Fair enough if that’s how you see it. I respect that, although of course I see it differently. I said for a long time that eventually, due to what I believe to be the truth being the truth - even Bruno’s biggest defenders would get fed up of him eventually. My personal frustration, given the nature of some of the words exchanged would be that the day they do, the theory would be that he of course only became that player that day, whereas before - everything they had said was valid, and even if they agree with his critics on a Monday - I still maintain they were simply wrong on the Sunday. On Sunday, we had ‘agendas’, but on Monday, what we said was true, but only because it’s coincidentally now true on Monday.
Now the above may not be applicable to you, and I actually genuinely feel that you genuinely feel that Bruno has only suddenly become a problem. Although I think, objectively, it’s likely that you now having the problem with him that others had yesterday would suggest that it just took you, or others, longer to see the problems we are now in agreement of. I can’t think of one issue anyone would have with Bruno’s game today that he did not exhibit one year ago. If they are now frustrated with him misplacing passes, if they are now frustrated with him going for low percentage balls a high percentage of the time, if they are now frustrated with his poor physical capabilities - I think it’s a stretch to claim that these things were not present one, two or three years ago.
To me, he’s always been who he is. People of course have player preferences, which means myself or Jeppers had a problem with that player, and others less so. But if a person was ever going to have a problem with Bruno’s flaws, I can’t imagine why it would take years, hence my surprise. Those of us who value certain things had a problem with Bruno years ago. I simply thought that you either didn’t share the same opinion of these issues, or you saw them, but your position was that they were not an issue for you, seemingly because of Statman Dave’s summaries.