling the fans idiots just don't help anybody and will further escalate the conflict. The fans (at least the ultra scene in clubs that has one) seem quite united, this weekend we had banners by Bayern, Dortmund, Cologne, Gladbach, Union and Bochum fans and I am sure I am forgetting some. So this approach will just further escalate the situation until somebody starts to form a more differentiated opinion on the matter. I would wager that at least one match will have to be abandoned before this shitshow is over.
Players/officials: I have not really heard anybody speak out in favor or at least trying to understand the fans but I understand that it could become quite problematic for them if they did.
Dietmar Hopp: He just stated that he "has no idea why these idiots keep insulting" him. That means he is either lying or an utter moron. He could be the bigger man and try to deescalate but he clearly isn't. Understandable but still not great. And saying this reminds him of the dark times in Germany isn't exactly helping his cause.
Alright, very long story short, I find most of the televised and reported reactions to this mess unhelpful to nauseating and expect this whole situation to blow even more out of proportion than it already has.