You can push me into any group as you wish... its not going to bother me.
The thing is alot of us know praise Bruno know his limitations, those who praise him are also very critical of him when he is doing a madness.
And you don't think, that his few critics don't also acknowledge that he can be very useful? Both sides tend to argue against the most extremist standpoint of the opposite site. Thats not worth a mention. The interesting part is that there is next to one in this thread who even is critical of him yet there seems to be so many mentions of a certain group of fans that seemingly must be contained.
A bit rich coming from you on the toxic negativity and talking about feeling superior when you are the biggest culprit of it.
In what way would I be the biggest culprit of it? You think it makes me feel superior posting in this thread? In what way would that work?
Come in this thread to question it, you will give him a backhand compliment then say but..... or "I give him his credit" when we all know you are just waiting to get on your high horse when he has a bad game.
I am in here after good games and after bad games. My critique towards him is also very measured and fair. So this take once again feels more like you complaining about a fictional version of Bruno haters that isn't me. And that (critics) are, at this point in time, a rarity on here. (even though I can fully understand that the few hurt as much as many when the attacked good is so precious)

it really didn't. Many of the top footballers in the world say what spurs them on the most is proving their doubters wrong. As fans of the club they play for, we are an extension of that. I really don't see how you're struggling to wrap your head around the fact that when a Man United player plays well, Man United fans go on a Man United forum to celebrate how satisfying it is that one of their favourite players proved their doubters wrong.
Nice. So when critics come in here to flame around because they feel confirmed, thats wrong and toxic but when his fans come in here to gloat, thats different because... positivity? And as long as we about struggling to wrap heads around - my post weren't about me not understanding why fans come in here to appreciate a good performance but because some want to rub it in other fans faces.
Or maybe you do understand it, and you're just playing dumb by saying "hey, you guys are more toxic than me for supporting a United player, because you support them in a way that makes me feel inferior".
Why would it make feel inferior again? You can worship him, create action figures or puppets, write poems, get crazy in any way, shape or form. I'd never start asking questions about your motivation. All I do is questioning some of the arguments being brought in front of us. The other way around though my motives are questioned on a constant basis because some people are so insecure (assumingly) in their standpoints that they simply can't stand that little tiny bit of ambivalence that my posts in here seem to represent.
Exactly, this notion that you needed to be special to play under SAF... he literally had special treatment to certain players, I.E Cantona.
When a player does special things on the pitch, sometimes the manager would change.
What they dont see is the mentality, Bruno is probably the idea character to fit under a SAF team. He liked players who were settled, loved the club and cared. Bruno ticks all those boxes.
Would have been interesting seeing Bruno in that era for sure. Good chance that he would have flourished in those environments even more than today. Would be interesting to know how he'd function in a team of winners though. I don't doubt, that it would work but it would be interesting to really know. Right now, he is as comfortable as it can get, top earner, always playing, fan favorite, only real noteworthy player in the team, no other leader even in the team that would throw a balance out of order.
Just because he throws his hands up doesn't mean he wouldn't last a day.
The annoying thing about all these ex players is they are all living in the past, they need to move on with life, things are not what they were when they played football.
Some people would say... those players wouldn't be able to hack it now, they were never exposed to social media, they used to be able to go have a kebab before a game whereas now, there is no chance they can do that.
YOu could almost live normally and play at the top level, now no chance.
I agree. But I'd say this is an "issue" for many stakeholders, ex-players for sure but also a lot of fans. You see so many applying logic and reasoning to make descisions as if we'd still be in a position like in 2006 or 2009, undisputed top club, being able to push other clubs out of the water with salaries and fees and having a once in a lifetime manager that single handedly provided continuety on a level that team hasn't seen since then.
It certainly is odd that so many of the ex-players now come out with what feels odd timings and topics to speak about. Maybe those are attempts to stay relevant, hard to say. Definitely feels odd. I can kind of see it with Keane as it felt he was agitated mostly by the whole team and Bruno for him was some sort of lightning rod, still pretty unfair but at least kind of understandable. Who knows what the context of Butts statements was.